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Just getting into a relationship with this girl and she has a male roommate (one of a few people, she's known them all for years since school) who she always get's into arguments with and vents to me about. The dude has anger issues and will blow up on her about random things, and she'll argue with him constantly and let him ruin her day yet she still rooms with him (She's had the same roomies for years, even through dif states), and even lets him control things like their gate access to the apartment. She's never been in a relationship with the dude, but it's obvious he has feelings for her and that's partially why he gets so controlling and angry all the time.

It's starting to really bother me that she engages in this and seems so emotionally invested in the dude. I wanna continue this relationship but this really worries me (Been dating about 2 months). We've talked and she has expressed no interest and said he asked her out once and she turned him down. What do I say to her, does anyone have any advice. I am so lost, she is adamant about not having feelings for this dude but she gives him so much emotional energy. What the fuck do I say and do, I feel so blind. Do I just run?
She doesn't seem to realize living with this faggot makes it hard for her to have actual relationships. You can help her move or ditch her, either way you will not be happy while this situation continues.
Wow, the problems that people suffer from these day are gay and way out of touch from reality. I guess this is what happens when liberals win the culture war.
Yea, that's sort of the conclusion I've come to as well, it's unfortunate. I really don't see a way this changes since we've already discussed it and nothing came of it. Really not sure what else I could say

Then how about you offer some perspective if you're so fucking smart instead of crying like a faggot. Invest in a thick rope and a stool.
Tell her it's you or him.
You mean capitalists. "Roommates" are a capitalist phenomenon.
>She's never been in a relationship with the dude
how do you even know? how is it not weird to have a roommate of the opposite sex for years?
Sounds like you either need to convince her to move out or have a stern conversation with the roommate about his behavior if you want to continue this relationship in a healthy and happy way.
>capitalist phenomenon
You must be a fucking idiot. Just refer to the census where the most populated areas are, and whether they’re Republican or Democrat.
Whenever you find people living like rats, it’s a liberal place. Where you find business owners, that’s capitalist.

Capitalists don’t bunk. We like to own things and create. Liberals live off the coattails of capitalists and drink Starbucks syrup jizz, calling each other comrades and comradettes
>capitalism doesn't produce people looking for ways to save money, like rooming together
Holy fucking shit, the delusion is insane. You honestly think people room together because of politics?
Liberals never have roommates? STFU nigger
They don't have roommates because of their liberalism you fucking retard.

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