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I've grown up around board culture, and I've kind of grown paranoid seeing people's lives be stripped of them all because of personal wrongdoings. nevertheless, I am not angry that the internet does this, as it has always been this way. the overall internet population increase has only made it more common for people to do this, albeit the repercussions are much higher.
my main issue is that I am an artist, and I am studying to be a teacher for high schoolers. I might be an assistant teacher next year and I am currently working on wiping my internet presence. But there are online connections I still want to keep, and art that I still want to keep up that are NSFW. I have to make a concrete double-life for myself, and I have no idea how to achieve this, especially knowing how insanely smart and nosey teenagers (and school admins) are. I also go to conventions and meetups, which might make things tricky, but I don't want to stop going just because of my career path.
How do I keep this shit separate? Help, lol.
they'll catch up to you man
AI teachers are much better, I love AI teachers
Use an online username with zero connections to the real you.

How in the nine hells would they be able to connect one thing with the other???
>I am currently working on wiping my internet presence
Not possible.
>but there are online connections I still want to keep
Even less possible, somehow.
>and art that I still want to keep up that are NSFW
You are going to be caught and put on a list.
>I also go to conventions and meetups
So you’re just retarded then.

If you’re serious about teaching children, you stop making anything NSFW yesterday, delete any of it, and when questioned, adamantly deny making any past (several years prior to when you started going into teaching). Do not go to meetups with other NSFW artists. Do not talk to them. Delete your social media that used to talk to them. Maybe, and then only maybe, you may skirt through if the admins are particularly kind/lazy.
How connectedbis your real life persona and online persona?

Is there any clear link or evidence of the two?
A man can’t serve two masters, OP. He will love one but hate the other. So choose which to sacrifice. The online smut you whore your skills for, or the honour of teaching the next generation of humanity.

Pick one.
>>I also go to conventions and meetups
>So you’re just retarded then.
You're a retard OP and depending on what you drew and consumed, you should probably stay away from children. There are already enough pedophile school teachers.

But why do you want to teach high school especially anyway? what is that you are teaching?
You're incredibly right to be paranoid. I mean, I did a """background check""" on all of my teachers in school and shared stuff with my friends to laugh about (currently 21) so it's not unfounded at all. Whatever you did, I say protect yourself before you become some laughing stock on the local news and end up on twitter.
I am pretty serious about it. And I think you're right. I can't have my cake and eat it too. I'm just stuck on the fence about living a nerdy teacher life. But the more I think about it (and what you and other anons have said), the more I want to just embrace it. It'll suck, but that's one of the many sacrifices aspiring teachers have to make. It's all right though, I have plenty of ideas for more tasteful stuff to draw for myself. I just like boobs a lot. Lol. Less internet will be good for me.
my taste is in older milfs so we're all safe here. I'm confident I'm not going to diddle kids rofl.
It’s not like you have to give up art completely, you can still be e-famous, just without the irl presence.
I mean if some dude recognizes your art style from the first line you draw on the chalkboard that's on them. Ain't nobody gonna out themselves a degenerate like that.
You have to draw other stuff if you're working with minors. You're supposed to be a good example for them.
As long as your internet name isn't your art name, it should be fine. Just don't go to the conventions and run a stall, you will 1000000% get caught.
Are you retarded anon? Just don't mix the two lives. It's simple.
>post no identifying information on your online art presence
>attend cons to sell your shit with a mask and sunglasses or something idk
>don't bring your art to the school
simple as
>Being a Teacher and also an NSFW artist
Don't show your students porn.
Don't draw porn of your students.
Problem solved.
> I have to make a concrete double-life for myself
No you don't.
You're a teacher who draws porn as a hobby.
You do not show the students porn.
You do not draw porn of the students.
As a result, this is fine.
>How do I keep this shit separate?
Don't show your students porn.
Don't draw porn of your students.
If you meet one of your students at a convention, bring up your professional obligations that you can't share sex stuff with them on account of you being their teacher.
This implies that crafting NSFW art affects your eligibility to be a teacher in any way.
It does not.
buddy, we found a webcam flag in the middle of nowhere based on cloud coverage and flight patterns. a mere freckle could be OP's demise.
if you're going to nsfw cons, just wear a mask. there's nowhere easier to conceal your identity all day than an 18+ event. wear a gimp mask. wear a puppy play mask. wear a furry mask. total non issue
reminder that King Rip Ass is a college professor. if he can fucking teach, you can too

hope you knew to keep a good opsec when you started. nothing escapes terminally online teens.
This is... a bad idea that can possibly be made workable.
Basically this.
This is definitely something possible to do, ASSUMING you have had and will indefinitely maintain good opsec. Which I assume you didn't and won't, because no one does unless they're a turbo autist since whatever age they first joined the internet. Which means more likely than not you're fucked if the students try and do some digging. You really need to prevent any link between your real identity and your artist identity: use different accounts, different emails to sign up to things, do not share any info that may link one to another, for the love of god do not show your face or reveal your name, and in-person events are a terrible idea that no amount of opsec can totally help you with. I can't begin to name the things that would link the two identities, so your best bet is to have a reasonable public life (normal Linkedin, etc.) and an artist persona who is as fucking cryptic as possible. No one should know more about you than your country. Anyone you divulge information to is a weak point. Even if they are your bestest of friends, they will not have as good of opsec as you and something will slip from them.
>t. former teaching intern who decided that shit was not worth it
Literally just don't be a retard, good opsec means not connecting your real identity with your internet one
All of this. Was in a similar position to OP. In my case, I was wiser and never showed my face, revealed my location or used any emails or information that was also used for my normal social media. The main thing is to tell nobody, online or in-person, about what you do. If you feel like you want to keep making that shit, go for it but just be aware that it'll be constant stress. If you don't want to live like that, either delete what you can or simply stop. But hypothetically you could quite easily deny things if you do everything mentioned above.

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