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Went through a "hoe phase" when I was 26 ish, contracted genital herpes bc I'm a dumbass. Had a 2 year relationship since then, and she didn't care at all. We recently broke up, so now I'm back on the dating scene and not sure I should say anything. I feel like it's such a buzzkill to tell someone you have herpes before you have sex.. And TBF my ex never got it from me even though we had un-protected sex for 2+ years. WWYD?
It's literally a crime to not tell someone you have an std if you know you have it when sleeping with them.
do you speed while driving? literally a crime, and way more dangerous than herpes
No and I don't have herpes. Look at that I'm not a fucking moron.
next time you go 1 mph over the speed limit, I want you to think back to this thread
Traffic violations is civil law, not telling someone you are diseased and having intimacy with them is criminal. BIG difference
you're focused on the law. I'm focused on morals. Morally, having herpes has not affected my life in any capacity except I now have to tell people I have it. The side effects people get are bumps, nothing bad.
No it's not, actually.
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Lol parliament.....we're in different countries
>speeding is more dangerous than herpes
only someone with herpes would say that lmfao
cope harder herpesfaggot
you clearly have an ulterior motive and can't think straight
go look up death tolls per year from speeding vs herpes you absolute mong. Plus if you're an adult, chances are you have herpes as well lmao
Morally, giving unsuspecting people herpes because you're a retard and a slut is BAD, not good. Morally, you should inform people they can catch a disgusting disease from you that will be with them the entire rest of their lives, and maybe even their kids' lives. Morally, you have no grounds for your argument. I hope you get AIDS from someone just as retarded and selfish as you are.
nah your moral compass is jacked
I would tell every potential sexual partner what I have. Morally that's the right thing to do. Even if you disagree with this, if you don't tell them and they find out later then that's a potential for an ending to the relationship. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who isn't forthcoming.
This >>31530354
>chances are you have herpes as well
lmfao no, sorry you caught the herp but you're coping and projecting so hard it's downright pathetic. you got an answer but it wasn't what you wanted to hear, get over it you stupid infected piece of trash
I don't have herpes because I'm not a slutty piece of shit that fucks other slutty pieces of shit. Herpes is for life. You made your whore bed, now lie in it.
Sounds harsh but I agree with this anon. At least use protection
your moral compass is sitting next to a magnet named herpes, mine isn't
you have every reason to try to defend your "I can infect other people with herpes and not inform them, that's fine" position, but you have no logic to do it with. you're just an infected piece of trash. you will carry the proof of your immorality in your very blood stream until the day you die.
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I have herpes 1 and 2 and i would have never known if i didn’t get a blood test for other diseases . Honestly , i think it’s fine not to tell , so many people have it and don’t know , it really hasn’t affected my life at all . I’ve also told 3 girls about it after the fact and none really seemed to mind , if we’re close then we’re close , if we’re not , well then it’s a hookup anyway . I use a condom every time except oral which i did previously anyway .

The thing is , there just isn’t much at risk in my opinion , scaring the girl with the concept of a big disease is a major problem though

I did disclose HPV while i had it , cleared it 3 months ago but I’ll probably wait another 3 before getting oral from my girlfriend

For the record , the girls you think are all yours and on birth control so there’s nothing to worry about are always the ones to give you something you don’t want .
The real meta is to only have sex with someone who agrees to get tested with you first. If you rely on blindly trusting strangers, you deserve to catch herpes from OP.
i was a hoe at 26 too but i asked guys if they had stds beforehand so i was clean and never got herpes
Jesus Christ anon

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