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My life is more fucked up than I thought it was and a really hard reality check made me realize that I need to stop day dreaming and try to fix my situation.

>23 years old
>Completed my degree in Software development
>I've sent out my resume roughly 58 time online
>Physically dropped it off at businesses around 10 times
>Only had three interview so far, all rejections
>Still immature, childish
>Still prone to emotional outbursts, household with sisters and mom so that's bad, it's gotten better but I need to check it
>Me, mother and my sisters are looking for jobs feverishly but there's nothing biting for any of us yet
>Life is getting more and more expensive
>Past debt is creeping up on us (mostly my fault for being alive)

How can I go about becoming a more fully realized adult, so I can get a career and leave my household for good one day?
Don't worry, I'll support my family when can, I just don't have cash right now.

Any advice at all would be appreciated, I really just want to get a job and prepare myself to live along for the rest of my life as I want to.

Will provide more context if that is needed.

(PART 1)
(Reply to post from my previous thread)

>You seem directionless.
Every other goal in my life went nowhere.
Academics, Sports and Art was a waste of time.
My only goal now is to get enough money to move out of my parent's house and NEVER have to go back ever again.
I can only take care of my family when I have the money to do so.
That's my only worthwhile direction now.

>While you wait for a job to appear, go plan out what you’re going to do with your income once you get it. Like, say, five years worth of planning.
I'll spend it on accommodation, water, electricity, food and I'll save the rest in case of injury or accident.
Are there any good expense guides I can look at?

>Also I don’t know if mentoring with grandpa and applying for jobs is taking all of your time away so find something productive to do that will build some character and get you out of the house.
I have no money, my only option is to go out and the a job but nobody will hire me right now.
Maybe I can work on my grandfather's farm but I don't know if that will take away too much from my job search.

I will need to leave this country one day but I don't know if I can handle living with my dad in another country, he said I could get a job easy but I don't know who to trust anymore.

On top of that the water got cut off at home so I guess I can't gym or shower for a while now.
(Reply to previous thread post)

>Sent out 58 resumes, no bites.
>Read What Color is My Parachute? by Richard Bolles. It describes how to invent your own career and get someone to hire you.
Is there a website where I can read it for free or something perhaps?
Is there a read through on YouTube or something?

>You need something to distinguish yourself from the crowd, some sort of a niche. For example, creating a business app in your portfolio that your prospective employers might find enticing for their own use. Who better to manage it for them than you?
I am currently trying to develop a grocery list manager app for my own personal use, maybe once I finish it I can try to adjust it to commercial tastes'?
>Still immature, childish
>Still prone to emotional outbursts

>My guess is that they are seeing this in you during the interviews. Try to address this first.
Honestly I'm as normal as possible during my job interview so I don't really know how I can address it there. I go fall 'ass kiss' during my conversations.
My outbursts are mainly at home.
Is there a way to switch off my emotions completely?
You don’t want to be emotionless during interviews. That just makes you look crazy. You should be enthusiastic during interviews.
I mean, I do sound enthusiastic.
I never let myself get caught in my head, so I always ask questions and try to keep the conversation rolling naturally.

I don't want to put my foot in my mouth though so I try no to overwhelm them either though.

I do keep eye contact and avoid fidgeting too.
I don't know why but something about all this is really depressing.
To me it's just weird.
I won't read copypasta spammed threads where the OP has already received copious amounts of advice.

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