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Women always go on Reddit and shit and post about how their crazy ex got them fired from their job and did all kinds of stuff to try and get back with them,
but in real life that shit works.

I was dating this girl for 5 years and she has this ex from 6 years ago she only dated for 1 year.
He never met me or anything, but just suddenly shows up out of the blue to our house 3 states away from him, beats the shit out of me,
and instead of worrying about me at all, she agrees to go sit down with him to talk their issues out 3 weeks later.

2 years later she is no longer with me and is now with him again and engaged to him.
When we ended it, we were engaged.

What the actual fuck is wrong with women?
I mean, what I experienced is the norm, right? Not the exception?
That's really the question I'm asking here that I want an answer to.
Keep in mind she told me when they broke up she called the cops on this dude because he was calling her a whore and a bitch in all capital letters in text messages.
Probably she cheated on you with him during your relationship op. You got cucked
I don't think she did,
he had to use some strange website to find out where we live, and she had him blocked.
I would randomly check her phone sometimes and he was always blocked.
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were you armed? did he just show up one day and bash your door in? i mean i kinda get it, might makes right and theres nothing she'd be able to do against him if you couldn't even fend him off. she may be a crazy slut but she may also be threatened by him to marry him.
she didnt worry about you at all what exactly did she say to you when she found this out? did she pity you or admire his strength and that he'd do that for her?
I was armed but it's not legal to shoot someone over a fist fight, he had no weapons.
He waited outside our house until we got home from something and I spoke to him and before I knew it my head was getting bashed in the pavement and I lost consciousness and I guess he peed all over me like a disgusting prick while I was unconscious.
She wasn't trashy, we both graduated college together and worked at Lockheed Martin as software engineers right out of college together
>she didnt worry about you at all what exactly did she say to you when she found this out? did she pity you or admire his strength and that he'd do that for her?
fuck he peed on you in front of her what an animal. so what'd she do? when she told you he peed on you did she think it was funny?
No whenever he peed on me and all that she was worried at first like she took me to get medical done and such.

But she was not like super worried how you'd expect. She was extremely quiet like she was angry or something idk how to explain it but just quiet and hardly saying anything. She didn't laugh at me though.
Also she told me I should tell the police what happened. So it seemed at the time like she was on my side.
Why should I believe this story, or believe that what you've shared is the complete story?
its real, idk how to prove it
Assuming you're not making shit up OP, you've just learned a valuable lesson about women - violence and dominance turns them on. If you just shot this motherfucker the moment he started chimping out and then told her to get a bag so you could dump his corpse in the trash or a sewer somewhere and forget about it, she'd be hornier than a kitty in heat within seconds.

It's primal, they can't help it. If an ugly, scarred manlet beat the shit out of a tall, handsome Chad in front of a 10/10 bombshell, guess who she wants to get dicked by afterwards?
This is a guy she has had blocked for 5 years and changed her phone number because of him...
They're engaged now.

The worst thing is her family would always talk about how terrible he was, and now they're celebrating her being with him and forgot about me entirely.
I've asked them a few times to ask her to talk to me and they just ignore me entirely. They don't even bother to tell me no.
Anyone have that text from someone explaining to incels that women are attracted to men with a spark of life, be it ambition, "golden retriever" energy, or crazy bad boy stuff?
>but it's not legal to shoot someone over a fist fight
thats stupid considering a single punch can and has killed people before, especially if you fall and hit a hard surface

could've taken your gun and shot you

why the fuck carry a gun if you just let yourself get injured and possibly killed?


>bashed in the pavement and I lost consciousness and I guess he peed all over me like a disgusting prick while I was unconscious.

You had me going until this part ngl. Good larp
Can confirm they do like mentally unstable men. My ex cheated and left me for a mentally ill homeless guy. They constantly go through this song and dance where they get jealous and literally fist fight each other.

Most recent incident happened where she was talking with an older gentleman from church (nothing sexual whatsoever). He found her texts, sperged out, and allegedly tried to strangle her. She always lets him back in the house.
I woke up covered in piss, it happened.
Maybe you don't live in the real world so you don't know how depraved and fucked up people can be but it fucking happened, I woke up bloody covered in fucking stinging piss.
Well at least you're secure in the knowledge that you assiduously followed the law into abject humiliation instead of defending yourself
Nothing wrong with women at all. Things are working just as God intended. Or just as evolution favored. Whichever of those two suits your sensibilities better.

Every day I'm glad I'm a toxic alcoholic who learned correctly.
This seems like a made-up story from someone who doesn't understand the psychology of breakups and is trying to post something demoralizing
Women hate obsession, women hate neediness, ad nothing embodies these negative traits more than the psycho ex who won't let go. Yes they get off on the competition between men but if they decide they are done with a guy, they are done with him.
>t. acted a bit psycho after my long-term GF broke up with me and started dating another guy, threatened to kill him if I saw him. Didn't get me anywhere, realized I'm so much fucking better than that and am just ghosting the bitch at this point
It's not a made up story at all and I keep getting legitimately triggered people keep saying that.
What happened to me is wrong obviously,
but the story is true, and it does speak to the truth about women.
this is a cuck larp story written by a tranny btw
When she runs back to you after getting divorced, sleep with her and then ditch her the next day.
Yea ok buddy. You can get a cuck fantasy complete with golden shower arranged with probably a few hundred bucks and a few hours on craigslist so you didn't need to post this shitty story.

For anyone stupid or bored enough to read this deep into the thread, only the most deranged low self-esteem women would act anything close to what happened in that cuck larp. Any woman worth dating makes their exes dead to them.
I feel like you're just triggered about things that happened in your own life and taking it out on OP
>le triggered!
You're "triggered" that real women exist and that straight men would rather kill themselves than fuck your post-op axewound. Dilate and hang yourself.
Also stop talking in the third person
Not OP, you triggered af tho
Troons put me in a bad mood, what can I say
lol you failed here

ITT we pivot the topic into an analysis of OP's poor creative writing as a demonstration of police interrogative technique around narrative statements i.e. witness reports

"some strange website" is not the language i'd expect from an supposed lockheed martin SWE >>31531714 who'd most likely both be on linkedin and fairly easy to track down and follow

and so if you're both normal college age when you started dating and he's an ex from 6 years ago who started dating her 7 years ago, meaning her maximum age when they started dating was 16 i.e. jailbait

and then when the supposed assault happens, you're presumably living together and he fights you, you're acting as if you don't know whether he pissed on you but when your then to-be wife is witnessing this she either flees and hides, not watching out for what's happening to her unconscious husband, she doesn't call the police herself, she doesn't get the gun herself, she doesn't tell you that he pissed on you, she doesn't have any self-preservation or you-preservation instinct watching this all happen out of the blue

also you refer to her as "this girl" which indicates a mind in the present tense (an easy mistake to make when you're clearly making something up on the spot) when most people legitimately telling this sort would refer to her as "my ex" or even in this case "my ex fiancee"

also he shows up "to your house" but you end up "on the pavement" - i mean i can buy the scene's possibility but you say he started hitting you immediately, how do you end up on the pavement and then not mention that he must have dragged you out of your front door to the pavement?

"stinging piss" also makes no sense, piss in a wound doesn't sting, but it could be a typo

and i don't buy that you wouldn't wake up in hospital, so your ex fiancee witnesses this and doesn't get there?

not saying "impossible" just i don't buy it

police report, texts, post gun, post proof of degree/job

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