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Does anyone else feel like they've burned out all of their receptors? Is anyone else finding it next to impossible to derive any amount of enjoyment out of life? What happened?

I just turned 36. By (almost) all accounts, my life is pretty damn good. My work situation is great; I have a management level position doing a really fucking cool job that a lot of people only manage to do as a hobby/side hustle at best. I consider it as much a hobby as I do my career, it's great, and I have a lot of freedom at my company. I live with my attractive girlfriend, who pretty much checks all the boxes for me. We also work together, which is cool too. I live in a fun city in the PNW, with the ocean a little over an hour away, and endless camping and backpacking options within easy reach. I play music in a really fucking cool band. People like me, I've got a lot going on. But nothing much excited me these days. Compare that to when I first moved to this city about 13 years ago, I had no money, and was seriously considering moving back across the country to my dad's at one point. Things were tight, my partner and I had to work our asses off and be frugal just to pay the bills, and work seemed more tenuous at the time, but even then, anything seemed possible.

Today, on paper, a lot more is possible. I essentially own my own business. I've made it. I've got the weekend off, I could throw my camping shit in my car and fuck off into the woods for the weekend on a whim if I wanted. I could go see cool live music any night of the week, shit, I could easily go see someone I know personally play a show almost any night. I've even lost any drive or desire to have sex with my girlfriend.

What's going on?

(I've got more to say, but I'm hitting the character limit, I'll type more in the comments)
I heard a theory that Stephen Paddock had essentially burned out all of his receptors by achieving everything a boomer aspires to, and so he and to shoot up the harvest festival just to feel something. I'm not going to do anything like that, wouldn't even dream of it, but that explanation sounds pretty fucking relatable right now.
...human seeks purpose, mind blowing I know, just find another hobby you retard.
More context: I'm fairly certain I'm an alcoholic; while I've never experienced severe withdrawal symptoms, I drink a lot, often, almost every day. Alcohol is a pretty major motivation factor in my life. Id like to be able to keep it as a special treat, every now and then, or for social situations, but it's pretty much the main reward/motivator.
I've actually got a lot of hobbies, I just didn't want to list them all. It's an ADHD thing, I don't like to sit still, and I get pretty depressed if I do for too long. Generally, I feel better if I'm active, or working towards something.
The answer is religion, so go find the truth that makes sense.
You have won deception of this world carrying fun of thousand with little meaning.
But will you succeed at the other side? The choice is yours to make.
.....yep, that is why you have so much time to spend on /adv/ , don't fill lies with details, sometimes things just don't add up.
I've got plenty of things I can do. I'm here because I don't have any interest in anything. The fact that I'm even sitting here posting this is a symptom of the problem.
you’re an alcoholic. go to alcoholics anonymous. why did you even bother to write this post. of course you’re burning your dopamine receptors out you drink every day. get your shit together
lol....you don't realize how impossible the story you have given is if you have any life experience but then again, whatever floats your boat on 4chan
I'm not sure exactly what's impossible about it?
Do you have kids?
I don't want kids. Seemskkr a shitty world to bring kids into, and there are plenty of people on the planet as it is.
It's a shitty world because there are too many shitty people, so bring some high quality ones into it.
>By (almost) all accounts, my life is pretty damn good.
according to whom? Doesn't sound like you believe it. More like
>I have so many things other people would consider cool
All the things you wrote is meaningless shit though.
It only matters what fulfils you personally, which it doesn't.
>I've got the weekend off, I could throw my camping shit in my car and fuck off into the woods for the weekend on a whim if I wanted. I could go see cool live music any night of the week, shit, I could easily go see someone I know personally play a show almost any night.
Damn, I can get McDonalds every day if I wanted. See how cool that is? It isn't.
My point is, all of those things used to fulfill me personally. Now they don't, and I can't figure out why. I think I've probably pretty well identified alcohol as the problem though, but I'm not sure where to start in fixing it, other than the obvious answer to just stop drinking, which I'm doing.

Whatever booze you have given it to a friend or throw it away. Then really sit down and think about what you like about alcohol, why that is, how you could replace it with something else and then make your own plan.

Booze will make you feel lack luster simply from the physical effects that you won't notice because you're drinking all the time.

I feel better when I don't drink. It might take a while for you physically to feel normal.

If you're physically dependant, you'll need to taper off first so you don't die of a seizure. Go see a doctor before doing this if it's the case.

Next find a life coach, drugs and alcohol therapist to whatever. From what you're describing maybe AA is a bit much for you.

Seek out weekend activities that don't revolve around booze.

Having been around live venues and music a lot. While it seems like you have to drink to fit in there. I can assure you most people don't give a shit and you're putting that pressure on yourself.

The more you get used to not drinking the less you think about it to the point where you actually prefer not drinking than drinking.

Just start small and try drinking as little as you can. If you fuck up and have a beer don't beat yourself up to hard and just stop drinking.

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