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one is intelligent the other one's brain is basically fried

20 year old female and 26 year old male respectively
>how do you convince someone that weed is addictive
Consider video evidence. Take a three-day or a week-long video of their lives and compress it(without cutting) to a 30 to 45 minute video.

This works for losers too.
might work? but I'm not following them around for a week to record them

also they'll just probably just reminisce on each event of consumption
addictive isn't hard, anything can be addictive if it generates the right reward response

bad for you isn't necessarily true. literally zero harm from edibles.

being lazy or failing to focus on studies is a personal moral failing, not something a substance can induce.
Perhaps a static camera strategically placed in their most frequent room would be good, with their consent of course.
I'm a weed addict and I can tell you there is basically nothing you can do.
Are you sure they aren't aware and doing it anyway
>how do you convince someone that weed is addictive and bad for you?
regrettably after watching a friend go from being an excellent welder and brilliant with electronics to a shitty welder who got fired and dogshit with even relays on his truck I had to let go and let him be retarded. I have no legal way to simply take the weed or stop him, even if I could I don't have the right. Ultimately you're not your friends' keeper and their lives belong to them. If they choose becoming a drooling spastic that's not your fault. You can't save some people from themselves. Learn to let go, maybe they'll be happier that way anyway.
they are constantly trying to get me to do weed with them and touting the benefits to the point where it gets annoying

I ate an edible just to humor the guy on his birthday and since then he's been upset at me that I couldn't drive everyone home since I was high. I took it before his ride left and even after I told him repeatedly I get really high because I have no tolerance. basically the guy is a 26 year old man child who has no life skills and spends all his pay check on weed and hair cuts. I'm concerned about his gf who is my friend because she's not as deep as him. she's also quite intelligent to boot whereas I'm not sure he had any intelligence to begin with

for example, once they were high and she mentioned isn't it crazy we willingly carry around these devices that spy on us? and all her has to say after thinking for 10 seconds was damn that's like black mirror the TV show remember that episode. this guy literally rewatches reality TV episodes and plays clash of clans religiously. she wants to go to college and she keeps putting it off. Gee, I wonder why. what a fucking mystery.
Ohh I get it now you want her to "realize her current boyfriend is an idiot and choose me".
I can tell you from hard learned personal experience with addicts, you cannot help someone who doesn't want help, anon. If they themselves can't see the problem, if the impetus to change doesn't come from them, then you're better off staying out of it and distancing yourself from them so you're not victim to their addictive behaviors. If they have a serious amount of humility and respect for your opinion, then maybe you can tell them your concerns and offer to help in some way, but those people are rare, and addiction clouds their judgement anyway. It's none of your business no matter how much you care about them. The inevitable result of them not fixing their addiction and regaining other motivations to improve will be that you'll grow, and they won't. One day you'll hardly understand one another, or have anything to talk about, and drift apart. Just be prepared, and don't feel guilty.
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you cut them out of your life
In extreme circumstances yeah, and eventually that's probably what it will be. There's still the possibility that being a good friend can give them an avenue out, but serious addicts hooked on fent or H aren't worth interacting with and should be cut out pronto before you get roped into their mess.
He has to save her from this incredibly inferior, stupid, low class man who is worse than him in every way, why can't she just realize that?????

OP this shit is pathetic and you need to give up on this girl
Lol they're smoking a little weed and OP is going mad with jealousy over some pussy. What the fuck do fent and H have to do with this situation?
Smoking a little weed isn't the same as using it as a crutch and wasting your life away being dependent on it. Some people just can't use it casually or responsibly, and they end up stuck in a hole because of it. I brought up Fent and H as more severe addictions that justify immediately cutting someone out of your life, and said that a weed addict doesn't necessarily need that harsh of treatment, but that's eventually where it will lead to if they don't get their act together. I've dealt with addicts my whole life, I know their patterns and firsthand why they are the way they are. You can't help these people unless they see the problem, and weed addicts are some of the most deluded about their problems.
You're out of your mind. Go scream at people in the bar for drinking one beer, nutjob.
Habitual drinking is also a big issue. Drinking one beer or having a night out every now and then isn't. Smoking a joint on the weekend isn't a problem, doing it every day all day is. You know the difference, you're just being an edgy contrarian for (you)s. Here's your (you).
NTA, but he’s more right than you are. Implying weed leads to heroin and fent is a huge reach. I know plenty of people that have smoked frequently for years (and are successful in good careers) that never started doing hard shit. Your post give me the vibe that you grew up around hardcore addicts and it has traumatized you in someway. But that’s not our problem.
>Implying weed leads to heroin and fent is a huge reach.
I didn't imply that. It can happen, but I also don't believe that's implicitly the case.
>I know plenty of people that have smoked frequently for years (and are successful in good careers) that never started doing hard shit.
Right on, but I know plenty of people who smoked all day, every day who have no motivation to change or improve, stay stuck in dead-end Joe jobs, have no real hobbies, and are using weed as a way to not be bored or deal with their very real problems. Some can use it responsibly, some can't. The number of daily habitual users I've ever seen be properly responsible is few. I've known more people that couldn't handle taking a simple T break than who can use it every day and still succeed.
>Your post give me the vibe that you grew up around hardcore addicts and it has traumatized you in someway. But that’s not our problem.
Cool analysis man, but your post gives me the vibe of the stereotypical weed addict who posts shit like "it's not chemically addictive" to cope with their addiction. Treating weed like it's not abusable and abused by a lot of people is delusional. Addiction is a serious problem, and the coping needs to stop.
Last time I smoked weed was almost a year ago, try again. I don’t care if you know a bunch of loser deadbeats who smoke weed. That sounds more like a problem of who you associate with.
That's cool man, anyway, stay in school don't do drugs
>passive aggressive bitch response and no rebuttal
Very faggy
Weed exacerbates those tendencies. It might not create them, but weed makes you okay with being bored, avoiding a natural impetus that leads you to action. There's also as of yet understood neurological effects to consider, especially for people below 25, so to say there's "zero harm" is a stretch, especially if you consider individual cases where it can and does lead to psychosis or mental illness. It's not just a magic no-risk fun button you can press as much as you want, nothing is. One thing people are very bad at is knowing and admitting their limits, and while some people can handle weed and be responsible with it, a lot can't and will never admit it, especially when so many are dedicated to trying to refute any detriment it can cause because there was so much dogma against it before. It's not a devil drug, it isn't a hard drug, neither is alcohol, but it can destroy and stall lives just the same.
Rebuttal to what? You saying "nuh-uh, no u"? Make an intelligent argument for me to reply to anon. So far all you've offered is a misinterpretation of my argument, shit-flinging, and no real discussion about the issue. Come now, what am I supposed to say to that except "okay cool"?
You're basically just repeating Randy's monologue from that South Park episode and trying to frame it as profound insight
I don't watch South Park or television, link to the scene? Either way, I assume you agree with it since you didn't argue against it, so it must be a decent monologue.
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>You have to give me a real argument to my retarded, anecdotal, correlation = causation spiel.
>You didn't give me a Rebuttal
>but I don't have to give you a Rebuttal or even an argument
Okay anon, very cool, anyway
Honestly, if you smoke weed you're a loser.
Fascist pig. Choke of fascist dick faggot.
Correct. It's not our problem you hang around a bunch of deadbeat burnouts. Thinking you can infer they're like that because DUDE WEED, and not the other away around, for example, does not follow. All I have to do is point out that's wrong and retarded. Everything you've written is either predicated on unfounded assumptions, or unwarranted comparisons to things like Fent / H. My own assumption is that if you know "plenty" of addicts, and the mere mention of weed makes you start going on a dangers of addiction spiel while bringing up Fent / H, you probably hang out with a lot of shitheads, and you know how they say the people you hang around are more indicative of your own traits than you think.
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>It's not our problem you hang around a bunch of deadbeat burnouts.
Who is "our", you have a mouse in your pocket?
>Thinking you can infer they're like that because DUDE WEED, and not the other away around, for example, does not follow.
Okay, refute it. I know it from personal experience. I also didn't say that weed is what made them that way, but it is a part of what keeps them that way. It's essentially self-medicating in place of actual therapy, or real medication, or even self-improvement for those people.
>All I have to do is point out that's wrong and retarded.
Sorry anon, but "nuh-uh" isn't a rebuttal, or a convincing argument.
>Everything you've written is either predicated on unfounded assumptions, or unwarranted comparisons to things like Fent / H.
I didn't compare anything to Fent or H you silly goose. You've offered nothing but "nuh-uh" either. If you don't address the content of an argument, you're just committing logical fallacies, which doesn't disprove anything.
>My own assumption is that if you know "plenty" of addicts, and the mere mention of weed makes you start going on a dangers of addiction spiel while bringing up Fent / H, you probably hang out with a lot of shitheads, and you know how they say the people you hang around are more indicative of your own traits than you think.
That's a cool assumption anon, it's not correct but at least you put slightly more effort into this reply than the others. Maybe in a few replies you'll actually make an argument instead of seething about how good and cool pot is like some addict in denial. We shall see, I'm hopeful for you.
Where is picrel from
Where did I say pot was good and cool? Why do you think you're entitled to an argument when you never offered one to begin with?
>Where did I say pot was good and cool?
Where did I say pot was bad and evil? You seem to be trying to argue against a point I never made, probably because you're a pothead
>Why do you think you're entitled to an argument when you never offered one to begin with?
>Weed poses a risk of dependency issues and people can become addicted to it
>"that's not an argument I (know people) who do it all the time and they're fine!"
Sure anon, okay bud.
You can smoke weed and be productive, a lot of people just use it as a crutch to feel good because their lives are shit. Encourage them to get better habits and try smoking weed a little less throughout the day, maybe as a reward for completing tasks.
I never accused you of saying pot was bad and evil. You jumping into the "they're addicts, they're wasting their lives on it, muh heroin / fent" rant from OP's info, which doesn't even talk about frequency of use is unwarranted. Your anecdotal experience made you start assuming a worse case scenario.
no I already have a girlfriend I love
it's not a little weed. it's multiple times every day
>every day who have no motivation to change or improve, stay stuck in dead-end Joe jobs, have no real hobbies, and are using weed as a way to not be bored or deal with their very real problems
this is what I'm talking about. the guy has nothing going on and says things like fuck school. whereas the girl wants to go back to college.

yes it's nice of my business but I feel partly responsible if I'm 5 years she still hasn't gone back to school like she wanted to
idk just found it on fb
I mean if she wants change that's one thing, if she's willing to take action for change that's even better, you can leave that door open to talk with her. The guy has to make that decision himself before you can even bridge the gap. It's not your responsibility, but if you want to help them you can, they just have to want to help themselves first.
That's very reaching from what I said. Again, you misinterpreted my mentioning of H and Fent, which I wasn't making a comparison to, and if anything compared weed to be much less dangerous. OP described addictive behavior and circumstance, and I only told him how addicts act and that you can't help them if they don't want to help themselves. You took his post to imply that he was overreacting to their usage, downplaying the fact that weed can be addictive. Seriously anon, come on now.
Typical pothead response. Being overly defensive and trying to minimalize weed. Nobody wants to admit that they have a weed addiction because this minimalization makes them sound fucking stupid.

>I know plenty of people that have smoked frequently for years (and are successful in good careers) that never started doing hard shit.
I am so sick and tired of this same anecodotal "B-But I know this one guy who smokes and he's pretty successful" bullshit. Yes, you can be alcoholic and have a pretty successful career too, there's plenty of them. The bottom line that you and the other anon fail to address is that this is an addiction, just like porn, video games, and so much more. Just because you cannot overdose on it does not inherently reduce the net burden it is on the life of you and others. Personally, I have never envied anyone who regularly uses weed and I honestly don't know of many hardworking people who do. I do however know many, many people who are ambitionless, going nowhere, and are content with being shit. In high school, three of my closest were the stoner-types (unfortunately most in my highschool were) and though I really enjoyed their company and admired them, I no longer stay in touch with any of them. Two of them were into harder stuff and eventually they got ahold of fent. One of them overdosed. Since we had lost contact, I didn't know of his passing until a year later. When I asked the other guy about it, he could only say 'he couldn't handle it'. Though I tried reaching out to him since, he's cut me off. For the longest I thought I was a shitty friend and a horrible person but then I realized I'm not their parent and that I should never blame myself for something that was never my responsibility. Again, this is just my anecdote. But what is the key problem with potheads? INDIFFERENCE. The problem, as illustrated many times itt is that they don't want to change.
They are a lost cause after 25 hun.
Drop him. He's not useful.
>Nobody wants to admit that they have a weed addiction because this minimalization makes them sound fucking stupid.
>, you can be alcoholic and have a pretty successful career too, there's plenty of them.
Weed doesn't kill your liver anon
>completely misses the point of the post
Have a good day sir.
dude your and your friends are just losers, if a plant gets in the way of you handling your own shit, its not the plants fault, you're just a mess and a lack of a man. i never had any issues upholding my responsibilities back when i used it. buncha basedboys looking to blame everything but yourselfs lol

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