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I have suffered from severe depression for more than a year now, and one of the symptoms or issues I have is a sort of detachment from everything. If you've ever been in a situation where you're having fun with your friends and everything is going well - and then suddenly you feel cold and detached and it ruins your mood for the rest of the day, it's almost like that for me but it happens every day to probably a greater extent.

It's getting harder to live everyday - I work in a relatively good office job but I can't seem to muster the strength or energy to work on my tasks. I have been going to therapy for a few months now, but I told my therapist this week that I feel like barely any progress has been made. I haven't been taking medication because of side effects. I took psychedelics some time ago to try and fix my issue but I got nothing out of the trip apart from having the walls in my room breathe.

I am quite close to making a plan based on info from one of those suicide forums and acting on it....I'm really struggling. I think my post was mainly a rant but if anyone has advice I'd be really happy to hear it
see a therapist and a psychiatrist? ???????
Did both things, the psychiatrist is only concerned with medication which I'm not taking because of side effects
change…. the fucking …… medication.
Suppose I did change the medication to something else and started taking it, at what point do I stop taking it? In my country there is an epidemic of people being stuck of antidepressants for years, or even decades without any medical review by a doctor. It doesn't help that even if you are seen that they would rather stabilise you on them and not take you off them because that requires additional work on both parties

I also have a preference of not using drugs to change my mood in the long term (yes, that makes me hypocritical after I said used psychedelics)
Push for a review. Different people are on psych meds for different periods of time, some go off in less than a year and some stay on for almost a decade. Psych meds are NEVER a replacement for therapy, they should always be part of a well formed care plan. If you're going through a tough time and just need them to feel your head be a little clearer, take them til that fixes up. Use them as a little extra help while doing self improvement so that you don't make stupid actions/have unstable mood, once you feel less fucked up you go off them.
Feel your soul detaching from your body in real time? Can't tell if you want practical suggestions, commiseration, or just to vent? How about this: try getting in your car, finding a long straight road, and seeing how fast you can get it going. If you're at the end of your rope, don't go through with anything until you've at least given the adrenaline junkie lifestyle a try.
Hmm, I'll try and get a review some time soon if possible. The main worry that I have is that it will be very hard to come off those drugs when it's time. I took Effexor for a few months, which is a notoriously difficult drug to cease using, and you will feel brain zaps, headaches and so on if you miss your dose even by 1 hour

The adrenaline junkie lifestyle appeals to me, but the thing is it always ends at some point. I can think of more appealing activities like skydiving. paramotoring but I guess it'd be pretty expensive
After work, free time or just when you are gonna get depressed do it outside. Better to get depressed out in a near forest, lake or park than inside.
Also reduce your screen time
If nothing works and you think ending it is the only choice left
take a small vacation to any 3rd world shithole
once you see their suffering and struggle
you might get a new perspective in life
poverty tourism itself is a very sick thing but if nothing else can change you
then it's the last reality vibe check so to speak
I don’t see any answers giving advice that isn’t surface level. I’m just going to assume your issue is you are not living a life you like. Do you think this is possible? You are around people you don’t really like, you don’t really like the way you are, you don’t like your relationships. You are tired, low energy, see no point in things, you think about the past and remember what feeling alive was like?
Consider making a big change in your life in terms of really expanding your social life. I’m talking meeting a lot of new people and having different experiences that you currently aren’t having. This will give you more clarity on your issue at the very least. Sitting in a room talking to a professional who has never experienced your problem is likely not going to do much for you.
Vitamin B complex
Studies on zinc show that it promotes BDNF, take ~10mg max daily
And lastly smoke weed if you are out of options
Dude, fucking retarded advice on the last point. That may work short term, may even work for a while. But if you are in a rut and start using drugs to feel better that can easily push you way way lower over the long term. At least change up your whole life
Been there. I was severely depressed for years and then suicidal for a year before I sought help. You need to talk to the therapist and take the meds, if you're suicidal they will help you not end your life. If the meds you've got suck try different ones. They all work a bit different and some will work for you much better than others
Besides that wash yourself thoroughly, clean your house, eat healthier, drink lots of water and excercise. Thay kind of stuff really frames you for feeling better

Brother, as someone who tried a couple times to end their life a couple times a decade ago, work on yourself, invest in yourself and believe in yourself.
Yeah, what this guy said >>31535790
Taking recreational drugs for mental health issues is retarded

I coped with my issues by doing drugs. I ended up smoking pot and taking psychedelics every singke day. It fucked up my brain and was the worst thing I could have done

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