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because she wants a traditional marriage and wants to feel special and spoiled. she also expects me to do all the typical male tasks (i.e dirty) as well. this gives me alot of anxiety as it makes me feel whipped but she claims its completely natural and typically men should put in 75% of the effort because we're stronger.
the trad marriage goes both ways: like if she ain't cleaning around the house and all that shit but wants to be spoiled like a "trad wife" then that's more or less unfair. if she is cleaning around though after work then i'd say maybe see if you can get some help from her in order to land a similar high-paying job she has.
if all else fails, break up
that's fucked up, you should at least have an understanding that if you're getting married the finances will be split and her earning more just means you're both more comfortable
also nice image i kekked
she does cook and clean but i help out with it nearly always. like around 30 (me) vs her 70%. i do also tasks for her when she asks "Can you get me a glass of water" but she never does the same for me
Why are you telling us this? Tell your gf that you want her to spoil you sometimes
i also had some holidays booked in europe. we we started dating she now wants to come along and have me upgrade to hotels, pay for her flights, food and activities
I did and it ended up in an argument that basically ended up with "Men are stronger so you should just buck up and do it".
What's her plan, keep all the money she makes for herself while you spend all of yours on bills and become miserable? HAHAHAHAHAHA
The system isn't built for this type of lifestyle anymore. Shes a stupid spoiled bitch who doesn't understand that everything is 100x more expensive than it was when this was how households were. Since women started working, the expectations changed to both people pay for the house. 50/50 financially. If you want to let this woman destroy you and work you like an employee, good for you, you're an idiot that deserves to suffer to a woman. But if you want to be real, tell her straight up that she needs to split bills and different financial responsibilities. My gf pays for half of everything, I pay for half everything. We both have easier lives because of this and are actually able to enjoy life. I really hope you aren't dumb enough to fall for her bullshit bro
again i've been telling her this and her retort is that men make more money, have to "win a woman over" and make her feel special
>she claims its completely natural and typically men should put in 75% of the effort because we're stronger.
that also includes slapping and spanking some sense into women.
To me, traditionnal marriage is this : the man works and pays for everything while the woman stays at home, does 100% of all home tasks, take cares of the kids, and does everything, and I mean absolutely everything her husband tells her to do, especially in the bed.
If you can't fuck her asshole dry before cumming inside her mouth, she isn't trad, tell her to go fuck herself.
Yea, you need to leave asap. This is an especially cruel and evil type of manipulation and abuse. Run for the fuckin hills bro and never look back. Shes bat shit insane and will fuck your life up. Any man who falls for this shit is a fucking idiot, and this isn't the average toxic 4chan advice. No. For real. She's a spider, bro. Don't get caught in her evilness. She knows damn well how the world works now, but she's selfish and evil. I promise you she's a evil person.
This guy is such a loser. I feel sorry for his gf. What is your race? I bet I know
That isn't trad. Trad is when the man works and she does the domestic labor.
this. we need to bring back the age old tradition of whipping females
but lets be real, domestic labour is sweet fuck all nowadays with washing machines, dishwashers etc
It depends on how much money he provides. Dishwashers are expensive. So are washing machines. Children also make domestic labor arguably more difficult than working.
Once you get married you're not expected to pay. But in courtship you are expected to pay. If she's giving you premarital sex, she's not trad and thats why she's stuck with a lazy poor guy.
This doesn't exist anymore unless you're willing to literally work your life away and keep nothing for yourself. Fucking why? Get a woman who understands the modern world so both of you can support each other. You might think it sounds gay to be 50/50 with a woman, but that's how the system is built now. you'll come home to a clean house, food, and hopefully sex...but for fucking what? You get nothing out of it because you're barely home, barely have enough money or time to do things you enjoy. Just for some bitch to stay home? Fuck that. Thats for fucking morons.
Are you talking about me?
she said she wants 100% control of the finances when we get married and that it would be focused on the children. she also has been saying how she wants kids to learn polo and for us to own horses which isnt fucking cheap at all
whats the best way of breaking up with her then bro?
>she also has been saying how she wants kids to learn polo and for us to own horses which isnt fucking cheap at all
she is probably not going to be a good parent
So do you own an oil field or does her family? Also just blast it up her ass
no, software engineer. I'm well off, but by no means rich.
she's focused on status and not happiness, she doesn't seem to care about anything but control and appearances which will definitely fuck the kids up too as they will end up becoming disaffected snobs whose mother cares more about her little "omg i love horses" fantasy than anything else
Is her name on the lease?
nah we live seperately
Oh ahaha super easy then. Just tell her y'all are over. You don't need to be a dick (optional). Just be strong and firm with your decision. "Hey, we're over. I don't want to see you again. Best of luck to you" boom, done. You don't owe her an explanation either. The fact that you even put up with her this long, you deserve a much better woman that will make your life easier and sweeter.
Just be careful with who you choose moving on. Pay attention to the chemistry, very important. Find a woman down to Earth and will love you no matter what. That's how woman should be, sweet and genuine.
That's not reasonable until you're actually married. From what else you've been writing ITT,

kys, coomer retard.
You don't have a right to sodomize your wife. The idea of male leadership doesn't give you a blank check for any kind of arbitrary depravity you come up with; it depends on the man being worth following. Your selfish nonsense is exactly why feminism happened, and as long as men like you exist, that genie will never go back into the bottle.
This. Shit sounds like what my abusive step dad did to my mom. Men complain about women being nasty and evil, but nasty evil men create nasty evil women
>From what else you've been writing ITT,
*she seems to be very narcissistic and/or manipulative.

Got deleted.
Leave the bitch
Women want a "trad" marriage in modern times meaning they want all of the benefit with none of responsibility.

Here's what actual trad marriage is:
-Divorce is illegal
-Denying your husband sex is illegal
-Infidelity is illegal

That shit hasn't existed for years because white people are the weakest motherfuckers on earth and can't even keep their women in line.
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just ghost and block her, it will mindfuck her for life.
Don't trust horse girls bro.
enlighten me. i've heard this many times before but why are they like this?
They're in love with a stupid animal that costs too much and does nothing except get sick and cost more money and they will love the horse more than you.
Buddy if she's not fetching you the beer, and cooking/plating your dinner, cleaning the house daily, and slobbing you when you pull your dick out, she's not being trad... she's being feminist lite.

Let her know that if she wants full trad, she's gotta be full trad. You're already doing your part.
This is how you get your wife to suck off her "work husband" after she gets mad at you, or leave you for her manager. Contrary to what porn brains think, housewives do not spend all day fucking postmen or plumbers. The workplace is the #1 place where affairs happen because people spend prolonged periods of time with their coworkers developing bonds
Women do not want equals, they want a leader. If you're splitting everything "50/50" there is no leader.
Women want leaders but don't want to step out the of way to lead.

Fact of the matter is she's manipulating him and needs to die, but unfortunately that's illegal.
Women don't fucking know what they want you retard. They think they want a man in charge then they don't like being told what to do and create a feminist movement. You're a fucking idiot if you don't recognize the society we live in today is 50/50, and that's thanks to WOMAN. But right now, despite what you believe or think, reality is we live in a society that demands both partners pay bills. You need to be a fucking millionaire to live a life of giving a woman everything she wants while she doesn't do shit besides stay home and clean. Either that or work all the fuckin time with nothing left for yourself. Yeah, sounds real nice. And most men aren't fucking millionaires. If you want to be a faggot that works for your wife just for her to probably cheat while you're away, go for it. But real men nowadays don't fuck with freeloaders. It's "pay half of the rent or GTFO" my girl gets it. She doesn't expect me to be a faggot pussy for her and sacrifice my freedom just so she can stay home and not pay rent. She paid rent by herself half her life, that's called being an adult. Real men dont want a spoiled bitch for a partner, regardless how good the dick sucking is. You "trad husbands" are stuck in the 50s when this lifestyle was the normal. And even then men fucking suffered to work 70 hours a week just to get cheated on.
"Durr men are supposed to be miserable and work all the time, pretty woman worth it" says you, fucking sheep. Like, man, I'm my OWN leader. I don't need to lead some dumb ass chick, she can be an adult on her own. That's life.
>life is being an atomized wageslave
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tell her all right and you have a list of demands of what you expect out of a traditional girlfriend/wife. and if you can't meet on them move on
le epic bamperino
Thats literally how people did it in 1950s America. That's what you call a good life.
You can always tell her no. Its not like you're married yet. This is when arrangements are made. You don't sound too happy with her and if you have problems now they get worse after marriage. This is supposed to be the bliss period.
You're a software engineer?! Wtf The way you were talking, I thought you were poor.

FYI when I was dating, he paid for everything. After marriage we split everything. For instance, I have a car. I sold it, did all the work for it, and we split the money. He still has the money as we speak and will decide when we can spend it.
Omg stfu !!

You sound like you want to stay low class forever
Yeah I hate how disgusting these pagans are here sometimes
Lots of men do it. They like the free sex and free food and housekeeping
>t. I've tasted my wife's boss's cum and don't know it
Also to address one persistent point that one mad faggot keeps making
I live in a suburb and I work from home. I know housewives, my neighbors on either side of my house and one house down are families with housewives.
How many times have I seen strange men visit them? ZERO. How many times have I seen delivery drivers or postmen go into their houses? ZERO. I'm not bad looking either, I get cold approached by women sometimes. Know how many times those housewives have tried to flirt with me? ZERO. IRL most people don't cheat. Life isn't an NTR doujin you pornbrained moronic faggots.
She's right, you should just do it. But at the same time you also get to fuck her however you want. That's the traditional way. If she argues then say "Women are weaker so you should just buck up and take/suck it"
In an actual trad marriage in the early 1900's and before (literally all of human history, women would be working in the household just as long as men worked outside.

The women would be expected to birth 5+ children, raise them all, cook food on an open fire stove, etc. Just washing clothes could take hours per day because women had to haul water from a well on the other side of town before water pipes were invented.
>men should put in 75% of the effort
lmao what a cunt
If you're not married you really have no business living with her. A girlfriend is an in between relationship. She should be living on her own or with her parents and you should be on your own. There shouldn't be any tension about splitting bills or any kind of house shit because you shouldn't be in the house together. This isn't a popular stance but it makes it no less true. So many people are stressed out because they're living with someone they have no business living with.

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