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my girlfriend bought this without telling me that. I am against this and its illegal for her country and for age. Also she is not neurotypical so i konw it will affect her very negativly. She has some health issues too. I am so done with her really. Why would you do shit like that. What to do anons....
You sound like a huge fag. You'd be less of a fag if you actually sucked cocks.
Not only because you're being a loser about finding mild drugs around, but because you've come to us to whine about your stupid problems with easy answers:
>my girlfriend likes something I find irreconcilable and I'm done with her.
>what do I do?
Break up with her retard, what was anyone here gonna say? Why are you this insecure?
the packaging and the edibles tehmselves look so good wtf
it’s fucking weed. grow up
Everything about the post screams autism. I actually mean that unironically. Someone said "weed bad" and he's having a mental breakdown and can't quite articulate why, and his "not neurotypical" (probably also autistic) gf found something that helps her feel level and he's having a rule rigidity meltdown.
Poor kid. Someone send him some trains.
>someone send him some trains
You fucking faggots, she is on other medicaments and she bought higher dose which will fuck up here. Fucking 4chan retards are explaining me how weed works. She is fucking mentally ill and i hope she will relive every fucking bad moment in her life.
>posts on 4chan
>gets mad at 4chan for being 4chan
what did you expect
>she's mentally ill
>I hope she will relive every bad moment

The fact you're with someone you speak this way about actually makes YOU look like the retard. I don't know if that's gonna sink into your dumbass brain, but the meltdown about weed is one thing.. you dating someone you hate and running to us like mommy for help with your stupid non problems speaks volumes about what a massive faggot you are.
No you faggot, i just have anger issues and I am just venting to retards like you so i will not tell things too unnecessary to her. I wish i tied up her and raped her till dead really. I do not hate her and I love her. I want to make sure shell be safe, because her brain is strill developing and she takees other medicaments which will really fuck up her with weed. Also she has schizophrenic people in her bloodline which is also bad. I am raging because i love her and i worry about her safety, but its too difficult for a moron like you to understand.
What medication
She is taking adhd stuff and anti-depressants. Also i gave her some ashwagandha.
I’ve smoked copious amounts of weed on adderall and antidepressants, she’ll be fine
Weed mixes fine with all of that and people with adhd get huge relief from weed. You're being ridiculous.

Anti depressants? I'd worry if you found lsd or shrooms while she was on anti depressants. That can be deadly. But weed is fine. Especially if her "mental illness" is adhd (which btw is not an "illness" jackass)
Weed in higher dosage can be equivalent to lsd you fucking illiterate moron.

t. druggie

t. biochemist.
How do you know how it will affect her? Have you tried it before and had those experiences? Wouldn't that make you a hypocrite?
Fun fact weed will affect everyone differently and plenty of "neurodivergant" people smoke weed and are perfectly fine and plenty of "regular" people smoke and get extremely paranoid or otherwise mentally messed up
i am also a biochemist and a drug addict, gtfo
>I have anger issues and I'm flipping out and talking about raping my girlfriend and shit talking her on the internet over an overreaction to a bit of weed
Yes SHES the mentally ill one. SHES the problem here.
No WAY your anger issues are warping your perception of the whole situation you're complaining about.

Break up with the poor girl and never date again. What a fucking loser you are.
High functioning corpo anon with shut in hikkimori wife here who has her own grab bag of mental shit.

Weed gummies help her anxiety and overall stress levels. Switched her off of the various antidepressants and tramadol in favor of gummies.

It's a big night n day change. You may be paranoid OP. I get that. You could be the responsable MAN in this situation and make sure she's in a safe environment while trying it out.

Right now you sound like some preteen whiny Mormon holier than thou fucktard

On a more serious note - only trust edibles from reliable producers.
you just don't get the fucken weed man my dude
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didn't read after that first sentence. I just wanna say shut the fuck up and get off the internet. goddamn.
>I wish i tied up her and raped her till dead really. I do not hate her and I love her

hmm. not unhinged at all
I can never tell whether threads like this are real or not

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