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Ask your burdensome questions. I shall do my most best-est to answer... For a while. After all, isn't that what /adv/ is for?
I have no burdensome questions at this time.
The solution to my problems is within my scope, I need only act to achieve it.
Very well. Carry on the good work.
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What to do about my long-term friend?

He is a part of the same friend group as me and we generally have a good relationship but I'm very annoyed with him lately especially when it comes to dating.
He is a pussy, a balding manlet, and a momma's boy who still has a sleep time curfew at 24. He thinks he is some hot shit but is actually a woman-repellant.
He watches redpill dating coaches and always talks about how our sex life needs to be like the one of animals.
Whenever the topic of dating comes up he acts as if it's a competition between the two of us which pisses me off.
He is no wingman at all, as a matter of fact, he recently sabotaged a meeting between the two of us and our mutual, though mostly his, female friend.
While we were hanging out I proposed I drive us all to a mountain nearby so we can chill and talk at the lookout point.
The girl (who I was not interested in and he knew it) liked the idea, but the friend refused outright, perhaps because he was jealous of me having a good car and wanted to be a white knight and protect this girl from the possibility of falling in love with me.
The two of them then walked me home and he insisted to walk her home as well instead of me giving them both a ride home.

This man would not only throw me under a train for a crumb of a pussy, but is also determined I should get none even by accident, and even if it's a girl I've told him I have no romantic interest in.
He also took a picture with my ex one time which pisses me off. I think he might have done it to spite me.

Believe it or not, he is an alright friend otherwise. More importantly, I don't wanna affect our friend group by cutting him off completely.

Anons, give your piece of mind.
I have a thesis revision due this morning in like 5 hours and its not near ready. Need at least one more day and maybe a night. Should I:

1. 'Accidentally' send a Google doc with access set to private? (I usually share drafts with docs)

2. 'Accidentally' send an unfinished draft with only the intro or something like that?

3. Be honest and ask for more time? (I already asked for an extension and promised this was an absolute deadline.)

I work really closely with my professor and have been working on this for a year. So its not like a regular paper where a deadline is a deadline. But I've already extended twice and ended up really fucking up after I got a temporary job and then didn't work on the thesis for about two weeks. So now I am in deep. My advisor is a really cool guy and he likes the project a lot. But at this point I am being really disrespectful of his time and being retarded. It's too late to change that now though.

So what can I do? I've been working on it almost non-stop for the last 18 hours and making rapid progress. But I need to do about 2 weeks worth of work. I think with one more day I could do it. He usually doesn't actually do editing for days after I send a draft, but I think he will probably at least glance at the document when he gets the email.

I need to take some kind of action though because I promised I'd send it over the weekend, and 8am is in 3 hours. If there is just radio silence from me about the project in the morning then that is worse than anything. So I need to either 'accidentally' send the wrong doc / one he can't open, or honestly ask for more time. The latter is terrible because this is second extension and I really guaranteed I'd have it. First one could be ok but if he texts me to tell me that the doc is private or that I sent the wrong doc, then I'm fucked. I can pretend to not see an email for a day, probably. Or maybe he will just not notice its private or wrong doc. But if he texts me I'm fucked, because there's no excuse for not seeing a text message and immediately sending the correct doc within an hour.
>quick response thread
>zero OP responses
thanks /adv/ great day everybody pack up and go home
Getting to the age where it's time to get married (almost 28) but have no previous experiences, haven't lived the life. I'd love to meet a nice young woman and marry her but I feel like my insecurities will mess up the relationship. If I try to have fun and make up for lack of dates now, it'll be too late to meet an inexperienced girl later. Not many of them are 24 and virgins
As you say, if do one of the first two options and get caught, you're fucked. This seems too risky to me, considering you've worked on this for so long. And since you already extended the deadline two times and your advisor/prof were fine with it, maybe a third time won't be as bad as you think.
It is hard to judge for me how pissed your advisor will be either way, but if you are really certain that you can finish it within the next one or two days, maybe you should go kind of the middle way between truth and lie and ask for this short deadline extension of two days (Just tell your advisor you noticed some typos and/or formation errors and want to get rid of them before you submit it).

(I'm not op btw)

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