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I was a groomsman at my buddy’s wedding this weekend which was held outside in the Texas heat. While we were standing up waiting for the bride, I don’t know what happened, but I passed out and faceplanted onto the wooden deck.

This was less than 2 minutes before the bride was supposed to start her walk down the aisle. This whole event delayed everything by 30 minutes, but after getting some medical attention whom determined I wasn’t having a heat stroke or anything, everything was back on track, apart from the goose egg that was growing over my eye. By the time we were posing for pictures, my eye had swollen almost completely shut and was really starting to bruise. I’m sure my fucked up eye is in a lot of the pictures, and I feel bad. How should I apologize to my friends over this?
Don't. You probably were having panick attack.
>>31533698 #
An EMT friend of mine at the wedding said I was probably locking my knees and blacked out (which consequently blacked my eye). You don’t think I need to apologize for that? It disrupted everything
stuff like this happens at weddings all the time. It's fine.
It wasn't your fault. >>31533738
locking your knees is probably what did it. Happens to military guys all the time
If you fainted you have nothing to worry about. If these are true friends then they would be more concerned with your well being and regard this as a funny off color story about their wedding.
What about the ruined photos? Like by the time we all took pictures, I had a purple golf ball covering like 80% of my eye
nobody cares.
Weddings are never perfect. Sometimes the audio is messed up on microphones, sometimes people trip and fall down during the ceremony, sometimes someone gets too drunk and says something stupid.
Be glad you didn't do something really embarrassing.
I’m sure you’re right, but I still feel like face planting in front of 100 people is “really embarrassing”
Yeah definitely locking knees. When I was in the military, it was always hilarious being at some sort of commencement on a hot day in formation and hearing a WHUMP from a few columns over from some moron that didn't hear the same advice they give you all throughout training. They just drag em out and fill in the ranks lol it's great
Yeah, it’s a lot less pleasant when you’re the one doing it, I promise you. My eye looks like a plum this morning
Ah, just meet up with him for drinks later. Apologize, but don't get too soppy about it. If it's not funny now, it will be eventually.
Broken teeth would have been worse. Your buddy probably feels bad and his wife will get over it soon if she does have any negative feelings about it. Normal people would be more concerned about your health than the wedding.

People have to expect this type of stuff if they want to have an outdoor wedding in June in Texas. Lucky it was only you who passed out and no one's grandma went down.
Yeah, broken teeth would’ve definitely been worse, although getting a black eye like this two days before a major presentation at work is less than ideal lol fml
Do you think I should try to meet with him sometime today? He leaves for his honeymoon tomorrow
No. Stop being a bitch and move on with your life.
Yeah, I’m sure it sucks. Is your eye okay anon? Like have you gotten it looked at?
Sounds like a funny memory you will laugh about
There is no need to feel guilty, anon. It wasn't your fault. You had a sudden illness and required medical care. That can happen to anyone. You didn't ruin anything, the ceremony got delayed a bit and then everything worked out fine afterwards.
say sorry to the bride and groom but you don't have to be sorry really. You can't be wrong when you pass out if it's not due to drugs or alcohol. Shit happens. That's what they should tell you.
>It turns out the medical science behind “don’t lock your knees” doesn’t exactly hold up. While the advice to avoid locking knees is widespread – even outside of military communities – the actual cause of fainting is usually loss of blood flow to the brain which can be brought on by any number of things, but the act of locking ones knees has nothing to do with passing out. While the act of locking ones knees and maintaining a rigid, completely unmoving position for a long period of time may interrupt proper blood flow, the act of locking the knees alone does not by itself cause fainting spells.

>Thunderstorms may cause high winds which bring down trees into powerlines, or a lightning strike may set a transformer on fire, but thunderstorms themselves do not cause power outages.
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