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Long story short. My date said that she can't make out with me right now, because she has herpes. We have to wait. I thought fuck this shit and ghosted her.

Is it true that when herpes goes away it is safe to make out, or I would be infected too even if the symptoms disappear?
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>by their fruits you shall know them
if she has herpes
you are basiccally SURE she's not a clean woman
you're not her first
you are committing fornication/adultery with her
dont listen to her smooth words
It isn't a big deal at all. Flare ups are rare and get less common over time. If you are male, chances of you catching it during sex is nearly zero percent if she is not having an outbreak. Don't be a typical butthurt channer and flip out about women being chaste and such bullshit. If you like her, then be with her!
Sounds like you blew it already, though. Enjoy loneliness.
As a man with 100+ body count that has herpes (with several very visible sores on my penis) I would say run. ASAP. Those who have oral herpes are hella more likely to have genital herpes as well. I was young and dumb fucking every chick raw and more I can’t have sex anymore at all in my mid 30s. Don’t exclusively chase pleasure like I did.
>because she has herpes.
Do you know any of the details? Some people are born with it; it's not their fault. Obviously watch your own health but it may or may not be the case that she got it from whoring around, so try not to judge too hastily.
A friend of mine had it for most of his life and it wasn't due to anything sexual but just a general skin problem. Apparently this form of herpes isn't that infectous, but it's still a good idea to not make out in phases like that, since it sounds like an absolute vibe killer ugh
HSV-1 is the most common disease in the world and usually inherited by parents.

HSV-2 is the spooky herpes but even then the symptoms are very minimal and there's remedies to prevent breakouts.

The transfer of herpes is when your skin surface touches the surface of a pimpled area. Yes you have less than 1% chance to contracting it if you kiss your partner when they don't have a breakout.

Herpes is quite literally just acne but if you rub against it or pop the puss on your flesh.
over 50% of the population carries herpes. I don't have it, because I'm pure.
Also in the case of HSV-2 it's a significantly LOWER risk for a woman to pass it to a man.

Rubbers and waiting for breakouts = safe sex.
>.t Fucked a few broads who had it but because I wore a rubber, didn't eat her out, and didn't kiss on breakouts (she had remedy meds so she only had 1 breakout) I never got it. Got tested twice too and came out green.

I do have oral herpes but thats just what happened when I was born.
Notice how all the people who have herpes are telling you it's ok to have herpes lmao

Cope harder, you nasty ass disease-ridden pustules
Yeah. People with herpes are fucked up.

Morning Glory.
>Is it true that when herpes goes away it is safe to make out
Yes, completely true.
Oral herpes is tricky because just like genital herpes you may not really know what it is when you get it or when you spread it. Family members can give you a kiss and pass it on without knowing/intending anything. Genital herpes is more of an issue, technically, but it's different for everyone. Breakouts can be mild or as bad as jock itch with pimples but that's about it. The worst thing about herpes is the stigma attached to it desu. In terms of how it impacts your life it sounds negligible. However I do know that women who get pregnant and have herpes need to be careful about spread to the baby during birth, but there's lots of solutions to that. Anyway, good luck bro and do your research on the stuff. It's not that bad imo but to each their own.
1 - Herpes never goes away.
2 - Herpes can shed even without outbreaks.
>is one of the biggest red flags a red flag
no, not at all
Be me
> Get hot girl to go on date with me
> Have heroes outbreak before the date starts
> Don’t want to cancel date, not sure what to do
> Pick at cold sore on side of mouth, turn it into giant red open sore
> Don’t cancel the date
> Greet her with a big smile with massive open heroes sore on side of face
> She ghosts not immeriately, but within an hour
It's a disease, your reaction is entirely normal.
The thing is that so many people carry herpes without knowing it that you can't really pass judgement on who does or doesn't have it. In medical terms it's not a serious issue, genital herpes can have complications for women.

I think I got it when I was 18, but have never had symptoms since and I'm 30, just to put that into perspective.
Genuine retard, it's so common you probably have it yourself.
No it’s not true.

There’s a contagion period shortly before herpes flares up, and immediately after it disappears where it’s easy to infect someone even when it’s not obvious.

>be me
>meet 23 yo hottie
>go on date
>she really likes me
>wants to kiss me
>”I don’t kiss on first dates”
>later tells me if I knew she had herpes and who told me
>say I didn’t know
>tells me that’s BS and sends me blocks of texts about kissing people with herpes is normal
>more blocks of texts about genital herpes
>more blocks of text ensuring me I’d never contract it from her
>asks me if I’m getting her texts
>”nope”. Block her in all ways.

All of these cunts telling you herpes is not a big deal? Tell them to go fuck off. Being infected for life is a big deal, and I don’t give a fuck if 99% of the world has herpes.


Good on you for ghosting. Find a normal girl that isn’t a fucking whore. I did. Now we have sex all the time because she’s on birth control and we both got tested for everything to give each other peace of mind. Best year of my life yet. I’m gonna propose in another year.
Oral herpes not really because you can get that shit from a random aunt kissing you when you’re 5. Genital herpes guck yeah stay awayz
Herpes is so common and so easily transmitted even by nonsexual behavior that I wouldn't worry about it unless you are the most uptight of people. You can get herpes from having sex one time with someone who had cold sores and didn't know what they were.
is a lifetime of herpes worth chasing a relationship that probably won't last?
most people get herpes as kids, being kissed by their grandmama
Lmao at all these retards in this thread saying it’s not a big deal. That bitch is diseased. Of fucking course it’s a big deal. You’re playing with fire.
I think they are autistic incels. I'm normal and I'm nor fucking an STD rimnm0mddled slut.
Like real herpes of the vagina, or a cold sore ("technically herpes")?
If it's cold sore "technically herpes" then it doesn't imply anything, do what you want (recognize that you'll almost certainly get it if you stay together long enough, and your hypothetical children will almost certainly get it from one or both of you).
If it's real herpes break up.
I mean cold sores aren't necessarily a sign of degeneracy. You can get it from drinking from the same glass as someone with an active sore. Genital herpes is another story. Also yes, after the sores go away it's not contagious. My dad had them when I was a kid and he was careful not to share drinks or anything when he had a sore. I never got it.
I was in your position once op.

The girl was nice enough to tell me, as she was naked in my bed the first time, to tell me she had genital herpes though she wasn't breaking out and basically with a condom my chances were near zero to get infected. I thought about it and decided to pass on sex that night. Then I decided to break things off which was hard on her but I had to be selfish. I was thinking about my future self.
Cool story, autistic incel. If you kissed, you are still fucked up. Go back to watching porn.
- you can get herpes (HSV1 & HSV2) even if there’s no visible sores
- HSV1 used to be called oral herpes but that term is going away because HSV1 can take up residence in any mucous membrane and is very common in ghe genital region if you get your dick sucked. If you aren’t careful with your hands you can get it in your eye HSV Keratitis
- HSV appears as a skin infection but really lives in your nervous system. There’s an increased chance of alzheimer’s and other nervous system issues for people with HSV as they age
- HSV2 has a virus shape that attaches to genital mucous membranes more frequently. It’s less common in the mouth or eyes but not impossible
- HSV in the throat or nose usually takes root in the brain and is fatal

stay away from anyone with HSV 1 or 2

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