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Like how am I supposed to cope with missing out on over a decade on love and relationship experience?
I'm a 26khh(v) incel. Even if I, by some miracle, would meet a girl, what then?
I don't know how to kiss, I don't know how to fuck, I don't have anything interesting to talk about, nothing.
Meanwhile I will know that the girl probably spent years "travelling the world" on daddys credit card, while letting countless men fuck her, while I rotted alone.
Makes me depressed just thinking about it.
Is it actually, unironically just over?
You can start by leaving the internet and curing yourself of retarded mind poison which only demoralizes you and holds you back. The redpill shit isn't going to do you any good, it only serves to vindicate your feelings of despondency and helplessness; most of it isn't even realistic or true, and it twists what truths it claims to fit a particular narrative. That is because these ideas are concocted by other bitter, lonely, jaded individuals who want company in their misery. Disconnect from them and start trying to reform your perspectives to be grounded in real-world experience with normal people, not some internet-derived nonsense.

>Meanwhile I will know that the girl probably spent years "travelling the world" on daddys credit card, while letting countless men fuck her, while I rotted alone.

You don't have to date those women, you know. Most girls aren't rich enough to "travel the world on daddy's dime", and while most your age have had sexual experience and relationships, the average number of partners isn't some porn-fantasy range. This is the redpill nonsense talking. It's probably unrealistic, and a little misguided, to expect a virgin, but most women are normal, closer to poor than rich, and likely accessible to you. If you won't "lower your standards" to consider them, well, I'd call that self-inflicted and delusional, but you do you.

Most of what you think matters to finding a relationship, doesn't. The longer you hold those ideas in your head, trying to logically deduce why you seem to have been "passed over", the longer its going to take you to know the problems and change. The biggest, most attractive trait you can have is self-respect, and a modicum of dignity to reinforce that in your decisions. Self-loathing gives off a smell that most people can sense before even talking to you, and it doesn't give a good impression. It will be hard for someone else to love you if you don't love yourself.
I don't read meme-worded threads - in this example "SUPPOSED to COPE" which is double-plus ungood.
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How is "suppose" a meme word?
>Most girls aren't rich enough to "travel the world on daddy's dime", and while most your age have had sexual experience and relationships, the average number of partners isn't some porn-fantasy range.
How do you know?
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You are still young and have your whole life ahead of you. Meanwhile I am 40 and none of my hopes and dreams materialized.
40 years wasted away with nothing to show for. The few things that I had in life I lost them the past few years.
My health is deteriorating, my youth is gone, my friends abandoned, my energy is depleted, my motivation is absent, my savings evaporated. There is nothing left now, just the emptiness remains.
Dear Incels,
No one gives a fuck about your whining.
None of us use dating apps just like none of us cry ourselves to sleep and we don't give a fuck about your whining.
80% of us are not in the top 20% of looks but we have all had sex and GFs and wives and we don't give a fuck about your whining.
What we DO give a fuck about is you shitting up every boeard so that actual good content is drowned in a deluge of "which of these shirtless men is sexy?' and 'OMG, I am only 5'11" tall, i wanna die!" and "i never talk to women so I hate them because they don't come to me" and the rest of your retarded fucking whining.
So please, do us a favor, do yourself an favor, do the WORLD a favor -
Either STFU or KYS
Experience and statistics that support that experience, as well as just obvious logic. Most people are closer to destitute than rich enough to leave the country regularly.
26 is not young at all. A lot of people are marrying or having children at this age.
>letting countless men fuck her
Porn rots brains.
Per every attempt to measure it the average lifetime sexual partner count of women aged 20-24 is TWO.
Society's so obsessed with youth nowadays, geez. How young does a person have to be to count as young and desirable? 16? Weird. 26 is young. 20s to mid 30s are young. Middle aged is late 30s to 60 or so. Any later is elderly.

So what if some people start early? Plenty o 26 year olds are still in grad school or something like that.
Yes, about 24% of men aged 26 are married.
76% AREN'T
It truly is an incel moment lmao. I'm in my 20s and have a soon to be husband, my count's still 0 (waiting til we're married).

OP couldn't hold a real relationship anyways since I bet they think that all a relationship is is sex, sex, and more sex.
This is incel territory faggot.
you know where to go.
same but 21
i think im going to jump off a bridge, i can't live like this for sixty more years
Anon, oh anon. You should go there and find a real MAN who appreciates you since women are such nasty whores who are promiscuous and full of STIs and only date Chads and Tyrones for sex and who are unfaithful and who are totally only turned off from you because your jawline's not Chad enough. A real hot, sweaty MAN would love you regardless, MEN aren't shallow unfaithful whores who'll judge you for a little bump on the nose. Oh he'll love you alright, he'll love your sissy beta ass more than any digusting whore would. you'll get so much sex from HIGH VALUE MEN because. Even low value men are so much better than women, am I right? So you're really better off fucking one.
>20s to mid 30s are young.
Holy delusion batman!
Young to you is 12 I guess? You love blaming your weird false projections for your own problems and lack of success huh. Brain starts shrinking at around late 30s to early 40s, anything earlier still puts someone in their prime at least mentally if not physically too.
With "mid 30s" people should be retired, married and raising children.
How is thing "young?" Young is MAYBE until early/mid twenties, basically while you still go to school/university.
Retired at 35? What the fuck have you been smoking, retard? Most people don't retire til they're 60 or so, but your brain has clearly retired from critical thinking ages ago.
Tons of people who earn like 2-300k can retire in their 30s.
You seem pretty out of touch with the modern reality, I don't think it's worth responding to you.
youngest retirement age w full pensions is 47 in saudi, you tard. nobody retires in mid 30s
Actually look up how many people make that much money, you're the one who's out of touch. It's like, top 5% in the US. And far lower in other countries. And judging by how you act, you'll never be that top 5%. So suck it up, if you want to retire in your thirties get your shit together, stop being a pathetic incel, and get a damn life. Maybe by some stroke of luck you might grow a brain and still strike a small fortune.
Nice bait
Incels belong one place and one place ONLY
get back to your containment board

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