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I'm constantly forced to see all of these slobs and slack mfs get girlfriends without putting in any effort, whereas I've invested so much time, money and energy into improving myself only to remain as invisible as I was before. If the game is rigged, if some of us are just irredeemably unattractive, then is the only answer to punch out early rather than endure this crippling loneliness and humiliation any further?
these people you see arent planning for the future and they do get "screwed" but the govt will always bail them out.

if youre thinking and planning, youre doing it wrong. theres a reason why the dumb are sexually successful compared to smarter people
>money and energy into improving myself
even the most retarded self improvment book tells you to do it for yourself and not for a possible gf. Meaning if you improved then you are proud of your success even if it doesn't bring you instant gratification. You'll just be another bald manlet in the gym who only improve one part of their life.
This is most likely why for a lot of strugglers.
>bro just watch this video essay for why you don't have a gf
>meanwhile every other bumblefuck gets a gf without trying
the ones in the pic are a literal chadlite and staceylite
>that hairline
>without putting in any effort, whereas I've invested so much time, money and energy
Ok, so how many girls have you asked out? Or even talked to?
>inb4 zero
If you spent half the effort you do on creating these lying incel threads on actually talking to girls, you would already have a girlfriend. The logical conclusion is that you do not want a girlfriend.
>Blee blah bloo bluh
You have nothing constructive to add to the discussion.
LOL just fuck hookers you little bitch hahaha

I can’t believe you’d consider roping over women
what'd you invest time and money in? because if it wasn't goofymaxxing it was a waste
>I've put so much effort into getting a girlfriend!
>except the ONE most important thing that every guy with a gf actually did
>if you point this out you are not being...LE CONSTRUCTIVE
>just talk to... le girls!
That's kinda tricky when girls have no interest in talking to you.
women love talking to goofymaxxed guys no matter what you look like. when i was fat and just spouting whatever came to mind women would be glued to me when i was amusing myself
Just because women like talking to goofy guys, doesn't mean they want to fuck them or date them. There are plenty of clowns who get friendzoned.
perfectly good point, it's easy to go into clown territory and get friendzoned. true goofymaxxing has an element of DGAF that has to demonstrate they can't control you and they love that shit
If no girls anywhere are interested in talking to you, that is 100% your fault.
Have you thought about sucking at life a bit less? Where exactly has all this alleged "effort" of yours been going if you're still repelling everyone away?
he's nicely covered his recession. He's also atleast 6 inches taller than her
I have a better head of hair and I'm that tall. Where's my gf then, scumbag?
women are social creatures, girlfriends are acquired via social activities
Well, if women aren't going to give me a chance, how tf am I ever meant to get a girlfriend?
this is kind of vague, why aren't women giving you a chance? what are they doing? if you approach enough women, generally, you'll be impressed by how often they're willing to talk to you, even if you mess it up
How am I supposed to know why women won't give me a chance? They'll go out with all these fuckwits but when it comes to me? Nope. They don't notice or care that I exist. Maybe I am just cursed? It is funny how these things work out. Some people get everything thrown into their lap with minimal effort, whereas others struggle in vain to fight their fate.
If you have put in as much effort as you claim then why are they not giving you a chance? Something isn't adding up.
You clearly didn't put any effort into the charm category, hell you haven't even talked to anyone. Do you think girls are going to just come up to you and throw themselves at you on sight?
You don't want to give women a chance. You don't want a girlfriend.
>How am I supposed to know why women won't give me a chance?
A modicum of reflection and self-assessment. After you meet women, do you feel like there's any point where it goes wrong? if so, what happened? you can ask these questions of yourself, we have no idea what it looks like when you're interacting with them.
>They don't notice or care that I exist.
Again, what are you doing or not doing? where are you encountering women? what are you doing when you're there?

it really doesn't sound like you're putting in the effort you're talking about. except to crucify yourself as being unworthy. and if that's your self-talk, no wonder they're treating you like a nothing. if you're walking around with this attitude the world will say "okay, he thinks he's a nothing, so we know how to treat him"
>I will never talk to girls, I absolutely refuse to
>why don't I have a girlfriend I have tried everything
Do you not see the contradiction here?
To put it another way OP, what exactly have you put all this alleged effort IN exactly?
And why are you so dead set on avoiding effort on the things that actually matter?
If you can't talk to women, you're dead in the water, no matter what. Even IF your classic incel fantasy came true and women started coming on to you on sight, you'd still have to talk to her at some point. Even if you got her, you wouldn't be keeping her.
>if you try you will be rewarded
>you were not rewarded
>therefore you did not try
It's hard to make progress in these discussions when people are posting logical fallacies 101.
it would also help if we had any knowledge or evidence OP has done anything but observe women passively from the corner of the room
You didn't try though.
Again I ask: what exactly have you put all this alleged effort into?
And don't tell me you went to the gym, showered and got a haircut. Incels always seethe when given this advice, but then they proudly say they "tried" and you do a little digging and...that's all they did. Stuff everyone should just do anyway.
Describe the last time you talked to a girl and asked her out.
>bro just achieve self-actualization and you might be able to make some kind of progress that might give you a chance of attracting a woman who might agree to go out with you
Meanwhile fucking Jed is stumbling ass-backwards into a relationship without even trying.
love is not real
just live for your self and be a selfish person
i ask only for some basic self-assessment and you make it sound like it's too much work lol
>Jed is stumbling ass-backwards into a relationship
yeah well you're obviously not Jed so time to ask yourself "how do I get what I want," isn't it?
Like I said >>31533017
You're laboring under the false assumption that if you try with women you are guaranteed to succeed. It makes it incredibly easy to dismiss someone's assertions when you apply this fallacy.
Does Jed have your shitty attitude and worldview and repulsive personality? Is Jed afraid of women and refuses to talk to them?
I'm guessing probably not on all counts. Fucking Jed!
I never said you're guaranteed success at all, so you really need to stop coping and clinging to this strawman.
I will say you ARE guaranteed to FAIL if you never try at all, which is a different statement entirely.
Why would he have my "shitty attitude and worldview and repulsive personality" if his dumbass gets what he wants without trying?
>without even trying
The first step in getting a girlfriend is for you to stop repeating this lie. It's not true.
You're the one stating quite declaratively that I haven't tried when you have no reason to assume that other than your own misguided assumptions that if I tried, I would succeed.
>without trying
Fucking liar. Just stop.
Why? Because it pisses on your bootstraps boomer beliefs?
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Dear Incels,
No one gives a fuck about your whining.
None of us use dating apps just like none of us cry ourselves to sleep and we don't give a fuck about your whining.
80% of us are not in the top 20% of looks but we have all had sex and GFs and wives and we don't give a fuck about your whining.
What we DO give a fuck about is you shitting up every boeard so that actual good content is drowned in a deluge of "which of these shirtless men is sexy?' and 'OMG, I am only 5'11" tall, i wanna die!" and "i never talk to women so I hate them because they don't come to me" and the rest of your retarded fucking whining.
So please, do us a favor, do yourself an favor, do the WORLD a favor -
Either STFU or KYS
gee guys based on this thread can you believe OP doesn't have a girlfriend? shocker
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No, because of a simple rule.
Effort might not ensure success, but refusing to try ensures failure.
Lmao thank you for proving my point.
You can't believe that someone might have actually tried and not been rewarded, because effort always equals success right?
>if his dumbass gets what he wants without trying?
But he doesn't; that's something YOU made up.
Since you love coping with accusing people of "logical fallacies" I have a logical fallacy for you: something doesn't magically become true just because you say it does.
Now you might counter and say that Jed really doesn't try because you made up the example and what you say goes. That's fine, but then leaves us with the realization that you're seething while comparing yourself to a fictional character.
One that YOU made up, no less.
Ok, so what have you done? How have you tried then? Prove me wrong OP.
>in4 more cope
Yeah, I mean why would a guy be bitter and cynical that all his efforts were worthless while others bumblefuck their way to success? It's bizarre!
You aren't, now kindly rope and stop wasting people's time on these shit threads.
He's not a fictional character. I know plenty of guys just like him.
you sound frustrated due to poor a poor effort->results ratio and you're technically right. but if the results aren't there, clearly the effort is in the wrong areas. people who don't try hard but still get great results usually have a great lever they can pull. if you don't have a lever that comes naturally it will take some time to find out what yours is to maximize your success with women

you don't sound very interested in that, though, you just want to debate people trying to help so you can wallow in your negative self-talk
>all his efforts
These have yet to be verified and confirmed OP.
See >>31533113
(see, I can samefag and cite my own posts as a "source" too)
this attitude is very attractive to women btw, they are known to love losers and not winners
I'm not playing your game. You've already proven that you're a disingenuous asshole who doesn't post in good faith. It literally doesn't matter what I post, you will handwave it as not enough.
He did try. He talked to a girl and asked her out. You refuse to try.

You are a pathological liar.
You have never tried, you admitted as much. When will you stop lying?
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I know two guys that wish they were rich
One went to trade school, got an Associate's in Manufacturing Engineering and Technology and works as an industrial electrician for $35/hour as a 20 year old. He lives with his parents and drives a 13 year old minivan - he packs a lunch from home every day and only eats out on stuff like a birthday, maybe. He puts every penny he can into a either an interest providing savings account (3 years of expenses in savings is his goal) or a major-fund indexed retirement fund with an 80/20 equity/dividends mix.
The other one researches crypto but only makes $1,000/month so just buys $5-$10 at a time and constantly changes his strategy, tried to start a YT channel but couldn't think of what to post and quit after three videos, and is subscribed to an online course for people who want to buy a franchise. He drops money on weed, doordash, and vidya
All the incels here?
They'd mock the first guy for not being rich YET and scream about "boomers", "just world theory", and "muh bootstraps" oblivoious to the fact that the first guy is well on his way to being an actual millionaire and if things don't work out? Gosh! He's only very solidly Middle Class for the rest of his life, whattaloser, amirite?!?!
The second guy? He is EXACTLY how incels "try". Pissing away time doing stupid whit that isn't doing anything and giving up because its impossible after 2-3 bursts of stupidity.
he clearly doesn't befriend the "Jeds" too because if he knew them well enough he'd see all the effort they expend and time spent thinking about women. it just appears "effortless" because OP is a whiny bitch who can't fathom why he's not winning despite "effort"
>all his efforts
Which were what? Can you name just one?
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based anon displaying four dimensional thinking
It almost doesn't feel like this can be rationalized. When I see some of the dudes out there who have somehow convinced a woman to go out with them, it's incredible. I can understand if they're betabux but a lot of the time these dudes are just regular wagies. I honestly dgi dude. I'm not just talking about their appearance either, I mean their whole demeanour.
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Of course I believe people can try and fail.
But you admitted you NEVER TRIED which ensure failure.
As a matter of fact you reply proves you are too fucking stupid to understand what I wrote since it starts
>Effort might not ensure success
I literally started out saying the OPPOSITE of your reply, you braindead whining loser!
They talked to girls and asked them out. Something you refuse to do.
when was the last time you asked out a woman?
Lmao, yeah they're all totally badass ladykiller James Bond types pulling some sick game.
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1) They are not insane (incels are)
2) They do not have toxic personalities (incels do)
3) They are not afraid of trying and failing (incels are)
4) they don't quit after being rejected multiple times (incels do)
i think it would astound many men to see how many women they could pull by doing three things
1) being as normal as possible and not overthinking
2) being in situations where they meet a lot of new women
3) just asking them out and not overthinking

but most incel guys want to believe they have to achieve some sort of jedi level mental mastery before they can speak to the first woman who comes their way
Except I'm in good shape, have a full head of hair and take exceptional care of myself. I'm not some out of shape balding slob. Where's my gf?
Look at the delusion.
It doesn't take an 18 Charisma or some sort of magical formula.
Talk to people, including women, and eventually you will naturally meet and interact with women that find you interesting - and that can take weeks to months of knowing them to discover!
You don't know these guys as well as you think, you're just a closed-off asshole who watches the world go by from the sidelines and seethes.
These "Jeds" talked to their girlfriends at some point before they became their girlfriends. You never did.
How many women have you talked to in a friendly manner in the last 2 weeks?
>NOTE: my score is 15
NOT 'cold approached"
NOT "asked out"
BUT "talked to in a friendly manner"
Best post in thread.
It's over OP. (for you)
What Jed actually does
>Is a functioning adult male
>Keeps talking to women
that, friendo, is trying
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>bro just talk to women
>even though you'll be lucky if a single woman acknowledges that you exist
>j-just talk to women!
They talked to girls and asked them out. That is why they got a gf. You don't want a girlfriend.
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>I refuse to do the one thing required, REQUIRED, to get a GF and have no idea why I don't have a GF
how i know you don't talk to women
I disagree
is the best post ITT
Like I said, if women don't want to talk to you, there's not a lot you can do about that. All I'm asking for is for them to give me a chance, but I'm not even afforded that much.
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explain. do you walk up to women and they literally ignore you? what's going on?
I don't understand the
>talk to women
meme people seem to be spouting, talking to women doesn't get you anywhere if they aren't interested in you sexually, you can't just talk to them and expect something to happen, it doesn't you will just end up friends and then miserable if you want something more and have to deal with that.

I talk to women all the fucking time
do you know what happens? I end up having a great conversation and then continue talking to them more and more, sometimes its those I meet regularly at whatever thing I am doing, other times its random I ask questions to, many times they want my social media details and we talk again there and end up friends.
But none of that ends up in a gf, none of that is a relationship, none of that involves any sex at all, its just more and more friends, any time I try to even have it be remotely romantic they just tell me they aren't interested in me in that way and just see me as a friend, then they get upset when I don't want to be friends with them anymore because I have developed a romantic interest and unrequited feelings are painful.
Male friends LOVE to tell me that they were flirting with me or are interested in me, but they just clearly are missing it or misunderstanding because its NEVER the case and never been the case.
Its only ever gay men that hit on me, then I explain im straight, and sometimes we end up friends, they insist these women are interested as well or they have a friend who is interested and they can introduce me and then nothing ever materializes, I understand that I am just friendzoning these dudes effectively and they are hoping something will come of it, but I am straight, so it wont.

>talk to women
yeah it doesn't fucking work
talking to women just leads to making friends with women, it doesn't lead to a relationship.
Its the same type of shitty advice thats way to vague and doesn't actually help the person but you can feel better for giving them "good advice" when its just bullshit
The only anon other than myself (OP) to speak any sense ITT.
>But none of that ends up in a gf, none of that is a relationship, none of that involves any sex at all, its just more and more friends, any time I try to even have it be remotely romantic they just tell me they aren't interested in me in that way and just see me as a friend
here's a change you can make. gotta establish yourself as a flirt right off the bat. because what you're describing is classic "nice guy / sneak sexual interest in later" technique

if they're pissed you're not into friendship it's probably because everything about you was screaming "friendzone friendzone friendzone"
If you try to flirt with a woman who's clearly not attracted to you sexually then she'll just brush you off.
you must be ugly or short. Should've drank a lot of milk in your childhood anon
>If you try to flirt with a woman who's clearly not attracted to you sexually then she'll just brush you off.

uh, no shit. is this supposed to be some amazing insight? as the man, you have the burden of action, the curse of suffering rejection, and the gift of choice.

so, yeah, you're going to have to talk to lots of women to find one that is sexually attracted to you. if you're not totally autistic, you'll get better over time at this.
yes. sorry to inform you but you will not win 100% of women's hearts
I don't understand how to do that without being WILDY inappropriate or just approaching people randomly with the sole intent of fucking them.
When I talk to people (women included, and specifically women in these examples) its for a reason, I am not just going up to them and saying "hey there" and starting a conversation, that honestly seems deranged unless you are at least slightly acquainted with them or in some social situation that makes this reasonable, I regularly go up and talk to people I have never met when I have something to say to them, be it that I think they are very well dressed and I want to ask about how they put their outfit together and what they were going for, to ask about something they have prominently displayed that I want to comment on even if its not going to be a long conversation (eg some sticker from an anime on their laptop, or a goofy niche shirt and u just be like "yo thats cool I love X" and you just talk shit for 5min and move on), or just about some thing thats happening at the thing I am at right now (doing a hobby, talking to people at art exhibitions, if you take a class, co-workers, screenings of shit, etc) which is similar.
Very often people are happy to talk about the thing, as long as you don't pick people who look busy, you will usually have a nice conversation, sure sometimes people for whatever reason don't want to talk and its fine too, but very often I end up talking to women for 20min-1hr before one of us needs to go, sometimes they want to get contact details or its a situation where they will see me again (such as a class, co-workers, whatever, many times in those cases its talking after/during said thing) and thats fine, I am not necessarily looking to fuck all the women I talk to, I am just genuinely talking to them because I want to talk to them, some I have 0 interest upon seeing them, some I have 0 until I have spoken to them, and some only after I get to know them.
Like a few weeks ago this one girl
also, being a flirt will swing some women in the "sexually interested" category. not all but some
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>why is it impossible to find a gf?
First sentence
>everyone but me has a gf
>I am afraid to talk to women, so I do not talk to women
Your age?
How many women did you talk to this week?
OP photo is from Moscow. Bretty cool.
of course
>But none of that ends up in a gf, none of that is a relationship, none of that involves any sex at all, its just more and more friends, any time I try to even have it be remotely romantic they just tell me they aren't interested in me in that way
Because you're waiting too long, and you're trying too hard to appear uninterested and purely platonic while you work up your nerve to try for something more. Then when you finally switch gears you catch them off guard and they feel like you pulled the rug out from under them. You have to establish intent and be flirty and playful from the onset. So it's not that "talking to women" doesn't work, it's just that's it's just the first step. More than faggot OP has ever done at least so I'll give you credit for that, but it's just the beginning.
One of the best posts I ever read here was an anon who said consider it from the girl's perspective, imagine you have a cuddly teddy bear, and one day out of nowhere (from her perspective) the teddy bear grows a dick and wants to fuck you. You'd be creeped the fuck out, and so would she.

Fuck off OP, that anon at least tried (however ineptly) and you have not.

As I said before, that is YOUR fault. Why are you not more sexually attractive then? Mister "I'm in good shape and take good care of myself and have all my hair"?
Pal, everyone with a GF got brushed off by MANY women
hey, at least this is progress. to answer:
>I don't understand how to do that without being WILDY inappropriate or just approaching people randomly with the sole intent of fucking them.
well there you go: at least now you have a specific question you can work on. how can one flirt without being wildly inappropriate?
if you're worried about being too forward you can switch it up. i once flirted with a cashier by asking if she was hitting on me. this established a sexual context without putting any pressure on her with a playful roleplay. (this is not a line to burst out without any context by the way, she'll be like "wtf" if you do that)
you can also do playful teases like "oh no, you and i aren't gonna get along" which makes you sound like more of a challenge without being overtly sexual

happy to go into detail if you're interested
Like a few weeks ago this one girl I went up to because holy shit she was just incredibly well dressed and styled, legitimately looked like she had just walked off like a run way and had a whole team of people working to put it all together, I wasn't attracted to her, I just thought "wow shes put together that look so well" without any inherent sexual interest.
So I struck up a conversation about how she put that together, she was happy to go over it and interested and engaged, after talking to her for a bit, I noticed she had this incredibly expressive face and just... I don't know how to really describe it but just the way she emoted was incredibly attractive, she was also incredibly passionate and when she started talking about her self it was clear, to circle back to the topic, she was also very clearly intentional in her fashion choices and had a lot of thought behind them as well as in how she brought it all together and combining not just clothing and jewellery but how it worked with her hair, body shape, face shape, makeup, and everything and imo had a good head on her shoulders from that type of thought.
She asked me about myself as well, we spoke for like 40min, then she had to go because she had plans to eat and was about to leave just before I came, she asked me for my insta, gave it to her, we have chatted a few times, grabbed some coffee on the weekend then had a late lunch and thats it for up to today.

But I know the trajectory of this, we are just going to end up friends, and my feelings will continue to develop, iv attempted to flirt and express interest, but she hasn't really taken it seriously, and when I am clearer about my intentions she will in no uncertain teams give me her stance and lack of interest and I will not want to spend time with her anymore after that as it will be painful for me and she will be upset.
I just don't understand how I can even put romance on the table
I've never even been on a date in my life
idk how to
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messages of a 6'4 white aryan chad
I don't answer dishonest posters.
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>iv attempted to flirt and express interest, but she hasn't really taken it seriously
would love to know how this went down, but without knowing that, i can at least say: no. new mindset. "I AM A FLIRT. I flirt with women."

because the way you describe it, it sounds more like you're trying to "sneak" that aspect of your personality in and she's not taking it seriously
You do know that you're not replying to OP right?
oh no wonder there was progress lol
yeah, I would like details
because peoples examples of flirting and making sure you be forward and reasonable are all awful.
So many are incredibly forward and are along the lines of "just say 'hey sexy, how are you doing' and you can go from there easy and you set the tone immediately" which despite my better judgement, I have tried, because clearly just talking hasn't worked, and it went about as well as I thought it would, being told to fuck off effectively, I tried it multiple times, I just assume the people that this works for it only works for because they are ridiculously attractive and it literally doesn't matter what they say and the person will be interested in, when it comes to people irl saying stuff like that, they are always very attractive, or very unattractive and iv never seen women around them and its clear it hasn't worked for them.

Some actually actionable advice would be great.
I have no problem making friends or having people enjoy my company, it seems people loe to talk to me.
But having women be romantically interested in me? I have no fucking idea how

Honestly I just started thinking I must be incredibly ugly but any time iv posted pictures people haven't thought I was bad looking, and with the amount of gay men I have both be a little bit more subtle in hitting on me and being incredibly upfront, it can't just be because im THAT bad looking or something.
I HAVE to be fucking up something else.
and bring even the slightest romantic or sexual aspects into conversations is currently the conclusion I am at.
I remember this one chick was super-friendly and we had some great banter going, so after a little while I asked her out and she shot me down with the "Oh sorry, I have a boyfriend" routine. This chick was obviously just being friendly and I misinterpreted that for attraction. How fucking humiliating. I vowed never to ask another girl out after that.
Why so negative?
No doom talk
How is this even humiliating? She had a boyfriend, so fucking what? It happens.
Did actually asking out a live human female really take that much out of you that it was "humiliating" when she wasn't available? Every guy has had that happen. Hell I even had women say we should go out when I was taken and had to tell them no. No one was "humiliated".
Stop being so dramatic like a little bitch. If anything you should be proud that you even tried. Again, our illustrious OP in this thread has never done that much.
>messages written by a homosexual incel
I don't really think I am trying to sneak it in, I am pretty explicit about making remarks that can be (and thats the only reasonable way to take them, but do have plausible deniability) taken that way.
For example the girl I was talking about in the post (who I spoke to a few weeks ago) in straight up the first conversation after she had explained it and we had been chatting for a bit she said something along the lines of "I take everything into consideration when it comes to my look" because she had been talking about how she specifically even walks, carries herself, and sits in different ways in different outfits to really nail the look shes going for, so I said after "even the things you can't see? does that fit the look too?" vaguely alluding to her underwear choices and potentially other things (like piercings and pubic hair etc), she said with a bit of a laugh yes and I said something along the lines of how it would be a great learning experience to witness her process of picking those out and styling those.
Which to me, is quintessential flirting, especially for a first encounter, where im making that I have some interest clear, but still leaving room for interpretation there so its a bit cheeky and letting her join the dots.
but responded with, in a bit more of a serious tone "I don't think that's a good idea", which felt out of no where and we continued on talking and I made some other less forward attempts but idk it felt like a clear shutdown and the attempts in our subsequent conversations were more me with a "haha fuck off" as if I had been joking around with her

Its basically just treated as a joke or shut down completely any time I flirt it feels like.
It's humiliating because she was just being nice and my dumbass got the wrong idea. Now she thinks I'm just an idiot who believes every chick who's friendly to him is attracted to him.
>Some actually actionable advice would be great.
well i already gave you some and you ignored it and acted like what i told you is in the same universe as "hey sexy how are you doing," but i'll assume this is in good faith and will respond:

think of flirting as playful role-playing. the role can be a lot of things: that she's into you and is trying to get into your pants, that you considered being attracted to her but something she said made you want to (fake, playfully) "reject" her ("oh, no. you were doing great until you said..."), etc. all of it should have some sort of undercurrent of the sexual tension between the two of you, even if what you're saying can just be a playful riff on a role that's existing just in your head.
I'm not afraid to talk to women at all. Just more cope from dishonest posters on here. When there are women interested in me, I'll talk to them. But these women evidently do not exist.
I have more examples than just >>31533470
But its all similar stuff, sometimes I flirt, they respond, I try to organize some stuff, and I get shot down, a bit before that I had a girl who I definitely thought was interested in me and I knew she was single then tell me "I have a boyfriend" when I tried to even slightly imply we go do something some time and it was just to me an obvious lie that was a hard no but she didn't want to be mean or cruel. I thought it was going well, I thought she was reciprocating, but I guess she just enjoyed flirting with dudes or didn't take me seriously.
I just don't understand where im fucking this all up and how so many of them end up wanting to be friends with me.
>you you you homo
classic closet homo behaviour. did your uncle or dad destroy your bussy when you were 5 anon?
>This totally not-fake set of messages PROVES that I never talk to women
you have to sprinkle it in from the start. the way you talk about this (how you get far in conversations but they shoot down any attempts at flirting) suggests you will go ages without establishing the flirty tone. flirty tone should be instant. the reason they don't accept it later is because you've already put yourself in the non-flirter bucket
I didn't ignore it, that post I was writing immediately after the one prior and it just took me long enough to write it that you had already posted, I reply in >>31533470
But no, what you said isn't in that realm at all and I think its completely reasonable.

I feel like I try things like that and they don't go well and am looking for some concrete examples because... idk, I feel like thats what im doing and its still not working.
Maybe there is something else, idk, but currently I think this is where I am fucking up, and I appreciate the advice you are giving.
This happens to ALL men. It just takes time.
If I was some sort of depressive obsessive I could probably list 250+ women I had a nice conversation with that ended up friendly and no more.
But they were just pleasant interludes as I grew to knw more about myself and more about women and pale next tot he 20-25 that ed to a lot more than "just" friendship.
I don't think you are getting this so let me be blunt
EVERY MAN can tell tales of the multiple women he had a great interaction with where it didn't work out because THAT IS THE NORM. Especially when I was young an inexperienced I probably had 50 interactions like you've described here before I got a *date*.
You are describing success you are just too young, inexperienced, and insecure to get it.
Okay, that sounds reasonable.
I will try that but I often am not just talking to people because I am immediately attracted to them so it might be hard / have a lot fewer situations where its applicable.
I am guessing there isn't much advice for how to shift out of that bucket or deal with people when I am talking to them just to talk to them before I develop an attraction to them?

but flirting ASAP I will try out going forward, that sounds like a pretty reasonable problem and thing I am potentially fucking up as I definitely am looking for a good moment to make a great comment to get it started, maybe just getting in there quick with some bullshit might be more effective.
oh ok thanks
>am looking for some concrete examples
ok. caveat: some concrete examples removed from context are going to sound corny. it's all about the playful roleplay you're doing, but i'll try to give you one.

The "are you hitting on me?" frame is my favorite, which you can use as soon as someone new says something positive at all. if a woman says "oh i like your clothes too," you might say something like "it's okay, you can come out and say it. i DO have a nice ass." or something lighter like "it's my sexy socks, right? why do women always go crazy for these socks" when obviously your socks are just plain white socks or whatever. notice how the undercurrent of the joke is how popular you are with the ladies

if you're picturing saying these lines out of nowhere, with no flirty tones established, they'll be cringe, yeah. you can just cut the tension and resume normal talk then. but if you have a fun/friendly vibe going, she will recipocrate with fun stuff in the same vibe "oh, it's totally your socks, they're doing something for me.."
Not young (31), and I wouldn't say im inexperienced at it as its been happening for over a decade at this point.
I just "gave up" at some point of expecting things to progress and just started fucking prostitutes, I earn enough money to be able to regularly go to brothels just to fuck and not need to care about the costs (its also legal here in Australia) and can very easily fuck some very hot women and not need to care at all.
To be clear, I haven't "given up" on "regular" women, just that I don't expect these interactions to go anywhere and i'm just content with them how they are going, I don't dislike making friends with people and I am not attracted or want to fuck every woman I talk to, so its not as if I am disappointed by every interaction or something, its just that there is a non trivial amount of times where I develop an attraction, then I act on it, and its not received well and everything afterwards isn't received well and its not really my problem if they are unhappy that I feel this way and its uncomfortable for me to be friends with them if I am attracted to them.

Its just kind of exhausting at this point as sometimes I get a message a while down the line of them trying to reconnect and its pretty clear they miss something about the friendship I would provide because I know a lot of people and often go to a lot of fun private events and trips and such and would take friends with me to stuff and then when they no longer have the guy who does fun stuff they miss that rather than really having any care about me specifically at all.
Yeah I get that, I don't think any of them sound cringe at all particularly, but thats probably because I am imagining contexts they are reasonable in.
I FEEL like do stuff like that, very akin to jokes with friends and the such but obviously in a different context, maybe I am just not relating it to things that are unmistakably sexual enough.
In the prior example I gave, I personally thought basically implying that I would like to see her get dressed (and specifically picking out her underwear in that case) but saying its only purely for educational reasons just phrased differently was quite up front without being too far. To me, it really feels along those lines as what you are talking about, its definitely a little more subdued and requires a bit more thought to connect the dots so to speak, but I don't think people are so stupid that they wouldn't understand what im getting at.

Maybe I am being too vague, maybe I am not doing it ENOUGH and its a volume problem even if there is SOME and its being done correctly, maybe its not soon enough (as mentioned earlier), or maybe some other stuff.

Either way, thanks for the advice, i'l continue to work on it.
>basically implying that I would like to see her get dressed
if you've been too friendly/formal and you're establishing a "dude wants to see her get dressed" frame, yeah, i could see why they're shutting it down. flipping it to accusing THEM of being into YOU is so much less creepy if you keep it light and fun.

>they wouldn't understand what im getting at.
i'd actually argue this point. women are smart and it sounds like they know what you're getting at, you're just picking an overtly sexual foreplay ("i wanna see you naked") rather than something challenging ("this woman is hitting on me")
>I gave up and became a whoremonger
ffs, what a loser
I didn't think it was too overt as it was DIRECTLY related to what we were talking about and conversationally relevant.
Maybe you are right, maybe thats why she was a bit firmer with me to shut it down because she found that a bit uncomfortable, I can understand that.

Normally thats not the case, its just kind of brushed off and ignored, but I specifically wanted to ask about this one as it felt weird, and it wasn't as if we stopped talking after that, we were maybe 10-15 min into the conversation at that point and spoke for another half an hour and she specifically asked about me and asked for my social media information so I just thought clearly it wasn't that bad or too forward if she was willing to be friends and we have continued to talk still and even have hung out twice.

I understand your point, but I was saying I don't think they are stupid and clearly they would get it, but yeah, you may be right that they are getting it and don't like it (lmao).
The other example I was going to provide is probably even worse in this regard as I went to this still life art class/seminar thing at a local indie art gallery (Ive made some indie games and want to improve my art, its kinda jank, its a hobby and my programming is good from being a SWE) and it turned out that the "still life" was a nude model, it was basically all women, and I ended up chatting to some of the women there, and the model who quite liked my drawing, she pointed out that I had captured her tits well and I said I can capture them in some other ways that she will like and she kind of just laughed and continued talking about the drawing I had done.
which yeah is in the same vein of problem of what you are talking about, but also feels incredibly topically relevant lmao, like really come on what else are you meant to say there I swear.

but yeah focusing on their interest rather than anything to do with me might be a good idea, il give it a try, thanks.
what else was I meant to do at 25 anon?
Never went on a date, never even romantically held hands or anything.
But I can go down the road and fuck an incredibly hot woman for an hr and do whatever I like with her for around 4hrs of 1 days wage? and what? I shouldn't? I should resist that? and do what? end up 31 now in the same situation just denying myself for some moral reason?

im making the equivalent of around 200k usd a year from my job, own my own home, have solid investments and the money spent isn't going to make a difference to me
but I shouldn't spend it for what reason? because oops women who already aren't interested in you won't like you?

fuck that shit, plenty of people fuck whores and have go on to have stable relationships, I know many, I know dudes who fuck them in between relationships, many who cheat on their partners to fuck them and its a problem if they get found out, some do, some don't
but me, who isn't doing anything wrong, nothing illegal, not hurting anyone, not cheating on anyone, not going to some seedy place with people being forced to do this and have been trafficked but genuinely women who have chosen to do this (for whatever reasons, good or bad) and many who live good lives being high class escorts and I what, shouldn't do this why?

I understand your dislike of it or because I did it because obviously I failed to normally attract women, but honestly, I regret not going when I was 18
I regret not going when I was 16 because I looked way older and have never been asked for ID (ironically I look young for my age now and people think im early 20's) for anything, and a place that was near me at the time I remember a girl going on about how shes concerned because the management doesn't check ID's and some of the dude who come are clearly under 18 but they don't care because moneys money (im pretty sure she was wrong, but it wasn't a bad idea I personally could of done because of how I looked)
so nah, I should have just went.
> what else was I meant to do at 25 anon?
Do have any idea how many religious men are older than that before they START?
>sex with hot women
Every fucking Incel is always focused on sex with a hot chick and only a hot chick RIGHT NOW which is why so many give up at age 20-25.
Like women cannot sense the desperation and fear like men can, lol
I despise you for your weakness and loser outlook
feel free to think that
personally I think it only helped me, I don't want to solely attribute it to that, but it was around that time I had a big turning point in my life, I wasn't great socially (I am literally unironically autistic, diagnosed and all), I had friends and such, but it was around 23-24 I started kind of finding a lot the friends I spent a lot of time with kind of shitty and didn't just want to play video games and at someones house (and drink on weekends while playing video games) or just online and wanted to do other stuff, but my friends weren't interested and the other friends I had made prior who WERE I had basically deliberately let those connections atrophy because I wasn't interested.

But things changed, I changed a lot as a person, I had a lot of personal problems before that, after working on my skills, meeting a lot of new people, doing a lot of new things, I felt like I was doing a lot better by 25, I can look back and say yeah a lot of those friends were genuinely shitty people and I shouldn't have spent so much time with them.
It was around that time I went to a brothel and lost my virginity, not necessarily because of that, but a lot of things I had been working on coalesced and I improved a lot as a person socially and met a lot much nicer people and had a lot more success in my life, I personally know it was a factor and it made sex much less of a concern for me as well as literally talking to women which I often found a little scary/anxiety inducing before that so it contributed to some degree.
To me, it helped me a lot in my life, maybe its caused some issues down the road, I can't say, I don't think so.

I had went out with friends who would end the night going to a brothel
the only ones who wouldn't go were those who were in relationships and didn't want to cheat (if they did, I didn't really want to associate with them) or were burnouts who couldn't afford to go, and me.
I should have just went when those times
Widows peak can really work for you
but now
years later
yeah I am doing a lot better for my self
sure, I absolutely don't do well with women, thats absolutely true.
People find it strange I don't have a partner, they often try to help me, try to set me up, and while I don't hear about what their friend told them about why they aren't interested, people usually are surprised it didn't work out because of who I am as a person as well that I am doing pretty well in my life in general now.

I have a lot more friends, acquaintances too, much better people too, and am much happier.
This is really the only concern I have or thing I overly want to work on and "fix", everything else is going great for me, and while its a pretty big aspect I don't think I gave up or have given up, I just have an option when it gets on mind
so I don't think it was me giving me up or has caused me problems
i have the same problem
i haven't been able to find a solution, so ive just stopped talking to them
OP here. Still no actual advice then? Just another anon who's decided to turn the thread into his autobiography?
sorry OP
guess I should have made my own thread instead of hijacking yours.

Super-friendly is often mistakingly seen as a sign of being interested. I now just leave it.
You get plenty of advice every time you post this thread you fucking pathological liar. You do not want advice, you only want validation for your lies.
You're the liar. I got no serious advice, just weirdos like you denying my experiences because they don't suit your worldview.
stop whining is advice but you deny our experiences because they don't suit your worldview
>stop whining is advice
I'm entitled to whine.
>Now she thinks I'm just an idiot who believes every chick who's friendly to him is attracted to him.
Well...are you? Because that's a strange projection to make otherwise.
Well, in this case I was, wasn't I?
>When there are women interested in me, I'll talk to them. But these women evidently do not exist.
So in other words...you're afraid to talk to them, unless it's a sure thing and they're displaying obvious interest.
You're like the people who say "hurr durr I'm not afraid of heights, I'm afraid of falling from them". Yeah great, so in other words they're afraid of heights then. Just like you're afraid of women. Glad we could clear this up.
>just weirdos like you denying my experiences
What experiences?
Nope. I'll gladly speak to women but if they don't want to speak to me, what do you do?
And you're willing to let one bad experience define you forever?
If you fell off a horse, would you get up and try again (it's a common figure of speech for a reason) or would you just sit there on the ground coping and seething?
I mean, maybe you WOULD do the second one. There are people like that out there, sure. But they also tend not to get the things they want or get very far in life.
Your choice anon.
>but if they don't want to speak to me,
And you know this just by looking at them...how?
The majority of human communication is non-verbal
And what do you know about how humans communicate? You're a seething autist and a coward. And a liar, as all your threads prove.
You have no first-hand experience with "non-verbal communication", you just read it somewhere and it sounded like a good cope to run with.
Lmao. Keep bait and switchin'.
It's not difficult to tell if someone is receptive to you.
It's not difficult with someone with experience with women, sure. Or even human social interaction in general.
And guess what pal? That it isn't you.
>how do you know women aren't interested in you?
>*explains how*
>n-no not liek that!
How much time do we have to invest in women who are not interested and are wasting our time? The juice isn't worth the squeeze at a certain point. If they're not clearly interested, I don't want to gamble 50 times to maybe find one. I'll have no energy left investing all that time and social interaction with women who don't care
I'm not the OP
but what exactly advice did you give him? I didn't see anything on how to tell if women are actually interested in you.
It's pretty hard as far as I can tell.
You really don't get it do you?
Even if you're partially correct, the point is YOU still don't get to hide behind this. You've never tried.
You've got dues to pay, son. You can complain about women rejecting you (verbally or otherwise) after you've actually given them something to reject.
Not before.
I don't think that is a valid analogy. There are no personal dynamics there. If I fall off the horse, I fall off the horse. If I get rejected by a woman, I have the humilation and shame of being deemed inferior and unwanted by someone's affections I was seeking. Not the same at all.
Because you don't want to speak to women. You actively go out of your way to make sure you appear as unattractive as possible to women.
What about the "humiliation and shame" of being bucked off the horse? The horse "rejected" you too didn't it?
Why do you place so much of your self-esteem on if you were rejected by the woman to begin with? That is very likely part of your problem.
Also, this "rejection" wasn't even something to take personally. You said she was taken, right? It's not personal. Maybe she would have accepted if she was available, but she's not. What did you expect her to do, leave her boyfriend on the spot for you because you asked her out?
>woman keeps her head down, avoids eye contact and ignores you
Hmmm I wonder if this woman is interested in me.
No I expected her to immediately drop to her knees, start sucking my dick, then rip off her panties while shes doing that and ask me if she should keep sucking or if its time to fuck her in between her fellating me.

Is that really too much to ask? its quite simple and specific.
Mildly bemusing shitpost, but this really does seem to be how a lot of incels think.
The woman is making a value judgment based on who you are as a person and the totality of your being, and saying it is inadequate. Of course that is painful.
Thanks anon. Saved me having to type it.
and why do you put so much value into a strange woman's thoughts of you?

absolutely is how they think and they're also convinced this is what stacey does to chad at first sight. just an incredible display of lack of experience in what goes on during modern courtship.
She had a boyfriend you fucking spergs. She wasn't available.
Even if she was available, why is your worth entirely hinged on her opinion of you? Sometimes people just don't click or there's no spark there, that's a little different from her saying "fuck you anon, you're garbage, go die now" now isn't it? But that's how you seem to want to take it. Maybe there are other girls out there you'd click with better, but you'll never know because now you're "swearing off talking to women". Well good luck with that, fag.
It's not just one women, it's a compounding effect. If you are constantly rejected, it takes a toll on you. I guess some are more resilient to that, but these people also tend not to be introspective to begin with, and perhaps this is also why they are less risk averse in general and more likely to approach random women without worrying about consequences or being impacted by the implications of their rejections and opinions.

I'll admit I am prone to overthinking and analysis paralysis, sure, but that just means someone with my personality type is going to be more profoundly impacted by rejection as I'm predisposed to analytical thinking. If I fail at something, I start to naturally think about where I went wrong and what could be changed to alter the outcome next time. However, with women, it's more difficult because there's so many variables that can influence attraction, and the most frequent constants that boost your chances are unchangeable physical traits. The way I react to these things will be difficult to change, unless I change fundamentally the way I process information.
neither of those anons but it's because it's not just this one random woman, it's the cumulative effect of every woman you've asked out rejecting you, and this random woman continuing the streak
How many do you have to attempt to talk to? How many profiles do you have to message on Instagram or swipe on dating apps and get ignored by? They can be as polite as they want to your face, but if it is a recurring constant pattern, it implies more than just this particular girl having a boyfriend or there not just being chemistry with this person. Women at large are rejecting you or not showing any interest, and if the results are the same each time, it becomes frustrating. You just have to keep on trying I guess, but it's certainly not fun or easy
>I guess some are more resilient to that,
Yeah definitely, but that's because those people have been talking to women (and getting rejected in some cases) all their lives, and already know that it's not a big deal and rejection is not the end of the world.
>but these people also tend not to be introspective to begin with,
Huge cope, I for one am very introspective and I have never been afraid to shoot my shot.
> and the most frequent constants that boost your chances are unchangeable physical traits.
The girl in your story was literally NOT AVAILABLE. Or are you implying (maybe subconsciously) that if you were just hot enough that she really would have left her bf on the spot for you?
>unless I change fundamentally the way I process information.
Ok, well then do so then, fag.
>Women at large are rejecting you or not showing any interest, and if the results are the same each time, it becomes frustrating.
As I've told OP repeatedly in this thread (in ALL his identical threads), if that is truly happening then it likely IS your fault. You're doing something wrong somewhere, but you have to identify what that is and learn from it.
>but it's certainly not fun or easy
Ok, and why does it have to be? Welcome to life.
>Ok, and why does it have to be? Welcome to life.
Yeah except no. I've seen far too many fucking schlubs get girlfriends with the bare minimum of effort to fall for this meme. If trying to get a girlfriend is a painful struggle, then it means that you're cursed and destined to be foreveralone.
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For all you guys talking about "crushing rejections", here's a story that just happened to me like a month ago. There's this girl at my gym. Very pretty, great body, a good girl who likes to read and walk her dog in her spare time. The works. We got to talking (she introduced herself first, no less) and after a few weeks of talking here and there I asked her out. Super casual, said let's grab a coffee sometime. She said "yeah, we should!" and gave me her number. Slam dunk right?
Well, no. She said she had a busy few weeks coming up but she'd let me know. I was like sure, no problem. I see her again later that week and she says "about that coffee, I'm gonna have to say no. I've got a lot going on. I'm not interested right now, but wanted to tell you so you're not waiting around".
I admit, I was taken aback. And a little hurt...privately. Was there another guy? Did she just get past a bad experience? Is she legitimately really busy? To this day I don't know, but it's not my business so I didn't ask. I was a man and took it with some grace. I said yeah no problem, I've got a lot going on too. No worries.
The next time I saw her, I just smiled and waved like normal, and would still talk to her now and then. Spoke nothing about the aborted coffee date. We just kept talking and being friendly and getting to know each other.
Fast forward like a month or so, and we've had some more nice interactions at the gym. In fact lately, she's starting to give me goo-goo eyes and say things like "so what do I owe you?" suggestively after I gave her gym tips. But it doesn't matter, because since then I've also met someone new who I think I like and click with even more.
The point is...abundance mentality. Take things in stride, don't be afraid to take a risk, don't be a sore loser.
Ok fine. But please be cursed in silence then.
>minimum of effort
>did more than you ever did by sheer virtue of just talking
Yes, I understand that. Constantly trying to figure out where I went wrong, and then that's how you get in the negative feedback loop, as you focus on negative traits. And then it's easy to center in on physical shortcomings, because women will overlook a lot of negative traits or behaviors if they're attracted to these men, while with men who are less attractive they have to compensate in other ways and work tirelessly for something that most people achieve with little effort. Either they have wealth and status, the right type of gregarious extroverted sociable personality (which is difficult to fake if it doesnt come naturally), or looks.

I didn't write the story of the guy asking out some girl who had a boyfriend. That was someone else. However, that is a common excuse, and it is difficult to tell if she is being serious or just saying that as a polite rejection when she is actually single. In that scenario, the woman was likely at a bar, so why is this single woman with a boyfriend at a bar to begin with without her boyfriend? Many women do engage in casual sex despite being in relationships, of course.

More attractive men have to put far less effort in, and there are people who may not be the most attractive who still manage to have women drawn towards them through natural social interaction. People often gravitate towards one another and conversation arises naturally. Women aren't just objects ripe for the taking or passively staring at men and never taking initiative. They will often make it known if they want a man to approach or escalate with them.

The other stuff is just an example of why I take rejection quite personally. And it also ties into your other advice in the next post, where your advice is to try and figure out where you went wrong. Men who are willing to approach random women tend to be more impulsive and "less in their head", more risk taking, which contradicts my personality type and is difficult to change.
Anon the problem isn't knowing that people AREN'T interested in you, its knowing if they are interested or just looking for another reason.
And sometimes you never get to find out.

Case in point 2 days ago I traveled up a little to play in a tournament with some friends, after the matches we were grabbing some dinner before heading home, it was like 9pm so we were just grabbing some kebabs and eating outside the place. I'm just eating and this hot girl walks by me and into the kebab place and I kind of am looking at her like damn shes really hot wtf and shes talking to her friend about to order (I think, and im pretty sure her friend is going to order for her/pay for it) and we kind of make eye contact and are looking at each other. I go back to eating and the conversation I am having, but as she walks past again she starts looking at me, is she interested in me? was she just looking because she saw me looking at her? did she see something interesting on me? was she curious about what I was eating?
she went and sat down a little bit away and we kind of did a look at each other thing, then her friend came back, exchanged a few words, and then they fucked off, so I never really had a chance to even talk to her and know.

There is a million different reasons I look at someone, yeah it can be because im attracted to them, but thats not necessarily the case, and its the same with women, but you can't know without asking and sometimes the situation is going to be hard to confirm, or like in the situation that happened, I didn't get a chance to go talk to her before she left.
If us just looking at each was enough to know she was interested, I wouldn't have even waited until she sat down and would have put my food down immediately and went over, but even if I had and was talking to her, I still wouldn't be sure from just exchanging a few words unless I was incredibly upfront and that realistically is pretty bad for your chances in most cases.

Not that simple
Yeah, I'd have le abudance mentality too if women were literally introducing themselves to me at the gym. Get out of here, you fucking tool.
How many times do we need to do this, anon?
If women aren't interested in talking to me, what the fuck am I meant to do? You won't answer because you're just another low-effort shitposter crapping up my thread.
>and the most frequent constants that boost your chances are unchangeable physical traits. The way I react to these things will be difficult to change, unless I change fundamentally the way I process information.

you are so freakin' close to enlightenment here: you are correct in that your reaction to rejection might be difficult to change, but you also have to understand that the way you react to it is actually what boosts your chances for success and not these physical traits you attribute too much to.

seriously, i'm curious what you do after being rejected? do you sulk? lament on the internet about how hard life is? try to convince her otherwise? because the guys with gfs did none of these. they simply moved on to another woman and tried again without giving a fuck about rejection until they scored.
They didn't get rejected in the first place, anon.
>do you sulk? lament on the internet about how hard life is?

Pretty much these, to be honest. More just trying to reflect on why I messed up and then going into a thought loop about how I am not attractive to women for whatever reason, be it looks or height or personality or wealth or stupidity or whatever else
try becoming someone interesting to talk to, anon. this shouldn't be a hard concept for you to figure out. you just don't want to put in the effort required for that to happen.
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Imagine wasting quad 4's on a seething incel post. Damn shame.
Yeah, she introduced herself but I had already gotten the ball rolling by smiling at her when I saw her, then saying hi. The day she introduced herself I was already talking to her, because she was there at a different time and I said "oh hey, not used to seeing you here this late". After that is when she held out her hand and said "oh I'm femanon by the way".
In any case, if a "guy who women literally introduce themselves to at the gym" is what you apparently want to be (and it is), why not actually listen when you have one talking to you right now? You might learn something.
I love how incels would rather other incels helping them then guys who actually get women. Truly the blind leading the blind.
Don't make me post Skinner again! Oh fuck it, here he is anyway.
Because there is nothing to be gained from you or anyone else who has positive experiences attracting women. You just got lucky.
so you're at least cognizant of your problem here. wouldn't the next logical thing to do is to enact the change?
You're supposed to be someone who women (at least SOME women, somewhere) WOULD be interested in talking to.
Not everyone is going to like everyone. If there are some women who don't like you, great. Welcome to the human race, because that's EVERY guy.
If NO women anywhere like you, that's on you. You're the problem.
Lmao. I work with guys who have girlfriends, I'm related to guys with girlfriends, most of them are fucking dullards with the most uninsightful takes on anything. That's why it's such a joke that they were able to attract women without trying.
how do i become likeable?
>if a "guy who women literally introduce themselves to at the gym" is what you apparently want to be (and it is), why not actually listen when you have one talking to you right now?
Because there is no point?
>just bee urself and women will approach you on their own xD
Doesn't work for all people. It works for extremely attractive men. If you are one, good for you. But do you really think humblebragging here is gonna help anyone?
You're the equivalent of some millionaire wallstreet banker giving investing advice to some homeless dude who doesn't even have a single dollar to his name
Well probably, but like I said, it's hard to do that because of my predisposed thought patterns. I'm overly analytical. If I get rejected, I'll think about why I got rejected to try and not get rejected in the future and analyze why and how to change it, and I tend to hone in on the looks aspect or compare myself to others she could choose. One problem of many is you've all been saying men who succeed with women the most don't really think like this and just keep asking women out regardless, but that's something that would require a fundamental psychological change on my part.
More cope. Did you even read the original story? I didn't even get her. If were more like you guys I'd be balled up on the floor crying and making shit threads like this one.
I didn't "luck" my way into learning how to talk to women and persevering after being too shy and awkward to talk to them when I was younger. I didn't "luck" my way into being in the kind of shape where gym girls take notice of me.
You're just a lazy faggot with entitlement issues. No guts, no grit, no balls, no brains. Just a vulnerable narcissist with simultaneous superiority and inferiority complex.
>they're all idiots
>i'm actually le smart one

this attitude exactly right here is women repellant and until you want to fix that, your results will always be the same.
Why can't I be right, anon?
Why do you assume every dude got a gf on merit? Are you that naive?
>I didn't "luck" my way into being in the kind of shape where gym girls take notice of me.
You did. Because contrary to what copepilled nonsense you want to indoctrinate people with, your "physique" or deadlift pr or whatever has nothing to do with women approaching you.
It's about face, frame and height in that order.
Lmao. People who get lucky often try to rationalize their good fortune by attributing to muh hard work. They don't want to accept that some things are simply down to fate.
>It works for extremely attractive men. If you are one, good for you
Maybe I am. But guess what? The gym didn't magically change my face. I still had my looks even when I was younger.
When I was...and I repeat...shy, awkward, invisible to women at best and repeatedly rejected at worst. So how do we reconcile this information?
Could it be that your worldview is unfounded and based on nothing more than cope and seethe?
(it is)
>but that's something that would require a fundamental psychological change on my part.

and? sounds like change would do you good in a lot of aspects of life besides just women. you're either cognizant of the issue and want to fix it or you think complaining on 4chan is easier. you know which by virtue of many of us telling you will fetch you results. it's your choice to refuse to do anything about it.
What part of "I had the same face when women didn't like or notice me" do you illiterate incels not get?
My height? I'm like 5'10 on a good day with shoes on. I don't think I'm short, but you are the guys who like to think anything under like 6'2 is manlet status, not me. I think I'm average.
>The gym didn't magically change my face. I still had my looks even when I was younger.
Correct. Looks and therefore dating success are genetically determined at birth and not changeable.
You got lucky and play the game on easy mode, so your "advise" is completely worthless. Great that you finally get it.
Unreliable narrator. I don't care what YOU think about yourself.
If I play the game on easy mode, why was I losing back then?
Again, you guys are not paying attention. I lost in THIS STORY that I just told about the girl at the gym. She turned me down. You fags are just so blown away that a girl told me her name of her own accord that you can't get past it.
You can stop your little humblebragging show now, retardo.
This isn't reddit. You won't get any updoots or sympathy here. You are not welcome here and need to leave now.
You have nothing valueable to say on this topic. "just be genetically blessed like me xD" is not helpful to anyone in any way.
>I don't care what YOU think about yourself.
I'll remember that next time you make a thread about how hard you try and how unworthy guys compared to you get gfs while you don't.
>why was I losing back then?
You literally never mentioned this until you needed to start backpeddling when people called you out on your bullshit.
No piss off.
Except my post isn't a thinly-veiled humblebrag.
>if something isn't made clear in the first post that means it never happened in reality!
Interesting worldview my mentally ill friend.
It literally is though.
>why don't I have a gf?
>I'm better than Jed and he has one!
Too bad OP, "Jed" mogs. Deal with it.
>oh no I (rightfully) got called out on my obvious humblebragging!!! Better make some bullshit up that doesn't make sense to try and win this epic internet argument!! That'll show 'em!!!
There's a red button with an X in the top right.
Click it.
she was into you bro
why else would she be looking at you like that? basically flirting hard and you just let her get away.
That's not what humblebragging is, retard.
>bro she was looking at you that means she wants sex NOW!!!
My favourite incel cope.
Really shows off how far detached from the real world they are.
OP implies he is better than all these "Jeds" who get girls without trying (supposedly).
The entire premise of this shitty thread is a humblebrag of sorts. In reality, OP is well beneath "Jed" in every metric imaginable.
ngl its not more retarded than the guy who said its easy to tell if girls are into you.
Both of them are retards and I was hoping he would come up and say some dumb shit to me when I wrote out that story about how easy it was to tell, but idk if this is the same guy and he took the bait heavily or some other incel spastic because that first guy seemed to arguing the opposite of incel stuff so I didn't expect something like this.

but who knows.
Was she interested in me? non 0% chance, but how the fuck I would I ever know, not likely to run into her again (or even recognize her if I did) in a city of 6mil residents so it isn't something I really think about or care about.
I don't know why I bother reaching out for help when all I get is the usual schizo
>you don't tryyyyyyy
>ackshually you don't want a gf
you still haven't answered how many women you've attempted to speak to in the last week.
Because those aren't helpful questions. They're loaded "gotcha!" questions. I've already told you that women don't want me to speak to them.
I bet life itself seems like a "loaded gotcha question" for you OP.
So what is that telling you?
amazing that you admit to considering yourself mentally superior to everyone that actually is successful with women and yet you still can't manage to figure out why you're not. perhaps you have an overly elevated view of yourself and you're not as intelligent as you actually think? and that, if and when you do approach women, you come off as pretentious when trying to make up for your other perceived misgivings (muh height, muh face) and they can see right through that facade and therefore determine you're not interesting to talk to? have you ever considered this, OP?
Nah, I'm pretty chill and easygoing irl. But you can only compare yourself to those around you, and the many of the ones with gfs I know first-hand are nothing special, many of them are below-average IQ and have nothing interesting to say. The problem is that you cannot use your intelligence to attract women because the whole thing is evidently irrational.
nothing interesting to say according to you, you mean. women like intelligence just fine but what they don't like are pretentious dipshit navel gazers who secretly think they're better than everyone else without actually doing anything to prove that belief. and yes they absolutely can pick up on that without you even saying anything. they're actually a lot smarter than you give them credit for which is just one of the ways you're going wrong here.
>women have le sixth sense
>it also never works when meeting wife-beaters, cheaters and rapists
One of my favorite incel copes.
It also ignores how a lot of the time these abusers, cheaters and rapists (that you think make up the majority of men who have women, apparently) are better at hiding those parts of them than you are. The whole point is women are fooled by them, not that they say
>ooh boy, he's a cheating rapist? sign me up!
>excellent example of exactly what i'm talking about considering pretentiousness

yikes, bud. good luck with life and everything out there! you're gonna need it.
>many of them are below-average IQ and have nothing interesting to say.
And you aren't?
You haven't said one interesting thing in this thread, or in any of your (many) identical threads. So what makes you so allegedly interesting?
Again, I'll quote something you said to me earlier OP:
>I don't care what YOU think about yourself
I'm beginning to get serious about paying an escort at this point. It's just faster and easier

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Make your mind up. Do women have this intuition to detect a guy's character defects or not? Because most scumbags give off obvious red flags. Women just choose to ignore them.
>yikes, bud
Go back.
You lot haven't give me a lot of quality material to work with desu.
Just a bunch of schizo ramblings from shitposters with no interest in having an actual discussion.
>women are dumb because they can see things that are glaringly obvious more easily than things that are calculatedly hidden!

None of that has anything to do with what I asked you OP.
I ask again: how are YOU interesting?
>no interest in having an actual discussion.

i bet you try and debate potential mates too because you like the sport of it and enjoy feeling superior when you own them over whatever arbitrary topic while being completely oblivious that no one actually likes doing that irl but they might try just to entertain you until they get utterly exhausted over how insufferable you really are.

qed. you're a big fat whiny man-baby who thinks he has everything figured out while genuinely knowing absolutely nothing at all.
Except, as I already said, these men give off major red flags. So, you've left with two options:
1. Women don't have this mythical sixth sense, it's all bullshit
2. Women take a calculated risk and ignore the red flags when dating dirtbags
Pick one.
Nice headcanon there, anon. It's obvious that you just want to pigeonhole me into some kind of stereotype because it's a lot easier than accepting that I might actually have a point.
you are a walking red flag, dude. you don't get to judge women for their choices when this whole thread is just you self-owning yourself with each reply.
your point is why even try and that's not exactly useful to anyone
Ah, switching the goalposts again. Concession accepted. We've established then that 'female intuition' is total bullshit. I thought the sheer amount of women hiding in refuges would be proof-positive of that but clearly you're a slow learner.
>Except, as I already said, these men give off major red flags.
You don't get to just decide these things OP. Reality doesn't orient itself to match whatever drivel you post.
Sometimes they do give off major red flags, sure. Other times, they do not.
If and when red flags are apparent and women take a calculated risk as you say, it's because there's *something* about these men that makes them worth the risk. You don't have even that. Also note that these are not exactly the high quality women that are knowingly going for rapists and wifebeaters. Trash attracts trash.
And on that note, this is who should unironically be your crowd because you're trash too OP.
Well, I have tried, and where did it get me? Fucking nowhere. No girlfriend, no dates, no interest. Fucking zero. Clearly you are not rewarded for what you put in. That's why all these other chumps get gfs without even trying.
You call me trash but you're the one getting irrationally angry and spiteful towards a total stranger simply because they don't happen to share your worldview. Take a look in the mirror before you judge me, anon.
>Well, I have tried,
they still somehow know to avoid you though
It's not, there's girls all over the fucking place looking for a boyfriend. They just don't want to date you because you don't put in any effort to be an attractive mate. You claim to be putting in the effort but you're not.
Yeah, no clue why women don't want to date someone who simultaneously thinks he's better than everyone else and laments about the unfair state of the world. We get it, OP: nothing is actually your fault, it's just your circumstances!
>You claim to be putting in the effort but you're not.
Lmao dude, if you knew the amount of shit I've put into improving myself you would be amazed.
Ok, so what did you do then?
Nice try.
How much effort into improving your obvious shitty attitude? You repel women with your thinking but won't admit it's an issue. All the guys who have gfs absolutely do not think like you do, I promise.
>We get it, OP: nothing is actually your fault, it's just your circumstances!
If you put the effort in and life still fucks you over? Then yeah pretty much. But I've always been a hard determinist anyway.
So nothing? Got it.
Does this game really never get old to you OP? You're more pathetic than Schooler at this point.
>All the guys who have gfs absolutely do not think like you do, I promise.
I hate when people come out with retarded shit like this. No fucking shit. They HAVE a girlfriend. Why would they be bitter and cynical about finding a girlfriend? Lmao.
What do I have to gain from telling you?
You'll either mock me for being a tryhard OR you will just say that it's not enough.
>They HAVE a girlfriend.

You've completely missed the point yet again. They didn't get these girls by acting like you do! At this point you've become a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure. And you seem okay, content even, with that.
No, you're the one missing the point. Do you think that I adopted this mentality fully formed before anything else? No, it's the repeated lack of reward for any effort that cultivates such an attitude. If you're some bumblefuck who got a girlfriend without trying, why the fuck would you be on the same wavelength as me?
>Why would they be bitter and cynical about finding a girlfriend?
They weren't bitter and cynical before then either, that's how they got them.
What are you not getting here?
>What do I have to gain from telling you?
You would gain having an honest conversation. Which you're clearly not actually here to do.
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Dude, people are embittered by experience. I was once a carefree dude who thought that if he made the effort he might be able to have something resembling a lovelife. Then I watched as everything I did made no difference. That women still didn't notice me. That I was still not worth their time. All the while, every other asshole was falling ass-backwards into a relationship. That's enough to blacken anyone's soul.
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>I asked 4 women, all said no, so I gave up
>why does nothing good ever happen to me??
>i try but nothing ever works out
>my SoUL is blackkk
>a bloo bloo bloo

I ask again, who in their right mind would want to entertain this in real life? Why can't you just toughen the fuck up mentally, which should be easy for you since you're so superior in that area, and quit your fucking whining? If you're so used to putting in effort in other places, why are you failing in this regard?
Yes yes OP, it's your edgy anime villain origin story.
But you ignored my comment. Those guys with gfs aren't not bitter and cynical because they have gfs, they weren't bitter and cynical like you to begin with.
Fuck, "bitter" doesn't even have to be a bad thing IF (and only if) you use it as fuel and let it drive you. But you're not even doing that.
What arbitrary figure should I reach to satisfy the /adv/ threshold, anon?
>Why can't you just toughen the fuck up mentally, which should be easy for you since you're so superior in that area, and quit your fucking whining?
Why shouldn't I "whine", as you so put it? Why should I just suffer in silence? Nah fuck that. I'm sick and tired of doing that. Watching as every other fuckstick gets a gf while I'm forced to rot in loneliness.
I didn't ignore shit. I already explained that I wasn't bitter and cynical to begin with. Nobody is. But I sure as shit now. And so would you be if you tried everything and women still weren't interested in you. Be yourself, be someone else. etc etc. nothing works.
>Why shouldn't I "whine", as you so put it? Why should I just suffer in silence?
You're a man, are you not?
Yes/no answer here only OP.
>rot in loneliness

Interesting that you claim this is a result of your circumstances and not your own doing while also suggesting everyone else you interact with is below average IQ and has nothing interesting to say. Maybe you just repel people in general because you yourself are actually a shitty person to be around? This thread and all of your posts in it is a pretty good indication that might be the case.
>men should just accept their shitty fate because my boomer dad said so
Typical plebbit gaslighting.
>post thread
>receive nothing but abuse and shitposts
>give shit back
I don't think you should accept your fate at all. I think you should do something about it while not being a whiny bitch.
>>receive nothing but abuse and shitposts
This is your problem. You think actual constructive criticism is "abuse and shitposts".
It's been said before, but classic vulnerable narcissism.
>I think you should do something about it while not being a whiny bitch.
"Something"? Like what?
> What arbitrary figure should I reach to satisfy the /adv/ threshold, anon?
I think I had spoken with 200-250 women, asked 30-40 on dates, and turned down by all before I got a date. 14-16 years old was learning and failing and growing.
So when Incels come along with their
>boo-hoo, I have zero female friends and ambushed 4 women with date requests and they said no, I give up, boo-hoo. How do guys with gfs accidentally get them, boo-hoo?
It is funny as fuck
>I'm constantly forced to see all of these slobs and slack mfs get girlfriends without putting in any effort

Your opening fucking statement was a tirade of abuse and insults lmfao. You are objectively a bad person!
How about talking to women?
How about also not saying you're better than everyone else while acting like you're worse?
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The losers with GFs talk to women and get rejected 14 out of 15 times but never quit
Ah okay, I thought you were bringing something worthwhile to the table. Nevermind.
Lmao no they don't. They experience minimal rejection.
You lack self-love. It doesn't matter how much you try to improve yourself if you continue to think that you are still undeserving and not good enough. First you need to change your mindset. Everything else follows from there.
> They experience minimal rejection.
How would you know?
You obviously have no friends
I have friends. They're all in long-term relationships. They never went through multiple rejections.
>I'll do ANYTHING to get women
>ok, how about talking to them?
>anything but that!
Ok we're done here OP, I've wasted enough of my time with you today. Enjoy your endless misery in life, you've earned it.
>They never went through multiple rejections.

That they told you about. Most men don't whine about their failures like you're intent on doing.
Your advice was the same "muh talk to wimmin" that's been parroted 1000 times already and answered 1000 times already.
Nah, they would often talk about their lovelifes. It's a boomer myth that men have to ask out a gorillion women as a rite of passage.
>It's a boomer myth that men have to ask out a gorillion women as a rite of passage.
It's not about being a rite of passage, it's about persevering until you succeed.
I know exactly how you feel, anon, because I am much like you. I also keep coming up with excuses to justify my failures, it's my worst habit. You need to understand that nothing will change until you change. Latching onto our excuses is comfortable, but we have to learn to let go of patterns that no longer serve us. It's very frightening at first, because you are abandoning the old familiar you that you have grown so accustomed to identifying with, but if you don't even try to change your ways everything will remain exactly the same.
So your position here is your friends didn't have to say a word to these women? They just saw them and immediately started having sex with them, is that it?
>It's not about being a rite of passage,
In OP's case I'd say it is though.
He actually needs to be knocked in the dirt a little.
>but if you don't even try to change your ways everything will remain exactly the same.
Unfortunately, it remains exactly the same either way.
My friends met women who were interested in them and the rest is history.
Either they talked to them or they didn't. Why can't you confirm this for us?
Now you are just fucking LYING.
No man has never been turned down
Read this
Follow the advice
Yes they spoke to women that were interested in them. Hard for me to do that when no women are interested.
Thanks to this I think I'll double-down on my posting now seeing as it makes anon seethe so much.
That is because you are not interesting and refuse to take any advice that might make you more interesting! You've made your own bed here, OP.
Every guy with a gf is utterly fascinating, eh anon?
>Unfortunately, it remains exactly the same either way.
Your fear of trying to do different is keeping you stuck. If you keep telling yourself that you are hopeless, then you will remain hopeless. Yet here you are arguing with people, looking for an answer. That means that you haven't lost hope. But you take offense with every suggestion that people give you, you want everything to work out on your own terms. As I said, I understand that completely because I am the same way. Only recently did it finally dawn on me that the only thing holding me back truly is myself. Stop coming up with excuses and complaining that the odds are against you. Yes, the odds are indeed against you. But instead of seeing that as misfortune, you must realize that it us actually a great fortune. Difficulty forces you to grow, learn and adapt. Every obstacle in your life is a great opportunity to acquire invaluable experience that will serve you for the rest of your life.
If you constantly see it it's not exactly impossible is it?
To some degree, yes. That is literally the definition them being interesting enough to talk to. How have you not figured this out yet with your superior intellect??
I suppose it's not possible that women could have faulty judgment and/or shit taste in men, huh?
No, they're avoiding you so their instincts are absolutely dead on. Again, you should have been able to figure this out already if you're as smart as you say you are.
I was going to tell you what I really think on that matter, but instead I will just wish you the best of luck with your endeavours, anon.
Well thank you. I hope that at least something of what I wrote makes sense to you and causes you to ponder, and I wish you best of luck as well.
Yeah yeah yeah, I'm so terrible bla bla bla, women are psychic, everyone gets what they deserve. I get it, anon.
No one has to be psychic to tell that you're a broken person after a mere five minute conversation with you. There are solutions out there for you, but you refuse to utilize them, so yes you do in fact deserve what you're getting.
>There are solutions out there for you, but you refuse to utilize them
Funny how you never post them then.
Why bother? You'd just make excuses as to why they wouldn't work for you because your situation is just too special, despite them working for literally every other person you seethe about that has a girlfriend.
Why even bother bringing it up then if you're not gonna post them?
Come on, OP. I thought you were smarter than everyone else. How come you haven't figured out what you're doing wrong yet?
I'm still waiting, anon. Starting to think you're full of shit.
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>everyone else has a GF, why not me?
Also OP
>there is NO FUCKING WAY I need to change ANYTHING, so fuck off telling me how to change!!!!!
>improving myself
This is the wrong kind of effort. It's not about performance, you fucking jackass. It's about expressing yourself and then finding your complement.
It's because you have no aura. Aura is an invisible energy that people can sense when they see or interact with you. You won't get noticed unless you have one.
autist level nonsequitur
>Does Jed have your shitty attitude and worldview and repulsive personality?
Your just below avg attractiveness even if you were interesting it wouldnt help you to find a women.
That could certainly be a possibility but I see far less physically attractive men than me with girlfriends.
>I have tried
How many times are you going to repeat this lie?
So give it a bit of thought. Why do they have girlfriends and you do not? What did they do differently? Surely there must be a logical explanation.
>got lucky
>He isn't luckmaxxing
>Why do they have girlfriends and you do not?
Because I am literally on this planet to suffer.
You don't know what I've done, so stfu.
We don't know because you refuse to tell us.
For good reason. You will either just tell me to "t-try harder!" or you won't reply at all. I've jumped through so many hoops and fought against myself in an effort to get a gf, all for naught, while all these other bozos get gfs without trying.
>without trying
It doesn't matter how many hundreds of times you repeat this lie, it will not become true.
Right back at ya when you claim that I haven't tried.
They talked to girls. You refuse to. Why is that so hard to understand? They tried, you refuse to try.
They had women attracted to them. I don't, even after looksmaxxing. There's nothing else I can do.
They talked to girls and asked them out. You refuse to do this. You do not want a girlfriend.
Which girls am I talking to? All the ones who won't look at me?
>Which girls am I talking to?
By your own admission, none. You refuse to talk to girls. You do not want a girlfriend.
Women won't even look at me. It's hard to talk to them if they aren't interested.
Because you go out of your way to make sure to kill any interest they had in you. You do not want girls to be interested in you.
I hate faggots who come into these incel threads and just want to start shit and invalidate everything someone says. Like the OP is obviously venting and being unreasonable but the cool Australian anon giving his personal experiences is getting shit even though he's trying his best. I have more respect for the incels who try than the losers who come in just to make themselves feel better.
Take your meds, schizo.
h-haha... thanks anon....
thats me, the coolest incel you know
im sure its why all the hookers ask if I am married, they just assume im cheating on someone not that women have 0 interest in me.

Reminds me of when I was 21 or 22 and a solar panel salesman came to the door, I was living at my parents house while at uni and he was giving me the pitch and I interrupted him and said I can't make that decision, its not up to me, he looked at for 5 seconds then just said
>"when will your wife be home?"
I didn't know if I should be insulted that he thought I looked like such a bitch my wife made all the decisions or that he thought I even HAD a wife.
not that maybe I was renting or something
I said it was my parents house and he walked off, I didn't know how to feel then, I still don't know how to feel about it, but I got the same energy from him as I got from your post.
>im sure its why all the hookers ask if I am married, they just assume im cheating on someone not that women have 0 interest in me.
I have the same. They always ask me if I'm married or have a gf. I actually think it's a turn on for these women to fuck a man who's spoken for.
yeah maybe, thats probably a turn on for a good chunk of those who ask, im sure some are just curious though
the late 20's and early 30's ones always ask and try to talk about relationships with me
but the early 18 to early 20's ones have a completely different attitude and I get some absolutely random comments.

I remember one private girl I was seeing for the 3rd time, just turned 22 between our sessions apparently, I had mentioned only ever having paid for sex and because she was making some flattering comments about me and how I fuck (which are obvs bullshit since she has a financial incentive to make me he like her so even if its not consciously being done, its going to subconsciously happen) and I told her, but the next time she asked me, and I quote, "how many sluts have you stretched out since I last saw you?" completely seriously with the most casual tone and it just absolutely fucking sent me and I was laughing so hard, I told her none and she just asked why and was genuinely questioning it so I reminded her and hit me with the "oh thats disappointing".
or the hair styling questions I seem to get a lot because my hair is quite magnificent and I get a lot of comments about it.
or the girl who tried to set me up with her friend, apparently oblivious that her friend probably isn't interested in someone who is sleeping with prostitutes and specifically one they know as well, she really insisted, actually ran into her at this... concert I guess at this dive bar and she was trying to set me up with her friend, her friend was just not having it, honestly shes very lucky just how hot she is because holy shit.

I say this but I definitely say some pretty unhinged stuff too and I told many I would prefer if it if they didn't, which, honestly, yeah, whatever I guess, doesn't really matter in the end im just here to feel good and why should I care if they are performing or not.
It's all about luck. You can increase your chances somewhat but it still all comes down to luck, meeting the right person at the right time.

Most of the people who are in relationships that I know haven't gone out of their way to find a gf/bf. While I don't have a gf myself, I did go out with someone for a while and you know how it happened? I just got lucky, met up with an old acquaintance by pure luck, so I invited her for some coffee. You can mewmaxx, gymmaxx, looksmaxx and whatever the fuck anyone else is suggesting but at the end of the day it's all about luck. Just like getting a job desu. You can have all the diplomas and shit but you can still be out of a job for a year or even more.

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