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/adv/ - Advice

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Running club? Volleyball league? CrossFit?

I would like to find a sporty tomboy but any girl who’s athletic and actually enjoys exercising would be great. They are so rare.
I’m gonna join a running club when I’m lean and can run like I used to. It’s more evil than that though a girl I know and wanna fuck joined a running club so I’m gonna join that same club. I used to be able to run so much I can’t believe I ever stopped. I’m gonna join, I’m gonna creampie her, and then I’m gonna ghost her. She deserves it lol.
Left to right
Allegedly running clubs are the new dating app but I prefer to jog alone so I guess I’ll never find out
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i wouldn't fuck any of them.
your standards are too high
For me it’s 473256891 if 1 lost weight like just 5lbs she’d be before 2 though. Can’t get past those lunch lady arms
I like pudgy arms tbqh but not too pudgy or they'll sag when she walls.
Call me crazy but I find 1 the most fuckable
He's gay
4 has best face and body combo but I genuinely would take 5 since probably nobody else would.
From the left, I'll take 3 and 4 and pass on everyone else.
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>since probably nobody else would.
She’s the tallest so a large cohort of men would pick her first
Yeah thats the main reason I want her.
6 Is definitely the only indefensible choice.
cycling has tons of hot girlie pops
Racism isn't allowed outside /b/
shut up nigger
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go go go
>no zero please
Nigger lover
This has reduced my opinion of you
Roll for 7
I want them to all pile on top of me after running for hours. Imagine the smell.
based looksmatched result
haha they could all use my tongue (except 6) as a shoe brush
tough luck lmao
please god give me 4
Almost every woman here on tinder is athletic I love Florida
too bad she's tatted
Real tinder fit...
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please be 7
>be American man
>have athletic daughter
>do your best to raise her right
>send her to college
>her institution and her teammates will make her wear uniforms like pic related
>everyone will be staring at your daughter's crotch and ass
>the school will even take pictures of your daughter's ass and post them online
Im thinking 7 is peak.
i cannot possibly imagine engaging in physical activity alongside females. the closest thing to it i would espouse would be co-ed nude saunas, but I don't think americans are ready for the following nuclear explosion of the fertility rate that would follow if mandated for highschools
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>>be American man
>>have athletic son
>>do your best to raise him right
>>send him to college
>>his institution and his teammates will make him wear uniforms like pic related
>>everyone will be staring at your son's crotch and ass
>>the school will even take pictures of your son's ass and post them online
As planned...
holy based. We need saunas in every neighbourhood in north america NOW.
Their asses and crotch are very clearly covered up, Anon.

Sadly however, men's aquatics are also following women in becoming indecent
Water polo team?
I'd run a reverse-train on all of them
>I don't think (((the pro-immigration job creators)) are ready for the following nuclear explosion of the """lazy and demanding whites'"""" fertility rate
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rolling for 2
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Based 4 enjoyer
Why not
I like 3 and 8 best
why is 4 objectively pretier?
She’s wearing makeup and got her hair done
Seems to have the smoothest skin
Rollin for 3
This has increased my opinion of you.
whites need to literally be inside hot steamy rooms naked with the other sex to even view each other in a sexual manner, that's how low test they are...It's almost like we warned you guys about becoming to desensitized to the view of the female's body and you deserve it after decades of parading your barely pubescent daughters and wifes naked on beaches...Of course you fags can't get it up anymore or view women as romantic partners, you are all coombrained individuals that can't find a woman seductive unless she literally is in a ''heated, sweaty warm room trapped with you''. Wow...the blackpill of all blackpill for white's fertility rates.
Godspeed, anon.
Second and third to last are a case study in leg length.
Coomer incel.
Daily reminder that having high standards for the appearance of the women you jerk off to is in no way impressive whatsoever.
Even whalers are above you.
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I play volleyball and there are a lot of women but usually there is some issue. They are either gay (a lot of gay people love volleyball actually), they are ugly, or they are attractive and straight which means they have every guy under the sun trying to get with them and are probably dating the 6'4 dude who played D1 volleyball in college.

source: me
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You have 7 months.


6 has ugly face in this picture but looks tight and made up like on prom night is probably hot.
Only 3, 4, and 8 are worth my effort I wouldn't even bother with the rest if they threw themselves at me....mayyyybe 7.
They are all beautiful except for that black haired mulatto chick
I remember in high school I saw a female friend's picture on facebook and it had her track friend in it. I asked her who she was and that was all it took to get in touch

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