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My Instagram accounts keep getting banned due to weapon display and political material and I'm getting fed-up with sensitive social media restrictions. I wanted to make a little personal website that will act as my "social" account where it will be a sort of personal blog/diary/album for fun.

I wanted to know all the tools I'd need for a simple, customizable, and most importantly, secure website. Which website builders would be best, most customizable, most secure and noob-friendly? I know websites require a host, but not sure how it works. I'd appreciate a little tool kit of links of everything I'd need. Wanted to put something up by Friday.
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I dunno, but bump for interest, What weapons? Have considered making such a site, but afraid it would turn into a blog and less platform for me to share things.
Tumblr, Blogger, WordPress, possibly Twitter

Have only personally used IG, Tumblr, and Twitter myself

Nothing fancy, really. Just a few pocket knives, antique guns and similar toys, but my content is constantly flagged.

I kind of wanted a site where I'd "divide" sections so it's not just messy blocks of text and images, where I'd have a section for each genre or topic, and ideally comment sections for a little social forum feel. I'm trying to find a good example, but not liking the designs of most blogs

I'm steering away from socials since I want something more focused, personal and customizable, but I'm seeing a lot of decent sites built with WordPress. Just not sure if additional tools are needed to put everything together.
There are sites which describe the current good web site builders:
- https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/best-personal-website-builders/
I haven't used any of them so can't tell you which is best. Free sites usually insist on advertising banners, some of which can be very obnoxious. Paid may still throw adverts up, may not.

You'll also need a site name; www.example.com
This can usually be set up at a DNS registrar which then points the name at the site on your site builder host.
- https://www.hostingadvice.com/how-to/best-cheap-domain-name-registrars/
I have only used GoDaddy of these. Often the Registrars will also offer a cheap hosting bundle as part of the name registration but their site builders tend to be more basic and require more knowledge of web sites. The names almost always cost money, and paid monthly or yearly. All the best names you want were probably taken years ago.

> secure website
Difficult to say. Most importantly use a strong and unique password when uploading pages or editing a site.
- https://zappedia.com/most-secure-website-builders/
If they force you to have a secure password, they probably force all their customers.
Secure passwords look like this: /BU,R4WzBp5~]^3|eQb(
Not like this: password1234
Fair - yeah, sounds like a wordpress thing but the last time I dabbled in that google was being retarded and switched their domain service. Biggest hurdle will be hosting. I've dreamed of making similar though. Almost like a bunch of categories with topic within each one and each topic being like a post with comment section below it.

SquareSpace and WordPress seem close to what I'm aiming for customization-wise. SquareSpace seems to have slightly more advanced features and also includes a lot of social features which is what I was aiming for, and it's also considered one of the more secure builders which is perfect. I've toyed around with Wix years ago, and it was really easy to put together, but the range wasn't as large with the free subscription. Do you need a subscription to circumvent advertising, or will there only be ad spams if you choose to include them? And would I need a separate website for hosting, or is it a feature already implemented with some website builders?
NTA but this >>31540550 anon. No idea for advertising, but most builders will implement some sort of hosting offer. In my experience it's more expensive than the domain offer, but ofc sample size of one and I'm basically in the same boat as you.
need a female with a website
honestly dude chatgpt + figma can design your whole site
depending on how much u kno abt /g/ stuff u can just do a basic markdown blog
Self hosting is the only way to be truly safe. Even then, your isp could theoretically fuck you over (we aren't that far gone just yet, but it is coming).
I would throw your site up on a random blog website for now as it is the easiest option, but I would start looking into self hosting as a long term solution.

You can get extremely cheap domain names just about anywhere. I used namecheap, not for any particular reason. Many places that sell domain names sell hosting services as well, but I have never used those, and you are just adding another third party that could shut you down if they want.

I'm a /g/ linux autist so I don't have a normalfag friendly guide to self hosting I can give you. All the ones I used assumed a moderately high level understanding of what was going on. You could try following landchad.net but I don't think it's updated and you would probably get stuck halfway through.

I've never used it myself, but squarespace seems like the best normalfag way to make a website (proof advertising works I guess).

Heading to work, but I'll be responding if the thread is still up when I get home. I appreciate the information
I mean >>31540811, not 31541827 lmao
>>weapon display
I literally follow weapon accounts, how are you getting banned?
>I wanna make my own website about me
What year is it 1998?

Also this is a Google question, retard. You'd have your answer in 4 seconds flat. I have no idea why zoomers don't understand Google.

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