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/adv/ - Advice

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>be me
>just graduated hs
>kinda clueless as to what I like doing or what my passion is bc constant daily vidya
>parents got me a temporary 9-5 job in a computer repair shop
>minimum wage
>the work is doable, but am far from being an expert, feel a bit inferior for not knowing nearly as much as my colleagues
>feel like suddenly I have no time to do anything I want, bc 9-5, and gotta wake up the next day.
>feel tired when I get home

Is there a job out there that allows me to make decent money that doesn't take up all my time?
No faggot, you cant do shit if all you have is a highschool diploma. There are people who are drop outs that are able to make something of themselves, but thats because they have an X factor of smarts and drive which you clearly dont have.

You need to get some sort of secondary education from going to college or a trade school or night classes or getting a certificate ect. If you dont want to be a wagie the rest of your life. You just graduated highschool, so you still have a lot of time, but its time to pick a path and go down it.
go to trade school or community college
What about sales? I heard you can make good money with comissions. Other than that I've thought about learning to weld.
>What about sales?
Try it out. The deal is that you are young and because of this, you have zero skills, zero money and zero respect which all sucks, but the ONE power you do have is time. This means you are free to try out different things in your 20s and fail at a few things before you find what works and it wont fuck up your life.

Try out sales, realize that you need to be charismatic and out going for that. Try out welding too. The worst thing you can do now is sit around doing nothing. Its better to go from working in a computer shop to welding to sales, then back to the computer shop and sales again rather than just sitting around waiting for the perfect plan to fall out of the sky.
Ok, sales it is then. (Am still open for suggestions tho)
>Trade School/Unions
>Comunity College

>Trade School/Unions
gonna consider
>Comunity College
don't have that here in eastern europe
fuck no, I'm not gonna put my life in danger for any country
>another third world loser polluting our websites

Jesus fucking christ. That's all this fucking shit site is now. Fucking third world trash.

The hell with this shit. Keep it, asshole. I don't want to be here anymore.
Eastern Europe is by definition not third world, it was in the Communist bloc
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The two most important factors in earning money are are what you are able to do and how long you are willing to do it. Increasing or decreasing either of these factors also increases/decreases your financial compensation (not including cheats like nepotism)
What you are asking is "how do I make good money with low hours and no knowledge?" (HS diploma is basically worthless in 2024)
Trades are not the cheat code most people think they are, not only do they require quite some math and reading comprehension, they also but a heavy physical strain on your body.
The truth is, you are a lazy fuck who wasted their youth. Buckle up and grab a drink because this is the rest of your life.
It is called working anon
>gonna consider
Best option
>don't have that here in eastern Europe
Don't you have some leftover soviet system you can do? i never knew
>fuck no, I'm not gonna put my life in danger for any country
I was assuming you were in America my fault. but i understand lol

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