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My parents keep trying to set me up with guys from our church. I keep telling them I'm not interested (I'm a lesbian and they know but they refuse to accept, acknowledge, or talk about it). They insist I have to talk to the guys at least once about going out (and say yes if they ask me out) or they'll take away my car.

I want to quit going to church altogether at this point, but I can barely afford my college tuition/classes and if I don't go to church they're going to kick me out of the house.

What can I do here? I do have a job but because I'm a student I make minimum wage and I can only work part time while doing classes so I don't have much money to work with.
Lesbians aren't real. You'll grow out of it so don't even bother getting all huffy.
Tough shit. What if you play along but explain to anyone that asks you out the situation and just go fuck off to chuck e cheeses on ur "date"?
Tf do you mean? Lesbians are very real, we're all over the place. Its not something I'll just grow out of.
I tried that once and when my dad asked the guy if I let him take me out he told my dad what happened and my dad took my car for a week.
Your are retarded but that picture makes it based.
Just roll with it. Ok, you’re a lesbian, I got multiple lesbian friends and we go hang out and have fun doing stuff all the time. Dates don’t have to be romantic, you can keep it platonic and make a guy friend. It sounds like you just hate dudes and aren’t comfortable around them.
You can either fold and give into their demands for the next few years until you can become self sufficient or you tell them no and get cut off
>What can I do here?
Make peace with the trade-offs that you are willing to make. Turmoil only serves you ill with the decisions you have to make anyway.
THESE GUYS WANT TO FUCK ME, or worse they're seeing if I'm someone they'd want to marry and make a family with since its all being done through church. I'm fine being pals with guys.
Yeah that's kind of the situation. Is there no idea you have to get around it?
So you're saying I have to ask if I'm fine being miserable doing what my folks tell me if I want things to work long term?
Thanks, I love weed. My folks don't know I do it, but dealing with them sometimes I feel like its only my stash of edibles keeping me sane.
Let one of the guys fuck you and marry you and make a family with you. Easy solution.

Also stop smoking weed .
>I want to quit going to church altogether at this point, but I can barely afford my college tuition/classes and if I don't go to church they're going to kick me out of the house.
It's almost like

Men have money or something
>So you're saying I have to ask if I'm fine being miserable doing what my folks tell me if I want things to work long term?
It is not.

Making peace with your price is different from being fine with being miserable.
You’re not having kids so no one should care about your problems. You shouldn’t even care. Just set yourself up to live comfortably away from your parents influence and stop pestering people with your existence.
Since you are not religious, aren't planning to start a family... You really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Why should your parents pay for your schooling and your car? Get better grades, get a scjolarship, get a better part time job. On another note, I wish there were parents like yours in my church, lol. There are 0 young women in my parish.
>Let one of the guys fuck you
No. Don't want to.
>marry you and make a family with you
Sounds like a nightmare, FUCK no. I have seen what my family is like.
>Also stop smoking weed .
Why? Probably not gonna, it's the only thing keeping me from going nuts dealing with my family.
>Men have money
Yeah, a lot of them do. Its not really fair how much more they make.
Why do breeders think like this? There's more to life than shitting out kids for corporations to exploit for maximizing profits.
>Why should your parents pay for your schooling and your car?
Because I wouldn't even be here to have to deal with all this bullshit if they didn't decide to act like you guys and birth a kid into the world without caring how the kid felt or grew up.
You are not a kid, you are a grown person. You are just coddled and expect the world when you are owed nothing. If you are around 20, you should either be keeping your head down and thanking your parents for putting you through college or, if you hate their guts, you should move out and become self reliant. Or if "all this bullshit" (read: loving parents who want you to have a stable future) is too much, you can always just kill yourself. Nothing matters, right? Either way, stop feeling sorry for yourself. I am probably your age and i self finance myself through college with scholarships and work. If college is so important to you, then you must have very good grades, right? Or do you just think your mediocrity and yoir mere existence should be rewarded? Get over yourself. This isn't some great capitalist corpo conspiracy, this is you throwing a tantrum because there are standards you have to meet.
I am working to pay my own tuition and classes, I said that near the start of the thread. I have grants but no scholarships. My parents do not help me financially with college at all. Did you just cherrypick what I typed to ignore I am working as hard as you are? And you're encouraging someone to kill themselves? What the fuck is wrong with you? Acting like a Christian lifestyle is a stable one, and encouraging it, and then behaving in the most unChrist-like way imagineable. This is the hypocrisy that is driving me and others away from the church. I do have very good grades, not that a human life should be weighed on how other humans rate their academic performance.

You sound like a supremely immature person with a half formed philosophy and a quarter-formed brain.
>You sound like a supremely immature person with a half formed philosophy and a quarter-formed brain.

Yes you do, OP. That's exactly what you sound like.
Just listen to your parents ffs. And if you are going for the Christian view on this - seek Christ's guidance and pray. You are acting like going on dates with fucking CHURCH GUYS is the worst thing in the universe. Come on now. And stop doing drugs, it's unbecoming.
So mature in your mind is being a brainless breeder, funneling more newborn flesh into the corporate meat grinder? Fueling the slave labor economy of the modern world without accounting for quality of life or joy for your offspring?
I am a LESBIAN. Yes, dating men is horrible in my mind. Would you want to go on a date with a gay guy? Sure, you don't have to fuck him - but you'll know the whole time he wants to fuck you, and that everything he does is working toward that goal. That's how it feels when they try to make me ignore that I'm a lesbian to go on dates with church guys.

How is weed any more unbecoming than alcohol? Or any other habit? I'm not hurting anyone.
As opposed to what? Death and nothing?
As opposed to leading a life of personal fulfillment and fulfillment to the people closest to you. Supporting them in their happiness, and treating them as you would want to be treated yourself.
You seem like a failure of a daughter. Could have had it all, a car, college tuition, a religious social circle, and a boyfriend, instead you let the internet people fill your brain with bullshit.
Have fun transitioning in 10 years while giving blowjobs and flipping burgers for a living.
There won't be any personal fulfillment, you're going to do nothing and then die, with extra nothing afterwards. The end. And in 100 years, what difference did you make with your nothing? Absolutely none at all.
The difference is that you going on a date with a man is normal, and me going on a date with a man would not be. But, say your equivalence is valid and not against my Christian beliefs by default- yes, i would have nothing against going on a "date" where i knew nothing was going to happen. In fact, since you are the woman, you just get a free meal and conversation. You are just irrationally mad because of the "implication". It's a date with a CHURCH guy, not a pakistani immigrant, there is a 0% chance he will make a move on you without consent.
Weed stinks. Potheads are icky. You know this already, don't act obtuse.
Why do you think that a lesbian would feel sad at the idea of missing out on having a boyfriend, or that I would transition, or that blowjobs would enter the equation at any point when I already made it clear I don't like men?
You seem to be very confused.
What does it matter leaving a mark behind in the world if I'm not here to see it or enjoy it? Why would I crave recognition from people I don't know in the future, and will never know?
If this was not people pressuring me against my attraction (and again, I have ZERO attraction for men only for women) and it was just me going to hang out with these church guys? I'd be fine with it. I've been in the church all my life, I grew up with a lot of these guys. I don't mind church guys. I mind people trying to force me to be straight when I already know I'm not. Weed does stink, but so do a lot of foods people enjoy. It just means you enjoy it where it won't bother anybody else.
Then leave the people that are pressuring you. Problem solved. You’re making it complicated. Also why the fuck are you still going church if you’re a lesbian anyway? Complete retard.
OP, you're asking for advice in the wrong place. Reddit would honestly be better for this type of discussion. This website is full of trad LARPers who use belief in religion as some means to feel superior to others, as well as people who take it as a personal insult if you're not interested in being a homemaker for a man, as you can see by the replies.
You are deluded if you think someone going to church inherently makes them more likely to be benevolent or virtuous. Plenty of these guys could be in a similar situation as OP, where a large motivation for them going is the insistence of their parents or other individuals. We live in an age where the Church has had multiple scandals involving clergymen molesting / raping kids, it's foolish to assume "oh he goes to church, he must definitely be a nice guy and there is a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT GUARANTEE he will not try anything". That's not to say he does either, but it's probably no more likely / unlikely than just some average guy OP's age who doesn't go to church.

Also something tells me your definitive of "normal" has no objective basis whatsoever, and is more along the lines of "well, this is what me and like minded individuals think is normal, so it is normal".
Damn, you are dense. No wonder you choose such a shitty life. I pity your parents even though this is their fault.
Shouldn't have let you use the internet unsupervised.

>Why do you think that a lesbian would feel sad at the idea of missing out on having a boyfriend
You are already a failure, I don't care what you think or feel. I am the one feeling sorry for the human you could have been and for the life you could have had.

>or that I would transition
You got persuaded into being a lesbian and how it was your choice. Clearly, your brain is pretty malleable.
Becoming a troon is just the next step.

>or that blowjobs would enter the equation at any point when I already made it clear I don't like men?
And I made it clear you'd be doing it for a living, noone cares what do you think of men. You like having food to eat, right?
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Are you illiterate or did you miss my original post explaining why "just leaving" isn't an option?
>OP, you're asking for advice in the wrong place.
This is the most truthful response I have seen yet. It seems like most of the thread is full of responders who didn't actually read anything I posted.
>I am the one feeling sorry for the human you could have been and for the life you could have had.
Yeah, I'm sure I would have been so much happier as some guy's tradwife living as a borderline slave and pumping out kids.
>You got persuaded into being a lesbian and how it was your choice.
Says who? I've been a lesbian for as long as I've felt sexual attraction. Do you feel like its a choice because you have gay urges and ignore them? Because if you do, you may just be gay, or bisexual.
>You like having food to eat, right?
I'd rather starve if it came to that.
So who molested you and when?
You sounds like you belong on reddit, why don't you go there and never post on this website again?
>but I can barely afford my college tuition/classes
What are you going to College for?
They're from a church and are trying to fuck you? And they're not scared of you talking about this to the pastor/priest/church leaders? Yea, this thread is larp, I doubt OP has even attended a church a day in their lives
>How is weed any more unbecoming than alcohol?
1) Alcohol abuse is just as bad as weed. Just because Christ made wine for a wedding and it was used in other highly specialized and sacred celebrations and rituals (key word being specialized as in special occasions), did not make Christ a wino or makes Christianity encourage excessive alcohol use.
2) Weed and other drugs are solely for getting fucked up. Wine has medicinal properties that were documented for thousands of years before (((big pharma))). Beer is medieval gatorade. THC gives you absolutely no benefits no matter what bullshit (((study))) you pull out of your ass about muh brain cell growth (which is just random rewiring of synapse connection, which you probably don't want) or muh cancer (smoking weed is just as bad as smoking unfiltered natural tobacco)
>As opposed to leading a life of personal fulfillment and fulfillment to the people closest to you
Yeah, I've got a spoiler alert for you. I've heard that same song and dance from people before. Life is nothing without family and friends. You're already alienating one of them because you can't be mature enough to engage on a center ground. At this rate you'll eventually alienate your friends as well with that attitude of your way or the highway. Life is full of compromises but you don't want to play ball. You're gonna die with ten cats and if you're lucky a tranny who pretends to be a woman that beats you.
>Yea, this thread is larp, I doubt OP has even attended a church a day in their lives
This, I go to a tradcath latin mass parish with lots of teenagers that date each other. If they were all fucking it'd be a huge scandal and I'd never stop hearing about it from the scuttlebutt old biddies. Not to mention because it's a Catholic parish, we'd have a lot of teen pregnancies (birth control is a sin after all)
Sometimes you make sacrifices.

the issue is you want the good but none of the bad. You either work harder and earn enough to get a room while also going to school. Or you focus instead on working beyond minimum wage and saving up for school.

You ultimately make sacrifices in life and you wont always be able to be who you want to be while also working how you want while achieving goals in order you wish to.
>funneling more newborn flesh into the corporate meat grinder? Fueling the slave labor economy of the modern world without accounting for quality of life or joy for your offspring?
What a limited and uncreative way of imagining what family life is like. Most tradcaths in my parish homeschool and are small business owners that pay as little tax as possible thanks to donations to the Church.
I'm saying this in the nicest possible way I can, but I think you are actually a midwit.
You suffer it until you graduate and get a real job. The more financial independence you have the less you have to suffer those evil tards.
women are retarded the thread
you could just crash with a friend for a while, if it gets bad just leave. if the car doesn't belong to you, you might be fucked
>Yeah, I'm sure I would have been so much happier as some guy's tradwife living as a borderline slave and pumping out kids.
Right, now you get to be Mr. Shekelburg's drug-addicted golem living as a borderline slave to pay taxes and pumping out corporate profits, either living alone or with an abusive fat dyke that beats the sit out of you because you moved in together after three weeks of dating.
We get it you're mentally ill and have no money
I am mentally ill but I'm also a millionaire
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Weird flex coming from the drug addled person admitting their parents own the house, car and are paying for the college of a person who hasn't even started work yet.
Just play along. If you don't you are basically fucked. You can still be true to yourself on the side, make it look like you are putting in effort to a degree and just treat it as meeting people. You make them happy, can chill, and the second you have a stable situation forget it and drop the act.

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