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I've been dating this girl for 4 months now. ERverythins been literally perfect. She's sot attentive and nice to me. She also cooks for me and we chat everyday.

We've never had an argument or big discussion before. It's like a dream so far.

The thing is that she told me she had fucked around 10 men before dating me a few days ago (because I asked her about it desu). We're 22. I don't know how to feel about it because I had only fucked 2 girls before her. I kinda look at her with disgust now.

Is that an extremely high body-count? Idk
It is disgusting and you're a beta simp and a gay cuck if you star with her
First of all, please do not say desu.

Second, totally normal to react that way and how you wanna respond to that is totally yours to make

Im just saying as long as you’re happy bro.
It really disgusts me. I don't know what to do, honestly.
I wrote "to be honest," but 4chan automatically changed it to desu. I was extremely happy with her until she told me this.
lurk more newfag
I'll tell you a secret OP. The vast majority of women have had a whore phase. You shouldn't really pay attention to it.

You know what you should do? If you decide to break up with her, of whenever you do if you don't, fuck more women.

You'd give no fucks if she had fucked 10 men if you'd fucked 20 women you faggot. Become a man.
>I was extremely happy with her until she told me this.
So is it a moral problem? Would you have fucked 10 women if given the opportunity? Or an insecurity problem? Worried you're only "better" than 7/10?
Dump her before you start to develop feelings for a whore

Shut the fuck up libtard faggot
Yea I've kissed tons of women but I never got to really fuck them. Three women did suck my dick but that was it. I'd have fucked many women if I had gotten the chance ngl
Another liberal fag

Having a slut girlfriend = cuck = gay

You probably let your girlfriend/wife get railed by black dudes while you sit in the corner on a chair recording and jerking off to it, then you jerk off to the recording instead of fucking her like the other dudes before you and the dudes who cucked you.
She's not worth it OP

Would you drive a car with ten previous owners in four years?
I don't really care if she thinks I'm worse than the previous men. If she does then I'm better off without her. I make a shit ton of fucking money with my online businesses, much more than any of her previous partners, why would I fucking care?

I just hate sluts
I probably would if I liked the car ngl. I'm not trying to sound like a cuck. I'd genuinely do it.
That is a lot of guys at 22, more than one per year
I don't think 1 a year is that much though
If you stay with her, what are your future plans with her? Do you really want that slut giving birth to your offsprings with the same hole 10 other guys had their dicks in?

Everytime she tells you she loves you, she's telling it to you with the same mouth she sucked other guys and swallowed it and then you kiss that disgusting mouth. That's gay af
I think OP likes being cucked, anon
That disgust feeling you have, is your mind, body and soul telling you to never put a ring on her finger. Pussy is hard to come by these days. If I were you I would keep her around for a bit until I found her replacement. Then when I know for absolute certain I could bag a different girl, I’d dump her and just say I lost feelings and don’t think we’re good for each other. Game is game.
And then he starts to develop feelings for a whore, sits on the cuck chair and in the end, he sacrifices his genitals to the libtard cult.
High is relative. For me more than 0 is absurdly high. For others not so much.
I think he realizes that this is cuckoldry, but he's definitely a beta simp for asking for advice here, instead of dumping her like other guys dumped a load in his slut girlfriend's mouth and pussy before him.
After like one or two he may as well just pay an escort imo
>I had only fucked 2 girls before her
How many women *would* you have fucked if you'd had the opportunity? A lot more than two, I'm guessing. You'd have done exactly what she did if you'd had the chance. So why are you disgusted by her by her being exactly like you?
>I don't think 1 a year is that much though
Good for you, roastie
Focusing on the body count outcome in order to avoid discussing the difference in the process/methods is peak woman logic.
Do you genuinely believe women put in the same amount of effort as men do to get laid? That women have to deal with as much rejection as guys? That they use the same methods or even have the same mindset?
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I fucked like, 15 girls in the span of 2 years and a half since I turned 18. I have a loving girlfriend right now, and she's incredible at just about anything. She doesn't know, and likely, she doesn't care. Neither do I, sex is incredible (she doesn't like me going down on her, other than that, nothing is off the charts), but should I really ask how many dudes she slept before she perfected her craft? She hasn't asked me how many girls I fucked, so why should I?

These guys have a point. If you'd have fucked like 10 girls before you met her, what right do you have to be disgusted by her whore phase?

All of you are delusional insecure faggots who think about ''a woman's value'' like you're going to marry these bitches after you fuck them. I sincerely wish for you guys that all of your partners cheat on you with a big black gorilla monkey nigga dick.
You're both promiscuous
>All of you are delusional insecure faggots who think about ''a woman's value'' like you're going to marry these bitches after you fuck them.

Yeah, taking responsibility for them and having them serve me for life would be the ideal. Otherwise it's just masturbation with a huge onahole.

>I sincerely wish for you guys that all of your partners cheat on you with a big black gorilla monkey nigga dick.

Your baby girl surely had that before lmao
>If you'd have fucked like 10 girls before you met her
Women are hypergamous and passive, they love men who are capable and skilled enough to pull that off.
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>Right wing self proclaimed authority on masculinity can not go two sentences without writing a hypothetical scenario where some woman is getting railed by black guys
imagine in 2024 you think a pure girl exists lmao fucking retard. the problem isn't how many men she's fucked, it's what race we're they? also matters if you are a white man or not, otherwise idc about your shit
Are you willing to overlook the negatives because you value the positives more?
>Focusing on the body count outcome in order to avoid discussing the difference in the process/methods is peak woman logic.
I'm a guy, but okay.

>Do you genuinely believe women put in the same amount of effort as men do to get laid? That women have to deal with as much rejection as guys? That they use the same methods or even have the same mindset?
That they don't was literally the entire point I was making, retard. Go back and read it again, and keep reading it until you actually understand it.
>is 10 extreme
LMAO, that shits on the low end, I've legit known girls with over 100, most girls have way over 10

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