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have any of you had experiences with Cluster B disorder partners or family members?
I got my life turned upside down by an ex some 6 months ago, and I'm still trying to pick up the pieces.
I would like to hear your stories.
Ex girlfriend had bad BPD and OCD, along with a host of other health issues. We were good for a year and a half and frankly shes one of the few girls I really bonded with. Things started to really fall apart when she stated getting prescribed different medications for her BPD, the doctor had her on a Chinese buffet of stuff like lithium, zoloft, etc. The same drs could then not FATHOM why her mental health started to deteriorate really fast. I of course got the brunt of all the rage and emotional problems at home, I did my best to be patient and comfort but after months and months of being screamed at, locked out of rooms, laying on the bathroom floor with her while she broke down. I started to crack, I was working a hard sales job at the time and the pressure there and at home made me start to break. I stayed away from home longer, I would often ignore her while she lost her mind locked in her room, I was absolutely exhausted and started to become resentful, nothing I could do "was ever good enough" eventually we broke things off, rather rough and I had even suspected ppossible infidelity as she had traveled to "visit friends" during a stressful period that also happened to be mostly men. After it was all said and done I dont hate her or resent her, I understand she was just very hurt and broken and needed more help from another source and I wish her the best. Its fucking hard man, you feel empty, angry and alone. You dont know if it was your fault and if you couldve fixed things, but you have to understand after a certain point theres nothing you can do, they can only help themselves so much. You HAVE to prioritize yourself and your own happiness, took alot of lonely dinners and spoiling myself to start to be happy and confident again, it comes back, it's just takes awhile, godspeed friend.
Mom def has cluster b symptoms, however idk what she exactly has. She is an insane control freak with a massive appeal to authority complex and essentially sidelined my entire childhood due to her idea of "religious purity".
my ex was an undiagnosed Narc. Originally, she was married, and I was young, so of course I believed all her bullshit about her husband being abusive and whatnot, so our affair became a relationship. During that time, she moved a few countries away to her extended family, and of course I maintained a LDR despite my better judgement. Soon enough, I found a job nearby, and followed in her footsteps, only for her to progressively start discarding me more and more. God knows how many affairs she had during that time, but I found about two. She was at work and I read her diary, hoping to see if she enjoyed our Christmas vacation. Not a single letter was written about it, nor a single positive about me.
I did get to enjoy reading all the smut she did with other guys under the pretense of 'girls nights', 'staying with work colleagues a bit after', so on and so forth.
I just crumbled and left. The shit she said to my face that night I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. Funnily enough, 2 weeks later she retracted it all, and her entire family was trying to rope me back in.
I couldn't.
So yeah, here am I still, abandoned and alone in a country I have nothing in, while she was and probably still is fucking work colleagues, dudes she met at clubs, tinder dates, you name it.
I was the 'I love you', 'let's go to trips' cuddly supply.
Sucks knowing that the person I loved most was a fictitious facade. Don't think I will ever date again.
ex claimed they were npd but was so obviously bpd. i would try to leave and ex would throw massive tantrums and throw my stuff around etc. would send me hundreds of texts/emails and stuff about how ex was gonna kill himself / ruin my life / whatever. psychotic tantrums. eventually strangled me and hit me and shit. not a great era of my life. will definitely avoid people with personality disorders like the fucking plague from now on.
Npd. Before her I didn't really know much about it. I noticed she would say things that were kind of tone deaf and trivial from time to time but I shrugged it off as a combination of being aspie and a woman. She was extremely competitive, always wanting to one-up me but constantly gain my sympathy. She very often spoke badly about others which while I could agree that people can be shitty, she seemed so comfortable doing it. Again I thought she was perhaps a bit autistic. After some self-reflecting, I tried to understand how I truly felt about her, knowing I had mixed thoughts but I didn't know why. Funnily enough, I got high one night and it clicked that she was a narc. I broke it off, blocked her, and all the works, but I was still fucking shellshocked for months. In hindsight she was also in other dudes heads too. She turned a good high school friend against me.
Yeah I did. But it’s pointless to call it a Cluster /b/ experience because they’re not diagnosed, I am not willing to armchair diagnose them, and they themselves will avoid diagnosis at all costs. That’s the funny irony of cluster B, they’ll rarely if ever get diagnosed until they’re warded for a suicide attempt or imprisoned for a serious crime. So calling it them cluster B is a pointless exercise.

If the B in cluster B should ever stand for anything then it is ‘B’ for Broken. They’re all simply broken people, with broken spirits, broken hearts, and broken minds. And when you get too close, they’ll show you the jaggy parts of their fractures. Owie owie.

You can pity them, hate them, admire them or love them, doesn’t matter. You’ll still get the jaggy part. Why? Because they’re still broken. And the only people who keep trying to ‘fix’ them are those with a martyr complex or messiah complex.

They can get better, I’ve witnessed it many times. But they themselves have to be the ones to do it, no one else. And they aren’t going to feel much motivation to see about doing that if the rest of the outside world insists upon discussing them around the campfire like they are demons or ghosts, all part of one’s own true ghost story.

What you do when you encounter a ghost is you don’t scream, you don’t run away, you don’t walk into their possession either. You simply pray for them and be merciful. That is all.
if God were just, these people would be screened at birth and tossed in the pit
How do you think they became as they are anon? They were already thrown in the proverbial pit as children. Their innocence got mangled and destroyed for nothing. It’s all they’ve known.

So don’t ask your God about being just. Ask instead why man was capable of breaking such a person in infancy. And why everyone stood around and did nothing except spectate. If you ever wanted to know the reason why an ASPD antisocial for example hates your guts, it’s because of that. Society grievously failed them before they had the chance to grow. And then society hates them for being broken. You only see a monster and so they oblige and give you that monster.

It’s not hard to figure out.

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