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I started taking klonopin to sleep a few months ago and I just realized I've been having trouble orgasming lately. But this drug is the only thing that's helped me sleep too, so if it's that I'm not sure what to do. Have any of you guys tried klonopin or other benzos and noticed difficulty to get off? It's fucking weird, I can get right there and just cannot get over it. No ED at least.
Stop taking klonopin daily. Fucking idiot. it’s meant to be used for severe debilitating panic attacks, or a rare night of sleeplessness. Enjoy your reasonless benzodiazepine dependence and hellish withdrawals. Holy fuck use common sense
i had to masturbate for 45 minutes to shoot two watery teaspoons of cum with little to no head rush euphoria when i took ativan. totally anorganismic other than the physical response, even with my prostate buddy buzzing
Clonazepam can be prescribed both as-needed or as daily meds

In very rare cases, benzos do increase sex drive, but generally they decrease it and can actually lead to sexual dysfunction. It shouldn't be a major problem, benzos don't tend to be long term meds so once you're off them it'll get better. If you're super concerned about its effect on your sex life, speak to your psychiatrist.
>Clonazepam can be prescribed both as-needed or as daily meds
Irrelevant cope. Stop taking benzo chronically to sleep.
>>31533103 most retarded thing i’ve heard all day. stop taking benzos every night. just because it CAN be prescribed doesn’t mean it should be used daily, especially every night. like, opioid and benzo epidemic anyone?
? polypharmacy?? give it about 6-9 more months before you become wholly dependent on it at this rate
I'm not OP, you buffoon.

2 to 4 weeks if used daily, anything longer is almost never advised. This is a very case-by-case thing. Yes OP being on them for months is concerning. While I agree overprescription is an issue with both benzos and opioids, especially in the case of opioids there is often no good alternative. It's why we'rew busting our asses trying to invent new ones that don't come with the same problems. I'll take OP's word that nothing else has worked thus far, but OP really needs to go talk to his psychiatrist/whoever gave him the script.

Also, since when did they mention being on multiple meds?
they didn’t, i was using polypharmacy as an example that just because something***** is prescribed to you by an md doesn’t mean you should just take it as directed.

*** something = highly dependent benzodiazepine
Eh fair.

Pharmacists keep physicians in line with prescriptions, generally if a prescription makes it past a responsible pharmacist, it's fine. Key word: Responsible. Correcting prescriptions/calling the doc who made it for clarification is kind of half the job.

Side note, benzos are also super interesting class of drugs.
do tell, i’m an aspiring pharmaphag
Benzodiazepines have their own receptors on the GABA-A receptor (gamma aminobutyric acid receptor). GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, after it binds to its channel it makes the neuron let in a ton of negative ions. If you know how action potentials work, you'll know that the cell gets hyperpolarised which generates an inhibitory postsynaptic potential, effectively reducing the neuron's excitability. Benzodiazepines kind of do much of the same, they kinda enhance the effects of GABA.

The interesting part is the side effects benzos can produce, and I'll note that not all of these are fully understood but I think you'll generally get why. Some men develop gynecomastia. Or difficulting pissing or straight up incontinence.

Oh yeah and also being on em can also give some people worse anxiety, depression, and paranoia (ironic since they're mainly prescribed for anxiety). Funny how that happens! That's to do with how they decrease serotonin though. It do be the reason they tend to be prescribed with SSRIs too

Side note on the SSRI stuff, SSRIs are kinda a good drug to start when someone's about to stop benzos. benzos do away with the nasty starting side effects (insomnia's one of em), and SSRIs help with some of the withdrawal! OP could bring this up with their doc

Also, pharma's good, just gotta take your morals and stick em up your ass sometimes cause you'll probably be working for big pharma once you score a good job especially in research. Got any random more specific Q's?

thanks for the explanation my dude. one more question :

bro, as an avid bipolarhaver— should i be actually that worried about the degree of nephro/thryotoxicity of lithium? it’s the only thing that works for me basically, but i don’t want it to shred my kidneys and thyroid. have tried so many ssris and anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics with no results….. is the lithium = danger thing a big pharma trope compared to something like valproate, or carbadezemapine?
Lithium's generally pretty safe long term, although 20% (don't quote me on this, this is off memory!) or so of patients might experience some thyroid issues. Valrpoate is a bit of a shaky one, its efficacy is still being investigated despite its wide use. It's also *generally* safe, although it does do funny things to bones and is very dangerous to a pregnant woman's fetus. Carbamazepine is a little iffy, it causes anaphylaxis-like reactions in some people and does actually cause suicidal ideation especially when starting in some people. Staying on lithium's probably the best idea, though I reccomend getting bloods done once in a while to make sure your liver/thyroid are doing alright.

Wishing you well btw.

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