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What the fuck am I supposed to do with my life? There are no jobs I can do. I have prostatitis, foot, knee, shoulder, arm, hand and neck injurys. I can move normally but only for an hour at a time and I pee so often I spend most the time in the bathroom and pull all nighters regularly because I can't sleep while having to pee. Everyone just makes fun of me and I spend 24 hours a day awake and alone. Even if I got a job it would be dead end minimum wage with no hope of getting a better one and I wouldn't be able to go do anything fun or make friends. It's not worth not sleeping just to pay off medical debt for the next six years. I went to therapy and all he said was that I'm fucked and should watch lots of TV to sedate myself. Fantasy doesn't do it anymore to cope. I either need hard drugs or suicide. I can't take it anymore. I've waited a whole year with this stuff and it hasn't gotten better. Every doctor has given up and I'm now labeled a hypochondriac. I think I'm gonna end it soon. I don't wanna do drugs and end up not dead. I'm so mad I have to do this becuase I know exactly how I would fix my life if I didn't have these health problems. I should have lived while I had the chance.
Aren't there usually disability benefits for disabled people like you? In my country I think those are around $1.6K/mo. With those you should be able to live with ease
How does a doctor diagnose hypocondriac to a person with a neck injury? A person able to move normally would usually be able to fix their situation by getting into trades and start working
Get on disability from the government
I don't wanna give up. I'm ready so bored and I want to own my life one day.
They almost fixed most of the stuff (minus prostate thats a major problem) and in the span of a week but then I messed up everything again for the second time and they didn't believe me. I didn't do anything that crazy, just camping. I guess my body wasn't ready.
What do you do all day on disability? My life is pretty much that right now and I wanna kms.
Honestly dude, I would feel the exact same way if I were in your situation, because severe disabilities would be the only legitimate reason to kill myself. I don't really know what you're going through but all I would say is don't give up too easily, maybe there's still a way to get through things. I'm not trying to make you feel worse or anything but I'm saying if I wasn't planning to kill myself I would probably learn how to code or pick up a marketable skill where I can work from home, because I deal with a similar situation as you where I have to constantly piss (I stretched my bladder in January 2021 due to holding my piss too long) so you can piss at home constantly while working. My other physical disability is having a weak ankle due to a sprain in April 2023
One last thing I forgot to mention is that do not do anything significant when you are not in the right state of mind. If you feel extremely desperate, hopeless, or whatever emotion in the moment, you may do something stupidly impulsive, all I'm saying is never make any decision unless you're in a calm, rational, logical state of mind. Grieve as much as you need to but over time the grief will go away and you will feel better, similar to how you lose a loved one where time is a healer.
I don't want to be at home any longer. It's not good for me to spend that much time around my parents (mother). I will try to find another way. Your idea isn't bad though, I may end up being forced to take it against my will. Thanks for the advice anon.
is this real gayme
I love Chihiro!

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