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How do I stop resenting rich people?
have you tried making more money?
Become rich
understand they're simply better than you

simple as.

I used to hate rich people until I started making good money. still not rich but I know if I keep up my work ethic I'll probably start getting close in my mid-30s.
I've instead developed something like disgust towards poor people, you start noticing patterns in behavior they all share. my broke friends who I had to leave behind in order to ascend know nothing about personal finance. they spend all their free time on their phones after working 12 hour shifts at some factory and doordash all their meals because "they've earned it". they spend their money on expensive clothing, nails, haircuts, clubbing on the weekends so they can "flex" on social media. poor people are stupid, violent, and worst of all, noisy. their prime directive in life is to get free shit from the government.
and the best part is once they get bored they just have more kids and instill in them the same poverty mindset, throw them into public school which is basically just a factory that produces retail workers, and collect government benefits.
poor people stay poor. nowadays the narrative is that poverty is the problem, when in fact it's a symptom of the problem: wastefulness, stupidity, and entitlement.

they think a tax return is free money from the government and the larger it is the better, lmao!
What do you resent, exactly?
Become rich so you can flex on idiots who think money is worth anything. Protip: if you inherited your money your basically a poor person.
Build yourself in ways that are both satisfying and inexpensive.
You don't need to be rich to have a fulfilling life.
In reality the average rich person is less fulfilled than the average lower-middle class person because they are more materialistic and materialism is a vortex.
Just hold it in for a while. We're gonna kill all those rich motherfuckers, bro.
Realize first of all that most people with photos like yours aren’t rich. Truly rich people don’t flaunt it, at all. That whore is probably literally a whore who fucked the guy who chartered the plane off of SeekingArrangements or something, and staged a million photos to make it look like it was an everyday occurrence for them.

A lot of people even go so far as to completely fabricate photos of themselves in wealthy or exotic environments. Nothing you see on social media is real.
the shit poorfags tell themselves to cope, lmfao
is mea
>they think a tax return is free money from the government and the larger it is the better, lmao!
I mean..
>How do I stop resenting rich people?
Eliminate any discrepancies between your material desires & your capacity to satisfy said desires. I.e. Aspire to live within your means.
I'm not poor I'm just stating facts
How is someone who was born rich automatically better than anyone?
Embrace it and let it drive you to claim power and wealth for yourself
You stop resenting them once you order them before a firing a squad.
Im 19 work 2 jobs, one of which is from home, pay isnt good but i dont hang out, smoke or drink, i cook for myself and gf and I still dont see myself becoming rich unless some miracle happens, how do I break out of this?

im also a eastern eurofag
Just stop perceiving their wealth. See them as simply a person and that’s it. They don’t bleed blue, they bleed red. They shit on toilets and cram food into their mouth just like you. Don’t think they’re better off than you either. Having lots of money isn’t as big of a deal as you think. Rich people have rich problems, like maintianing wealth and making sure they don’t blow it all.

They also aren’t guaranteed to be any happier than you are either OP. For some rich people, that wealth came at a cost. That cost is usually childhood. Their rich mom or dad sacrificed quality time with them in favour of their career. As a result, rich people end up with the exact same baggage many poorfags can have.

t. poorfag myself who has dated 2 millionaire daughters, 3 richfag friends; 1 of nobility, 1 the son of an author, the other the son of specialist workers.
Just know that the fact that The reason why you're able to live the modern life is because there are rich people who are very, very smart, and are willing to give you some bread crumbs.
Parable of the Talents
Hey did you know that the early scientists were rich? I know right! Some of them are tax farmers. They have the extra money to do experiments. Otherwise you'll be living in the dark ages.
Matthew the tax collector lol
Yeah there's nothing wrong with being rich man
Also more importantly, God
Matthew gave up tax collecting though and threw away the wealth. Meanwhile it was Judas who still clung to money. Spoiler tho - Judas hung himself in the end.

money is money. the evil part ain’t the money, the evil part is the love for money. A rich man isn’t necessarily a bad man, and a poor man isn’t necessarily a good man. Other poorfags won’t admit it, but I see other poorfags who I know for a fact if they randomly got $250,000,000, they’d spend it ruthlessly and the power trip would go to their head so fast it’d make most richfags blush.
>How do I stop resenting rich people?
you don't unless you're a neutered cuck like all other cucks who gave you recommendations on how to be a cuck itt.
Grow up
Become rich yourself.
Get a personality
Stop fronting. You are poor.
You really dont make not much sense. Lets say if everybody is ''rich'' than nobody is rich you fucking idiot!! Also a lot of less money having people is because the social aspect wasnt there. And a lot of people really dont fucking care about money like than. Me for example, i just want enough money to buy food and lift weights, and pay my rent and buy some small thisng like clothing. Dont need expensive clothing if you look good body wise you can wear tshirts and you still look and feel better than most randoms walking around, im dead serious. If i want something a lil bit expensive i just save up untill i can get it. I dont think you realize that the presure society puts by the way you talk. Stop following social media and dont care what people think you decide not them. I hate the way we live now a days. Everyone is trying to flex or people feel there better just because they have more money. Money does not remove the lame person that's in you and if your a guy and you get a girl she will notice your retarded ways and will use you and we all know men fall for pussy over and over and over. If you are a lame with money just know people can see that
"Rich" nowadays is impossible to reach without inheritance (unless you work in buyside financial services at a Hedge Fund or something).

I'm in a career where when I'm in my 30s I might hit $300k-$400k. Sounds like a lot, but it's certainly not >>31536306 "private jet" rich. After tax I'll be taking home 150k-200k because the government wants 50% of it all. You can usually mortgage a house at 4.5x your pre-tax yearly income. Look at $1.6m houses nowadays - in places where you can get jobs which will pay you that much, of course.
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I think it would be easier to "settle" for doing decently well if wealth wasn't seen as a prerequisite for being an attractive man. In the UK, earning £67k ($85k USD) puts you in the top 10% of earners.

You have things like this that proliferate everywhere online. Granted, many women out there are fine with men earning the average of £30k ($37k), and many couples are like that. But there's a lot of content out there that's pushed to young people that tells them "if you don't earn 6 figures (top 2-3% of people in the UK) you're never going to be able to find a woman".

I still struggle with the thought that I might not break past £100k until I'm in my 40s.
Stop talking out off your asshole. this is 12.000 euro per month wtf do you do with your money fucking idiot. If you get a rent house here for 1000 euro per month you still have 11.000 over and pay for food and other stuff you take that off you will keep atleast 9.000 euro stfu faggit. stop making life complicated. If you have a girl who also works it only adds up stop listening to what woman say they dont understand how money work you fool. they want to be cared off thats it. make sure you tell her if she does stupid shit she out but tell her is a way to not hurt her. Also reward her with sex or little things when she does good thats it
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Yes - £100k is enough (granted in the UK 100k a year is only £60k after tax+student loan but eh)

My point was more that today's youth is conditioned via social media that even that's not enough

My younger cousin was in an extreme depressive state because he found out that he was working really hard get into uni to do medicine and then found out that as a doctor he will probably never earn enough to get a Lamborghini. All of his friends are talking about wanting to invest in crypto, but they have no clue what crypto even is even at the most basic level (only "it's a coin that you can mine", literally).

My friends who are in teaching are worried about the number of boys in their classes who can only talk about hussle culture, earning enough to get fancy cars and dream houses, and dunking on "brokies" - more so than even 10 years ago.
I've always had the poor person mentality but never the poor person consumption habits. When I began making good money I felt this way too but at the end of the day I would rather have grown up poor because I had good parents who taught me actual values and didn't just spoil me because they could. Rich people can be just as vile as poor people.
The people who are born into wealth and deserve it keep their inheritance. The ones that don't end up being hot messes.

Same thing happens when a poor man wins the lottery. A high percentage of people don't function being rich.
The "rich" women on social media have to eat litteral human feces to earn money.
Sell everything to become perfect, then you will be perfect and better automatically
Exact, and poor people know that "rich people live empty and meaningless lives" argument is pure poorfag cope.
can confirm

poor people have a huge urge to compensate for the inferiority complex engraved in their heart when they're young, and they buy ridiculous luxury stuff that don't match their income to compensate for that
cloths, cars, clubbing, drinking
my God, rich people don't do stupid stuff like that
you know the people in your picture could be
It doesn't matter When he grows up mentaly he will realize how fucking retarded he sounds. Me I'm happy I'm not one of the new generation with all these bullshit they think about the world. Everybody grows up eventually hell be alright.
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Yup, this anon >>31539300 is right

"Growing up" is realising that no, you'll never be rich. You won't ever be famous. You won't have a fancy car, a fancy house, a 10/10 wife, and flying first class flights to luxury destinations every season.

It's better to realise that you'll have an average life, and if you're lucky, an average death. Those with the above things were probably born into it or had other hidden advantages. You can start to enjoy life once you resign yourself to inescapable mediocrity. The sooner you realise this the better.
Why do you resent me. I've done nothing to you.
kys zoomer faggot
This isn’t true for everybody ive known. Several poor people I know simply had bad luck or made bad investment choices. For example, I know a dude who put money exactly in the wrong stocks at the exact wrong time and lost all 50k they had saved from years of minimum wage working. Then the guy had a mental breakdown and toom a hammer and smashed his own face up and jumped off a building. Not even joking this really happened. Dude survived and now is crippled and retarded and is in like 5 million dollars medical debts hell never pay off. His parents take care of him, after that he’a gonna have a miserable agonizing and impoverished death.

You really cannot be unlucky if you want to become wealthy. Thats the main factor.
The major difference is that they can actually do fun things and afford things like healthcare. Everybody else is stuck at home or on the sidewalk near their home.
I have heard tbis but never seen any proof. They just seem like they get a lot of simps tbqh
>betting on a single stock and then killing yourself because it didn't work out
still poor person behavior
>I've always had the poor person mentality but never the poor person consumption habits.
Same. My parents taught me to be this way.
>would rather have grown up poor because I had good parents who taught me actual values and didn't just spoil me because they could. Rich people can be just as vile as poor people.
All fun and games until your parents are neglectful and poor both.
>Then the guy had a mental breakdown and toom a hammer and smashed his own face up and jumped off a building. Not even joking this really happened. Dude survived
This guy is leaving my literal worst nightmare. Trying to kill yourself and surviving but being severely injured and lacking the physical means to finish the job.

>In reality the average rich person is less fulfilled than the average lower-middle class person
Is right. That's 100% a cope. A rich person that's fiscally responsible has enough wealth that it passively generates wealth to live on for them to guarantee a middle class without needing to wage for it.

They aren't better, but life is easy mode. All they have to do is not fuck it up and they are wealthy enough that all they need to do is get an advisor and not piss away principal.

>Rich people have rich problems, like maintianing wealth and making sure they don’t blow it all.
Hardly. If you're sufficiently wealthy, you split your wealth amongst brokerage and do conservative to low risk investments. Fuck, JP Morgan has 4.4% money markets. If you have 2.5 million, you can generate $112k per year at no principal loss risk. You can easily live on $60 to 70k per year (less if you own your property, which is likely), and have the remaining $30k to $40k reinvest and compound. And that's assuming you NEET and don't even work part time.
>"Rich" nowadays is impossible to reach without inheritance (unless you work in buyside financial services at a Hedge Fund or something).
This anon gets it.
I just turned 30. I earn $160k. Have earned a fair amount for my 20s. No college debt. Only a mortgage. $500k house I paid $360k for. Low interest rate too. Under the current market? I can't afford my own home. I'm a top 4% income earner for my age bracket.
I have one child. And we're already tight on space. To even "step up" will be $1.2 million for an above modest starter home. And I can't move away from here or my pay is adjusted down.
And again, I can't afford what I have even now.
I have around $200k equity in this house. I have $100k in a brokerage and $110k in retirement accounts. And yet, despite all of that, I'm likely forced to wages lave until my 70s or I die based on current trends.
Resent the system instead. Once you accumulate some level of wealth you realize what you're supposed to do and recognize it's not rich people being gatekeepy. They're just doing what they should responsibly do.
The whore in the Pic isn't rich. She's selling the perception of wealth. Thus, she isn't rich or she wouldn't have to sell it.
Many of them have no lives. They live money, they exist for the work. They also tend to be highly stressed.
Their wealth rarely lasts more than 3 generations. Their children and grand children piss it away in most cases. There are a few exceptions.
Wealth is often fleeting, you have to invest to gain more, often this fails. Most of the time this fails.
They often have no friends, only hangers on and gold diggers.
For most people, once you get to a certain point additional wealth doesn't do much for you, but the rich often have an emptiness inside which can't be filled. They always need "more", and it never ends for them. They never feel happy or content.
In pursuit of wealth, they tend to improve the world. They make stuff, they have to serve other people successfully in order to gather wealth.
Rich people sell their souls to get where they are

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