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How do you increase the value if serendipity apart from taking action in your life? What kind of mental state do you set before going out/going to bed/whatever?
luck isn't real. luck is what happens when people "put themselves out there" and try shit. you cannot get any opportunities if you stay in your room all day (just an example).
I don't stay in my room, I'm often hanging out in town, usually boring places sure but lately I've been going to a bar where cool and friendly people hang out at, you can talk to everyone in that place
youre doing better than most, keep it up
leaving the house is half the battle
I just wasted a lot of time not hanging out with better people and not meeting women and it's hard to cope with that fact. I've had depression and resentment for life for some time but before and after I'm friendly and social since I like listening to what people like talking about
Your pic is just basically describing Expected Value. The idea is to put yourself into as many +EV situations as possible and avoid -EV ones.
Sometimes shit that happens just feels too random and too big of a coincidence to be just dumb luck. I swear it has something to do with unexplainable woo woo /x/ stuff
I personally don't think there's any point in trying to rationalize or quantify it beyond "how do i do this again??"
Still a good question to ask yourself, I'd love to learn to turn random good events into non random
esoteric Christianity. Either that or just hang out with people who are doing better than you and you'll naturally be presented with positive opportunities.
basically this but to distinguish those positive opportunities from negative opportunities is not just a matter of logic. It involves wisdom. And wisdom cannot be taught, only learned. There's no system of wisdom. It must be seen, heard, and experienced. Any other way is not wisdom
Focus more on the taking action part. You can’t force everything, but you have to see your life as momentum. For instance, say you want to have a more fun dating life. Imagine one guy goes out to a concert once every month. Perhaps in that few hours every month he gets some social interaction. Perhaps he gets drunk and dances with a girl. Depending on his demeanor, it’s possible he could meet a girl and date her just by going to a concert to have fun. It’s also possible he goes to the concert and doesn’t drink, is nervous around people, and kindve just has an okay time.
Now imagine you make an effort to find new opportunities, you are looking to join things, going out of your way to talk to people, every week spending hours of your free time socializing. Whether you are a more shy type, or a more free and chill type, you’re going to have way more different experiences when you consciously choose to go out of your way to do things you wouldn’t normally do.
This is why I don’t like the twitter screenshot. It talks about baby boomers. The culture is so different now from what it used to be. The average guy back then definitely was having more fun. Social anxiety wasn’t a thing back then. We live in a different world now. Anything can happen of course, but it really depends on where you are at in your life. If you’re at a point in your life where anything can happen, then you will have more opportunities. If you’re at a point in your life where your routine is the same shit everyday, your opportunities are limited until you start getting momentum in a different direction.
Once you start getting "lucky" you might find it hard to feel completely honest when saying "I just got lucky", because you'll always understand that lucky thing wouldn't have happened to you if you didn't put yourself in the position for it to happen. You have to do stuff, talk to people, talk about what you do, where you're at, promote yourself (without getting too high and mighty about it) and you'll get "lucky".
Regarding the mentality part. Your emotional state and focus determines your experiences greatly. If you focus on your desire to have new experiences, and you spend time looking for new experiences, and you use your energy to engage in new experiences, then this will become a part of you. You will actually start to find yourself in new experiences.
>esoteric Christianity.
More like esoteric Satanism. Christianity is about intentionally being a victim and martyr in this life for the sake of better luck in the next one. Satanism is all about that "lol just make a deal with an ancient demon and he'll make a woman suck your dick" type of stuff.
Luck is the subtle execution of a well laid plan
I think people who seem themselves as lucky, or unlucky will create a self-fufilling prophecy - confirmation bias.
Human brains try to make identify patterns, and we will look for symbolism and meaning in anything. If you're thinking about a failing relationship and all of a sudden a tree falls right in front of you, humans will find meaning in this event.
I think it is also true that there are (possibly infinite) higher dimensions, which we are incapable of perceiving, yet have an influence on our 3d (infinite) universe. All that is to say, anything is possible. QM is, after all, probabilistic.
Christianity is accepting that Jesus already was a victim and paid the toll for the sins of mankind and died as a martyr so that we can receive God's unconditional love and grace. Satanism is about worshipping oneself and other gods/demons/spirits.
>How do you increase the value if serendipity
Get your shit in order so you have less obligations and copes tying you down.
This frees you to act on opportunities.
Also, if you're doing that schizo trauma "I can't act towards my goals because I'd rather justify being shit", stop.
If you're goal is to luckmaxx then Christianity is shit tier, even the messiah of Christianity had an objectively poor life. Satanism is life real life cheat codes. Even the bible tells you this.
you talk about luck people think you are crazy/irrational because we are taught that the world has no meaning and everything is subject to mechanical laws of nature.
Incredible coincidences end up being "just coincidences".
Me personally, I've lived 36 years trying to be "rational" and it just doesn't work.
It's a scam.
Meanwhile the thread itself is prove that there is some magic at work. I've been on this board for many years and I never saw a thread asking about "luck".
Just recently I'm seeing that there are outside forces at play (gods probably) and now there is such a thread for the first time?
Someone will say:
>Human brains try to make identify patterns, and we will look for symbolism and meaning in anything
okay. I'm not even gonna argue against that. Maybe the brain has evolved that way because the laws on natural selection are real and they also select for the ability to interact with outside forces that put meaning in the demiurge's world? What about that, uh?

Anyway, I have no idea how to luckmaxx properly. I'm developing something, but in the end it's all bullshit I'm coming up from my mind, there is no way to verify considering how the World is built.
In general my current intuition is that we have "themes" in our lives and we have to develop those themes to have positive progress. How to clearly see the themes is already difficult anyway.
Cheat codes that hurt you more than help you.
>Christianity is about intentionally being a victim
You're saying Christianity worships weakness and Satanism strength. Yet we have sayings of wisdom that go like
>Silence is golden
Clearly illustrating that what you call weakness is not at all like that. Christianity pushes the virtue of meekness. That is to be strong enough to fight back, but not necessarily doing so depending on the situation. Letting pass what can be passed off. Your cheat codes work against you while I'm getting lots of opportunities in my life.
>Faith can move mountains
I win because I love God and I let Him in.
Then why do Satanists rule the world?
> we are taught that the world has no meaning and everything is subject to mechanical laws of nature
Maybe, wt least that's what we can explain with our current knowledge. You can't rationally discuss things that are too random to predict
> there is some magic at work
Something like that, I wouldn't call it magic, more of a chaoticism
> I never saw a thread asking about "luck"
Which means my idea wasn't bad, does it? Years ago I've read a blogpost by a dude named Chris McCombs, he talked about this, the weird coincidences in life and how they happen based on what you thought about. You'll remember a person you haven't seen in years out of the blue and you'll meet him on the street the same day.
> Maybe the brain has evolved that way because the laws on natural selection are real and they also select for the ability to interact with outside forces that put meaning in the demiurge's world? What about that, uh?
If you wanna get into evolution, our brains evolved to seize opportunity, but it doesn't explain the strange coincidences you get based on your thoughts. Some things are too random to patternize.
From what I understand, the things that are under my/your control are what you make of the situation or an opportunity but creating them (the crazy, random ones is different story)
Everything is to be taken with a grain of salt and you need to give the benefit of the doubt to people. Just because schizos are insane, doesn't mean they don't get some things right compared to us. Your perception of reality really does create reality in a way, sometimes internal peace, sometimes actual opportunities.
I just wanna know how to trigger the randomness in order to kill the boredom of life.
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>esoteric Christianity.
That's an oxymoron.

Matthew 10:27
What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

Christianity is about the truth. It's the unbelievers who are into that victim complex stuff. Satanism is about embracing the evil one that wants to destroy you, he's not your buddy, he hates you and wants you drag you down to the pit with him.

Jesus was not a victim, he willingly gave himself as a sacrifice. It was a blood atonement sacrifice, not martyrdom or victimhood.

Christianity isn't about "your best life now", it's about the blood atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ being applied to our accounts so we don't perish for the sins we've committed against a Holy God, but have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

I hate this world. I'll rejoice when God destroys it.

They're losers, siding with the ultimate loser, for temporary gain and perishing for eternity. They'll be blotted out, written out of the book of life.

This life is nothing, it's a fading leaf, a wisp of smoke; nothing lasts, but the kingdom of God lasts forever, and I know my horse is riding into eternity. Their horse is riding into the pit, into hell and death -- and for what? Some power in this life? Some carnal lusts or desires? It's really pathetic and exceedingly foolish.

You know, there are people who are willing to be cast into the lake of fire just so they can keep bowing to idols/statues/paintings and kissing them and praying to them. Something as absurd as that, people will die for, they'll reject God's gift of eternal life to worship some stone or wood or paint on a canvas.

This world, I can't want to see it destroyed and all the works thereof destroyed. You can build up your treasure on earth and none of it will last, or you can build your treasure in heaven where it'll last forever.
Not OP but the thread is a good idea, anybody got other takes on this subject apart from a religion based on raising other men's children?
lol i'm sorry to be a basedboy empiricist about this but you're constantly thinking about things and they don't manifest, you just back-calculate significance when there's a random coincidence

i.e. confirmation bias

that said some really weird shit has happened when i deliberately tried to mainfest something - i remember thinking really hard about hearing song 2 by blur when walking home from school one day in the early 2000s, and i then heard it blaring out of someone's window. but was it really that i subconsciously picked up on the song under the sound of the wind, started thinking about it, then retrospectively believed i manifested it when i consciously noticed it?

who knows :D
there is no dumb luck
that's a dumb mind's expression
>You know, there are people who are willing to be cast into the lake of fire just so they can keep bowing to idols/statues/paintings and kissing them and praying to them. Something as absurd as that, people will die for, they'll reject God's gift of eternal life to worship some stone or wood or paint on a canvas.
so are you against christian iconography? people have been making icons for historically since the 3rd century and traditionally St. Luke (the apostle luke) is attributed with making the first icon. people have also been praying to Mary since the 3rd century historically but probably earlier than that. you have to remember that during the third century all Christians were being persecuted by the roman empire and being tortured for their beliefs. so we lack historical evidence since a lot of it was destroyed.
There is nothing to talk to people moron, unless you are some NPC.
The second part of your comment invalidates the first one
Strange shit happens for some unknown reason and getrs triggered by something I'm not familiar with and would like to learn
Does anyone else think letting go of bad memories increases the randomness of events and luck in life?
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Just go out. By taking action you are "serendipity maxing". Also that twitter poster is a fool. Luck plays a big role, but you increase chances THROUGH hard work/self improvement. Example.
>I go outside, looking like a slob, messy hair, smell bad
>I go outside, have been working out, clean and showered, fresh cut
Bingo a lot more likely someone would say something to me or tolerate me talking to them. It really isn't that hard and can be applied to just about everything in life desu.

Luck is real. Someone who put themselves out there could for example find a gf, the second they step outside. Another may take a few months and still have nothing to show for it. That is luck. Pure and simply. Sure you can increase your chances for everything but you get lucky. You could even be "lucky" to die in your sleep or get hit by a car. Life is pure chance and chaos.
Luck ensures you don't need hard work, hard work doesn't really pay out that much.
Being born with the right genes and raised in a good place for example.

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