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is trans a meme??

i’m ftm. i’ve been having these thoughts since i was 11, im 26 now.

intense rumination about male secondary sex characteristics:
>why can’t i look like him
>i don’t look masculine enough
>why don’t i sound like a man
>why don’t i look like a male
>why can’t everyone perceive me as a male
>why don’t i pass
almost every single fucking day since i was 11

i have a life, a degree, and a job. i’m not running away or filling a void from life. i don’t want some therapist to just gormlessly yes-man me into hormones either.

spare me the ywnbam, obviously i know ill never have a penis. but i just want to pass as male. it’s not a kink thing. i literally just need other people to see me as a guy.
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explain why you want to be seen as a male
It is a meme pushed on you by a mass media agenda.
How many movies do you watch vs how many books do you read?
Turn off the tv for a couple years and see how you feel.
You’re beautiful the way you are. The people telling you (through subliminal messaging and overt propaganda) that you’re not all want to shove pills down your throat and mutilate your genitals for a huge profit.
Love yourself.
>i have a life, a degree, and a job. i’m not running away or filling a void from life
None of these three things actually give you fulfillment and you don't have a void because you're too shallow to develop holes
I won't read frankenstein threads. It is a world-historical scam by bad people.
>why can’t i look like him
Because you're female
>i don’t look masculine enough
Because you're female
>why don’t i sound like a man
Because you're female
>why don’t i look like a male
Because you're female
>why can’t everyone perceive me as a male
Because you're female
>why don’t i pass
Because you're female
Kys faggot
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I mean, you have body dysmorphia? This seems like the obvious reason doesn’t it? That’s what all the legit trannies say they have, as opposed to the vast majority of trans trenders. I would say 95% of trannies are a meme but you seem to be the 5% that has actual BD. Don’t they see therapists about it? But you don’t want to. So what do you want, just to bitch?
i’ve seen multiple therapists about it over the years. again, i don’t want someone to just yes-man me into hormones
>is trans a meme??
no its a psychological attack
i don’t watch tv my brother in christ

real life makes me feel this way
Wow really i had NO idea i’m a woman !!!!1 Im cured thanks ill just stop doing it

I have no interest in becoming a “real man”, because it’s a false equivalency

But i just want to APPEAR to everyone else and myself as male
So what is the advice you’re asking for? I don’t get the point of your post. Just to find out if people think trans people are a joke? Yes, most of us do, but that’s because most of your fellow-trannies are narcissistic cry-bully asshole attention whores. The few “normal” ones I don’t think most people would care. But since the vast majority are screeching psychos who make their whole identity being trans as a whole it is seen as a meme
i’m shouting out into the void for general opinions of my situation on the advice board of this slovakian fentanyl rating website
Wow thats even worse you dont even believe it you just want to do it the illuminati really did a number on you. Just strap a dildo to your crotch and bandage up dem titties and go sheik-mode so you can always reverse it. Even as a troon you have it easier than guys
i’m talking about a penis
Would you be hot if you tried to look like a chick? That would suck in a way. Kek. Like you’re a hot chick who desperately wants to not be hot and just a dude.
Anon, we all have desires that are outside our control to attain. I may wish to be, say, twenty years old again, but am in fact nearly forty. There is no realistic path from where I am biologically today to where I wish to be, and that's despite having been there once before.

The desire to be the other sex is no different to this, and while it's fine to have fleeting thoughts about this kind of thing, it's a huge mistake to indulge it. People who identify as transgender are an extreme example of this - Desires that do not (and will never) match physical reality are indulged by the individual (and somewhat enabled/validated by society) to the absolute detriment of that person's future mental health.

It's like a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Because you are allowing your mind to linger on this delusion, it grows stronger and the world in your head grows increasingly out of sync with the hard reality of the world around you. The longer you continue to feed this delusion, the worse it'll get.

The 'YWNBAW/M' meme is so pervasing and enduring because it's laser-focused on the truth. Just like 'just stop smoking' is literally the whole story when it comes to quitting.
>is trans a meme?
You’ll never feel the struggles that a real man goes through. You’re still a woman with a vagina meant for penises. You can have sex whenever you want.
who cares bro? i know im never going to reach the ideal of the real thing, i just want to pass as a facsimile of a male, it’s the closest thing i can get
thanks for ur nuanced and well thought out response anon, i will try to internalize it

it’s crazy, even like i had this long dream last night that i got a mastectomy, and when i went outside the next day (dream logic=no recovery period), i felt at peace
Best of luck. It's always difficult to shift away from a mindset if you've spent some time shifting into it.

For what it's worth it's completely normal for anyone to be uncomfortable with their body as they grow from a child into an adult. It is something that happens to us all without choice. No child knows what being a man or a woman actually is until much later when they experience it directly, and it takes most people many years to really understand, accept, and embrace it after living it themselves. I'd say I only became fully comfortable with being an adult male in my early thirties, and I was fortunate to have grown up without society pushing the notion of mutable gender.

The real poison of transgender ideology is that it introduces the concept, to young flexible minds, that someone could somehow be in the 'wrong' body. But the body we are in is the only one body we will ever be in, and we are not in control of how that body develops. The best we can do is work with it, support and protect it, and accept what it ends up being. This notion being fed to young, developing minds that something is wrong, or could be wrong, with their body developing into it's adult form is very poisionous. It introduces this mythical alternative future where all this discomfort with the process and distress over the changes gets misdirected into a false narrative. One that, if you actually chase it down, would put you in a far worse place in future with no way to ever come back from the active sabotage to the natural maturing processes.
Just be a tomboy top and stay a girl.
thanks again dude.
Many such cases. Women are so fucking retarded
but i still have boobs :(
and no facial hair and people think im a girl (obviously i am)
5’6” man here
I get the thought process of wanting to be something you can never be. I wish I was taller, but that will never happen. I just have to make the best of what God gave me.

That’s all we can do in this life. Torturing ourselves with these thoughts is just that, torture.
You will literally never EVER be a man. No one will ever believe it really either, your friends and family to say that you are a man are just saying that to be nice.

You have some sort of unaddressed mental issue, I would suggest seeking therapy to deal with this (probably sexual abuse at a young age) issue, but they are such jackls that they will salivate at the thought of pushing you to mutilate your body
It's a particularly insidious meme: a sort of superlatively malevolent humor that only becomes widely accessible in the end stage of a civilization. Enjoy the ride, I guess. Some people are destined to be common fodder on the stage of the great comedy.
I'm going to answer this with kindness and understanding which I suppose is rare on 4chan.

>why can’t i look like him
unfortunately you were born female and your bone structure will always look female. if someone exhumes your bones they'll think that you were female because of your bone structure.
>i don’t look masculine enough
because you were born female
>why don’t i sound like a man
because you were born as a female. men's (natural-born) vocal cords change at puberty to become deeper women's don't. not sure if hormones make it deeper
>why can’t everyone perceive me as a male
bone structure. for example I saw a mtf trans person who was my waitress (yes i'm going to say waitress out of respect). she had wider shoulders than her waist and pronounced cheekbones. these are male traits that females (natural-born) don't have.
>why don’t i pass
you will never pass. everyone perceives you as a "woman who became a man" and not as a man. it's frankly unnatural and everyone has the right to disagree with it. I personally don't think that a mental disorder like gender dysphoria (yes it's a mental disorder) should be treated with a physical solution. it's like treating a broken leg with therapy, it won't work. and these things haven't been studies enough so we don't know how to treat gender dysphoria effectively. and we (universities) can't study them because it's "bigoted" and "transphobic". it's basically hysteria.
why don't you just be a tomboy? gender norms are fucking stupid, don't transition because you want to fit into some dumb ass gender norms
The main thing with being a man that newer generations and trans people don't understand is: there is no model about how to be a man, you simply carve your own path
this whole "i want them to see me as" means you will never make it
I'm a cis guy who went trans for a couple months, it's a meme but it's worth it to explore yourself.
Sorry people are being evil to you op. But desu you should know better then to post about being trans on 4chan

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