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Last Episode: >>31545175
men what should i draw
>drank 3 shots of vodka
>not even drunk, just sweaty
got damn it
I will never tell her this, or anybody in real life, but I wish my girlfriend had big titties.
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
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what do girls think of dudes with high body counts?

say like 40
Men say something hot
For men
Are you manipulative and how do you do it?
Really gross, there is no reason to be having sex with so many people. Value yourself a bit more.
A cat with its kitten friend.
I want to cook you dinner.
Yes but it’s all mystical woo woo that you wouldn’t like.
Men state height and relationship status
> mystical woo woo that you wouldn’t like
I still wanna hear it
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My cock feels very warm right now

I wish height helped.
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here u go anon
you dead from suicide hanging from a tree

me and who
I don't think I am.
But I am clingy, I don't think I manipulate women into indulging me though, cause the only ones who indulge me are also clingy.
If anything I'm not manipulative enough, when a girl expresses dissatisfaction I just leave.
you'll still fuck him because he's a chad
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the tree doesnt deserve that
I do not have sex with anybody except my boyfriend, who has a normal 'body count'
I am not American, but i have this friend that is obsessed with trump. Like he genuinely believes in the deep state, and that trump is some kind of hero. Again, we are not americans. Wtf did you guys do to my friend?
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idk what its eating
Women say something wholesome
Usually I just weaponize my own traumas, telling people I was isolated, raped, no one loved me and I feel unlovable, how I’m doing my best. Usually with enough self loathing that isn’t just overt, it works. I’m also very good at masking when I want to be, being whoever you want me to be.
Very cute tysm
Me giving you a hug
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seems like it.
why is kot sucking pp?
i’m a dude its totally different and im not just saying that. sure i wish i had a gf or someone to have a connection with but i can only get sex.
Bro I feel you.
Does it really work? I thought women were repulsed by guys opening up or pretending to
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love u
Guess who's back. Back again.

>what do girls think of dudes with high body counts?
Gross. Honestly, as long as someone is clean and takes necessary precautions, I don't care. But I feel if you have sex so casually, your values towards sex differ drastically from mine, and that could be a deal breaker.

>Women say something wholesome
I believe all of the men here have the capacity for self-improvement. I believe in all of you and believe you deserve better than the life you've resigned yourself to.
a brazillian femanon with a big booty and curly hair
That sounds like a lot of cope honestly. It's not surprising you can't find a connection when you've whored yourself out so completely, I wouldn't want to connect with you either! I'm not even sure I'd want to stand near you.
You have a boyfriend get a grip
can i not give hugs
A guy on a thrown with a bunch of chickens around him
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>I believe all of the men here have the capacity for self-improvement. I believe in all of you and believe you deserve better than the life you've resigned yourself to.
I wonder if you're able to still bond emotionally and I'd also ask you were free of stds
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Men donyou secretly or not so secretly think you can turn a lesbian straight/bi?

I know sexualities change and I'm about to leave this guy I thought was into me but they are talking like they are together.
Women how conscious are you about your boobs touching us when you hug us?
>Men donyou secretly or not so secretly think you can turn a lesbian straight/bi?
Not really. I don't really care. Lots of straight women around
It can work. If they find you a little attractive at least. Any girl with a shred of brains can see through it, but there’s lots who are naive/broken themselves who want to fix others. You just act like you can but you’re also a black hole that will never be enough.
Women i heard you're happy without me, and i hope its true
You sitting in my lap naked as I finger you with my left hand and play with your left boob in my right hand as I softly bite and kiss your neck
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ask and u shall recieve
can you teach me how to draw
how many does he have?
no it’s not cope but i do feel like im venturing into deep water. it kind of just happened. i can’t maintain a gf mostly because im broke and low class. they only want to have sex and the longest they stay is like 6 months.
i can understand that. i am pretty free with sex but i’ve always been vanilla and cum pretty quick despite having sex with a lot of women.
i can still bond emotionally no problem. i said above they leave because im broke usually or that’s the sense i get. i’m starting to get jaded not from the sex but the not being financially stable part. it’s making me think women are just gold diggers.
sure add me on disc supervsilly
women would you date a man who can sing but doesn't want people to hear him because its too embarrassing?
>easily giving away your discord on 4chan
You're gonna groom that anon into self harm or trannyism aren't you?
Since nobody bothered to answers, I'll ask again

Girls, I wanna ask you.

Now this girl did this intense eye contact with me in college and i really don't mind her a lot but i see her sometimes looking at me, But this time i was walking through the corridor and i saw her with her friend, I didn't look at her but when i tried to pass through her (the passage is narrow) i looked at her at a split second for curiosity and i saw her looking at me and our eyes locked and we kept looking at each other and i passed, I went to stairs and turned back to see if she was looking, she was still looking but i just went through.

The problem is i'm not shy, People were telling me she's mean and a crazy bitch but i don't care anyways, Still tho i feel like i'm gonna get fucked.

What do you think ? Should i do a move on her next exam ?
What do you use it for? Do you take advantage of them?
Me sleeping on Makima's lap
>An a dark and dreary night, a sleeveless woman with a red bandana rides her motorcycle through a cemetery with a shovel and shotgun strapped to her back. She stops in front of a large, gravestone, but before she can get off, an ominous glow of light emanates from the ground; before her stands the angry ghost of Abraham Lincoln, former vampire slayer, and his gold is his. This is going to be a long night
>what do girls think of dudes with high body counts?
I do not think about this. I am neutral about this.
Besides, your body count should be 109 to my 2 by the end of the run anyway.
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State Gender
What are your thoughts on this kind of behavior.

Why doesn't he want me anymore
What do girls think about boys who have a very low social circle and do not have many friends but still look dateable
>For men
>Are you manipulative
I'm told so but I disagree
>how do you do it?
I solve problems. I tell people about how they should act to be a part of solving problems, and if they don't do that, then they are a problem to (maybe) solve (if convenient).
I use it mostly to keep people away from me or get attention, depending on what I want. I try to use it for good mostly because I don’t want to be an evil piece of shit. I’ve studied a lot of occult and mysticism and it all points to this idea that evil deeds will fuck you over in the end, so I try to be good. Yknow, being a guy that anyone can rely on, stuff like that. I’ve tried not to take advantage because that’s a mega sin.
>have food poisoning
>wife goes to bed without us having the sex
>I vomit and feel better
>wake up for some foreplay
>somehow she's not into it and says no to sex
I vomited my stomach out and now I feel better. Why are women so shallow ?
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maybe he had a head injury?
I don't understand people who enjoy getting wasted over age 20 or so. Just not fun. Alcoholism is really normalized in the west.
Imagine hating yourself so much that you need to drink alcohol throughout the day to deal with yourself
I find it baffling how she called it water of the day and it's just straight up alcohol.
>Men donyou secretly or not so secretly think you can turn a lesbian straight/bi?
Depends which lesbian.
Most no.
Some yes, if they're on board with it.
I'm bi but like guys more just tired of being played

it's exhausting
>inb4 you deserved it
I think the point is that it's meant to look like water so that you can day drink secretly.
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here u go anon
>women would you date a man who can sing but doesn't want people to hear him because its too embarrassing?
Nah, embarassment is a turnoff.

>Nothing happened, what should I do
Most Lesbian women are bi
Because you have gastrointestinal problems. Stop overeating, stop drinking, avoid dairy products and go see a doctor tomorrow immediately.
Are you sure?
because I would not be surprised to find out that people these day can't stand to drink normal water so they stay "hydrated" by sipping beverages with their Stanley Cups, I'm sure nobody is filling Stanley Cups with plain water.
I don't know, What seems to be better for you do it, Asking a female about this situation is similar to asking Satan about prayers, Of course females of this website are so vile, more vile than real life females.
My advice is just fucking do it and see what's there it, Nothing to lose bro
:( I'm never going to feel his arms around me again
I iwsh
didnt know i struck a nerve
>State Gender
>What are your thoughts on this kind of behavior.
Pronounced Curacao correctly, nice
Completely ratshit failed at making what I assume is meant to be a rainbow cocktail, ended up making sludge cocktail, unimpressed.
He's cool
>:( I'm never going to feel his arms around me again
oh man, on the off chance you've never seen this scene.
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>inb4 you deserved it
I'm not that mean, femanon lol
>I don't understand people who enjoy getting wasted over age 20 or so.
She's a woman. By sabotaging herself, she's inviting a man to come in and rescue her from her self-sabotage. Sexually. It's part of human mate selection rituals.
I accompanied my mother on a trip for her brother's wedding the past few months. Before we go, she gives me a big thing of 'crystal light', for me to flavor me water. I don't need it and leave it. Later at the hotel she freaks out because she doesn't have her crystal light, she left it behind. I go oh well, guess you'll just drink water. And she says "No, I don't drink water. I don't like it. At least I won't have to pee as much." and is just dehydrated the entire time.
qt catching strays from the side, lol
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How can this "cool" dude maintain a relationship with the "serial killer" aura
good to hear you’re neutral about it. i don’t get the other thing you said.
>i can still bond emotionally no problem. i said above they leave because im broke usually or that’s the sense i get. i’m starting to get jaded not from the sex but the not being financially stable part. it’s making me think women are just gold diggers.
Have you tried being in a relationship with limited sex, just cuddling, kissing and snuggling, hickeys etc
Well I'm a man and when I self sabotage no cute girl come and saves me :(
Anyways I think she's too far gone at this point, because contrary to what >>31547876 says, she is very much not cute. You can see that even at a young age the alcohol has taken its toll
>i don’t get the other thing you said.
I do. That is enough for me.
Me crying in my bed
oh my, I just realized the implication of it being her sip for the day
she's just living day to day sloshed out of her mind, huh
>How can this "cool" dude maintain a relationship with the "serial killer" aura
What do you mean? Are you implying you want to have a serial killer/murder vibe, wouldn't that be basically be having a very creepy aura/vibe
I'll see if I can find a login to an alt discord anywhere
>Are you manipulative

>how do you do it?
knew it
this is how I feel in this situation
he's bullshitting me and I am about to tell him about their interactions and how i feel we are different people. sucks because he has exhausted me emotionally with his problems, I feel he was trying to trauma bond with me. and her too. I'm just another number on the roster.
hey it's anonymous, never know how you might feel in like 2 minutes
Thats really sad but we're talking about me right now
You can do it, anon.

>Women how conscious are you about your boobs touching us when you hug us?
Not at all, unless my nipples are hard, but those two things hardly ever coincide.

>i am pretty free with sex but i’ve always been vanilla and cum pretty quick despite having sex with a lot of women.
This is what I don't get. The people that have a large string of mediocre sex. I would rather find someone I connect with on an emotional level and share chemistry with and build that sexual rapport.

>women would you date a man who can sing but doesn't want people to hear him because its too embarrassing?
Yes, I do the same. I have really strong pipes, which always surprises people because of how I talk.

>What are your thoughts on this kind of behavior.
I was okay with it until the glitter. I would have switched the vodka for white rum or blanco tequila.
Neutral. I don't want to hear too many specific stories though. Like you can mention things you've done but don't give me play by plays.
Depends on the guy. Whether I don't want him to get the wrong idea or I definitely want him to get the right idea I'm conscious of it. If they're family or someone I feel is safely not sexually attracted to me I only notice so I'm not like unintentionally making people motorboat me just background keeping the girls under control not a lot of focus.
I hope you are happy anon
Sure. We can sing together with noise cancelling headphones on.
Sounds chill. 3 close "boys" are better than 10 who will leave you stranded somewhere with your car in a flooded ditch and 20 pounds of illegal fireworks in the trunk.
Take a shower and brush your teeth pukey.
I'm not the anon who asked for this but I love this.
Are we, I got distracted.
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Do you have interest in polyamory?
No for fuck sake, The problem is most females don't continue dating with me because i don't seem to have too much friends ( i have few ) and they see that I'm not connected with life, I don't give a fuck
>you wife suddenly wants to be poly
oh man, drama time!
no its a total meme
>never know how you might feel in like 2 minutes
shut the FUCK up bitc-
im kidding
THANK U :3333
From the perspective of someone that plans on voting for him for the 3rd time-
He's the best candidate, of a poor lot. He's a lot of hot air, and makes promises he doesn't keep.
But I really think he means well, moreso than the zombies and vultures running against him.
He's entertaining, and thus has a cult of personality that can get unhealthy for a lot of people.
The "Deep State" is real, but it's not as deep as you think. It's lifelong politicians and heads of bureaus trying to clutch every bit of power they can. People with names easily found. Only a few are actually subversive ideologues. Less zealotry, more contempt for the average man, and disgust for anyone other than average that isn't with them.
Would you date a guy who could bench press you?
Bump again l
What an insanely depressing thread.
Ohh, I get you. You're not connected with life how? Are you more into your escapisms(gaming, reading, etc)
I would prefer to
A little guy with exaggeratedly muscular long arms holding a club 3x the size of him above his head about to bonk an unsuspecting person.
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Women are you true kvlt?
what if he's fat and balding?
I regret not asking him to carry me
There's fringe cases where it can work, but it's not something people ought to seek out.
Relationships and Communication are difficult enough with 2 people, 3 is asking for trouble.
William Moulton Marston made it work with his wife and their mistress, it doesn't mean that you can.
What’s your weight?
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Cheer up, bro.
Hell yeah!
Thank you!
Uh it's practically a requirement
Women would you do this >>31547901 ?
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let's see if this worked.
What’s your weight?
Younger woman joins my work.
Respect her as smart and hard working
She could probably get a promotion and more responsability this year but i have no idea of she even wants it now or rather have less responsability
If you're not heavy, it won't be hard to get him to.
Most guys want that opportunity. It shows that you trust him enough not only to not drop you, but to have your body pressed against his.
Atoga just makes me think I’m inherently unlovable.
no people need to stop asking me
Right now about 114 but you could expect to lift +12 at some point.

I was joking by the way. But I would really like that.
Is it acceptable to date 20 year old women when im 26?
Why is he fat
draw doomerboy with gf pls
It’s ok. I could literally shoulder press you.
Cute weight
My gf gets into weird doomer blackpill moods because of stuff she sees on social media. How do I coax her into chilling out and putting down the phone? She seems to recognize that it isn’t healthy.
Most guys can bench 115
Nayrt but i could bench.
In kilos (thats french for 2.24 ish lbs(
Ask if she wants the position, and explain what it entails.
If she doesn't want the responsibility, just put her on the short list if another position opens up.
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That's what happens when you try to force people to love you instead of finding those that do.
This is a limited pool of very opinionated people, that's just what's going to happen, lol.

I'm fat and balding and these threads make me want to kill myself.(Not really) :^)
Sweet. You lift me I'll do this >>31547901
No, you have to be at least 27 for it to be hot.
Mindfulness meditation
All women under 130lbs are considered absolute fucktoy cumsluts until further notice.
>Do you have interest in polyamory?
Only with fictional characters. Commander Shepard deserves her own polycule.

>Would you date a guy who could bench press you?
I wouldn't date a man if he couldn't.

>Is it acceptable to date 20 year old women when im 26?
Yes, you're both adults.
Maybe use her phone and block out doomer shit for her.
i’ve done all that but not with limited sex or to be mindful of it. i have no problem bonding. it really mostly is because of the money.
i have tried to keep a gf but they always break up with me. it’s not my choice. i’ve only had a few gfs but they’re the ones who end it.
But if I can’t even fit in on 4chan I must be a total loser, right?
Tell her you're(collectively) going to watch a movie or something, and put both your phones in a box. Leave them on in case there's an emergency call, but ignore any notification buzzes.
How heavy are you?
>You can now whore out your sim like a pimp
Get her animal crossing?
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Women will you lose attraction for me when i cry over anime?
I’d like that, after I fall asleep you can wake me up whenever you want pipe
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what a weird request
I secretly do.
I feel like I am so irresistible even a woman who doesn't want a guy would want me while simultaneously I cannot even find a gf.
>don’t want to hear stories
i don’t really care to tell the stories i think it’s kind of weird but my last gf told me at first that she didn’t want to hear about it at all which im fine with but then she kept asking about it and it turned into kind of like a kink for her that would get her wet. i think she would get off to it. i wouldn’t tell any specific details and some of them were her friends so i think she heard from them because i wouldn’t say anything and she would bring this stuff up before and during sex without me telling her. it was interesting and made me feel pretty good.
lol, no, 4chan is notoriously unfriendly to people, this isn't like some therapy session, Anon.
Grab any random person off the street and make them use 4chan, more likely than not, they'll probably hate it here.
Good deal
I guess I just don’t know where I belong then. Kinda feels like I don’t belong anywhere.
Do you have comfy thighs?
where is boney knees femanon?
I wasn't clear, I am not the decider she would be moving into the roll I vacated.
Half of me wants to advocate for her promotion and the other half is like bro... way more effort
I'd like to think so. My cats like them.
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i hope youre alright
Bruh today I saw three separate articles about little girls being raped. Does a mind bad
The secret is to stop thinking about the world in a way that makes you feel like you need permission to exist. You belong wherever you are because your worth and value aren't defined by anyone else's standards. Embrace your uniqueness and shit.
Cats don’t lay in uncomfortable places. Please play with my hair and sing a little to me
What is a good moment to ask
>she gave me a dumpy
i am now
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nta but i love this little guy, i'd die for him
This is great, thank you
Scale of 1 to 10 how weird is it that the first song that came to mind was Pulling Mussels (from the shell) by Squeeze and are you still into it lol
LOL TY hes so cute
>How heavy are you?
I have been sitting around the 110 - 115 area for a while, but I want to bulk to 135 or more when fall comes around, and then cut in the spring.

>Women will you lose attraction for me when i cry over anime?
No, I cry over media as well. I cried like ten separate times watching Forrest Gump.
Thanks, man. It just always felt like my uniqueness didn’t matter because anything I can do, someone out there does better. But I guess I gotta unlearn the bullying and shit I got.
It’s a little weird, I’m still into it tho
>women now talk about bulk and cut cycles
we've come so far, this is true equality
Me and that qt with brunette bangs javin a smooch, man i should have asked er out
I panic when I'm put on the spot lol I'll come up with a nice list

You gotta admit that song slaps though
You guys are all lightweight fucktoys that deserve to be rough fucked and bred. Sorry, I don’t make the rules
Men. What's your favorite "group of 12-16 year old ish boys go on an adventure" movie from when you were a kid?
It does. I don’t care what you sing if I have a comfy lap pillow
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Raven petting my hair
No one wants to rough fuck me
Forest gump is ok to cry to
Just date a girl/woman that's poor like you idk or one's that don't care about money too much
id rough fuck you, but Im on meds, cant feel my dick, dont know which condom is good for me, and only have had piv sex like 5 times, 4 of them with the woman doing everything because I didnt know or feel anything

so yeah, I DONT KNOW HOW TO.
Battle Royale
the poor ones care even more about money and i have tried to date non gold diggers but they always end up caring about money
If you’re under 125lbs, someone wants to rail you so hard you cum uncontrollably. I guarantee you’d look good with your legs on my shoulders
Anybody else cry during the running scene because you Want That™ but always feel silly afterwards like the people following him must because you live in real life?
Can you draw pepe with a gf
Well I don't know how to either
>someone wants to rail you so hard you cum uncontrollably
>I guarantee you’d look good with your legs on my shoulders
Oh my god
That time I got the group I came to a party with thrown out so we made a "bomb" out of a water bottle, toilet bowl cleaner, and aluminum foil, and chucked it in the living room of the house party. But we weren't done yet, so we went driving around in my friend's pick up with headlights off shooting off fireworks out of the back
>making this post knowing what the responses would be
someone wants attention
You don't have to be better than anyone else; just focus on being the best version of yourself.
As they say, comparison is the thief of joy. Try build a foundation of self-worth that is inherent to who you are and not dependent on being better than others.
I want to rail you, I’ll pick you up and bounce you on my dick. I could treat you like a fleshlight
I've always heard that that's the hunger games but first and better. You've convinced me it's going on the list.
: )
I'll count it
Misunderstood the prompt but this is just as good anon lmao
Theres half a dozen running scenes
You want recognition at something
Pick it amd get gud
That's a trickier question, but we're open to pretty much any excuse. Piggyback or Bridal Carry are both good, but if you go with bridal, rest your head on his chest.
What was the opportunity you skipped over last time?
Femanons, do you envy cheerleaders?
Try harder. Are you in the u.s?
They do do that > >>31548065
Don't be so down on yourself when you could be up on him
I need to shove my cock into a woman’s cheek and try to stretch out her mouth
The girl who hosted that party didn't really friends anymore after that lol
No, it's mentally draining and they can get hurt doing those types of moves if they don't get enough rest.
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the couple ever
>I've always heard that that's the hunger games but first and better. You've convinced me it's going on the list.
Its my favorite movie. Its nothing amazing but it is the OG hunger games and the reason I love battle royale style plot beats. Hope you enjoy it!
>: )
nice its beef girl
Is this fanart for that incest game?
>try harder
typical woman advice. noted.
NO ITS THE DOOMER COUPLE i never liked anduy and leyley
>i never liked anduy and leyley
you loved them
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same energy
erm i have a normal relationship with mu family
yeah i can see the reseblmance
This, chipmunking a woman is peak
Which part of the u.s?
Happy in a loving relationship
OH SHIT SHE HAS THE SAME NECKLACE TOO LOOOL are they based off of the doomer couple Do u know if they are
thank you anon, i love it
Should I put my arms around his neck
>What was the opportunity you skipped over last time?
He offered as a joke and I brushed him off
Single u_u
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It's a choker
>are they based off of the doomer couple Do u know if they are
idk, probably
>no gf to tie me up and jack me off wearing a slutty nurse outfit and latex gloves
I really don’t know what makes me “me”. I’m a writer and a gamer, I love to love, strong emotions. I was just kinda always told that made me not a man. It’s hard to find myself.
I know I wouldn't be able to fix azula no matter how hard I try and it kills me.
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youll get em one day
>no gf to shove a gun in my mouth and ride me aggressively while i fear whether or not she accidentally squeezes the trigger while she orgasms
If you mean that city in that state, have you tried edating instead
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>trying to fix azula
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Why would you want to fix crazy girls?
> Manipulating women still discussed
Too easy if you know what you're doing, how their emotions work and how to push her buttons, they usually set themselves up for it. It's fun. The hardest part is that there's no half assing it and you can't do it if you have too much empathy.
> How to do it?
You talk and get her to open up, make sure to probe for as many details as possible in order to identify any and all insecurities and insecurities that stem from them. Ask about her past, her childhood, school years etc, anything sad or negative that happened and has an impact on her psyche today. Now's the good time to release a few lies about yourself and your emotional baggage to give her a false sense of security and understanding. (this will be useful if she tries to use "your" insecurities against you in retaliation or so she can think she has any leverage)
Never focus on her general beauty but on a smaller attractive detail on her and always make sure she thinks other women like you.
> Now what?
When you want her to do something she wouldn't want to, make her comfortable, raise her self esteem a little bit before asking then slowly start tightening the screws using one or two above mentioned insecurities until she gives in. Make sure to give her validation after it to avoid her feeling regret. You can use this or any other degrading acts to push further. Start off easy with simpler stuff like getting her to wear something provocative if she's conservative or a simple girl etc.
Everyone wants to bring up lying when this is mentioned but in reality you don't even need to lie about anything, all you have to do is play with her feelings right and don't feel bad about it so you give up in the process.
Intelligent women are ridiculously prone to these tricks
Do you think gay people have things far too easy now?
Would you support legislation banning good-looking/normal-looking people from becoming gay?
>Well I don't know how to either
if you're patient we could practice together.
Just be, bruh. Like, you gotta just be. I can't really help you beyond that. It's just one of those things that's different for everyone. You probably won't find the answer anytime soon, but you will eventually with time. You just have to start the journey.

Good luck.
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What did he do wrong?
State Gender
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pat pat
Absolutely you should, but if it's piggyback, be careful not to choke him.
Bring it up again, make it clear that you've been thinking about it, which you have.
"Hey, remember when you offered to carry me? Do you still want to do that?"
You'll be embarrassed, lean into that.
my crush thirsts for saul goodman
without spoiling the show is this a red flag? (we're watching it together)
Why can't men and women be friends?
>charming conman
you connect the dots
I think I'd be a good friend.
Thanks for the kind words man. Helps a lot.
Gl me indeed.
Bob Odenkirk is just hot don't worry too much
One of them catches feelings
I'm just answering
Sounds like it would hurt
But does he love me
How do we practice something like that
One, those are probably fake plates.
Two, his first impression is of doing useless and dangerous shit.
Three, I'd probably get banned for stating.
>One, those are probably fake plates.
probably not, he's spinning around the plates, not spinning the plates around
>10 pound plates
I'd get the ick too
Also because he's BEEP
>Sounds like it would hurt
nta but the trick is to start slow, its like a rollercoaster
>How do we practice something like that
start with the basics. making out, having fun, touch ourselves, having sex the normal way, and after a while we can start treating ourselves roughly
>we've come so far, this is true equality
The gym is the great equalizer.

>You guys are all lightweight fucktoys that deserve to be rough fucked and bred. Sorry, I don’t make the rules
I understand. Rules are important.

>Raven petting my hair
Are you okay, anon?

>Forest gump is ok to cry to
Thank you. It's like getting emotionally pieced up.

No, that scene was mostly just humorous, but I am envious of Forrest's simplicity and ability to do something because he wants to and stop because he feels like it. Too many people these days are afraid of making decisions for fear of making the wrong one.

>Femanons, do you envy cheerleaders?
No, but that's not their only form of income. Most of these women, just like ring girls, make far more money on sponsorships and social media.

Is it bad that I lowkey ship Zuko and Azula?

>no gf to shove a gun in my mouth and ride me aggressively while i fear whether or not she accidentally squeezes the trigger while she orgasms
>Wanting a gf with poor discipline
It's over for me

>Do you think gay people have things far too easy now?
No, but I think some people are way too comfortable projecting their private lives on to others and those people tend to be queer.
>Would you support legislation banning good-looking/normal-looking people from becoming gay?
No, because that's me and my gf.

>What did he do wrong?
Cross shitters are cringe and stupid
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Me Diving into a giant set of boobs
>Is it bad that I lowkey ship Zuko and Azula?
Literally EVERYONE ships them, Anon.
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What are your thoughts on poor artists?
Mild Hybristophillia, pretty common, don't worry too much about it unless you know any lawyers.
I am the Master Duelist.
No zuko and mai are meant for each other
True, but look at how lightly he lifts them after bouncing back up from the landing.
They wish! Mai could be married to Zuko for 2 decades and she'd still be on the watch for those "sibling nights"
What deck are you running
>It's over for me
Sorry fear makes the dick harder, thats just how it is
he looks so happy, thank you
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>Is it bad that I lowkey ship Zuko and Azula?
Same but I also ship him with Sukki as his concubine
Zutara > Kataang
Do you go slow with you fleshlights
The normal way?
>zuko and mai are meant for each other
Mai as the personality of a brick wall
Tylee is better for him than her
>Zutara > Kataang
this is why men and women cant be friends
I first produced my pistol. I then produced my rapier. I said "Stand or deliver, or the devil he may take ya!"

Mush-a ring dum a-doo dum-a da. Whack for my daddy-o
>The normal way?
"vanilla" i guess. I never actively fucked so Im pretty virgin regarding this
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Love black girls, why can't they be real.
>Is it bad that I lowkey ship Zuko and Azula?
Have you ever seen the numbers for fanfic parings? They're probably at the top slot. Grey DeLisle's performance was aural sex, especially when Azula walked into Zuko's bedroom.
Of course people are going to ship the seductive sociopath with the brooding bad boy with a sensitive side, and them being siblings makes it taboo.
nobody actually likes ghetto bitches, right?
>Do you go slow with you fleshlights
No but theres a difference between being treated like one and being one. If you want the latter though that can be arranged
>Shorter than her
>Younger than her
>Have a mother son more than a romantic one
>brooding loner who lost his mother and father banished him
>Literal price of a nation
Only reason Zutara didn't happen is because avatar is a fantasy show
my coworker was trying to show me something on her phone and she got an ad for TENGA
I don't think she realized what it was but I chuckled to myself
I appreciate it, but can you make the boobs bigger and the guy smaller?
thank you
Women, why do you have guy friends? You know they're all trying to fuck you, right? Do you enjoy leading men on or something?
>His back is against the edge of the bed. His cock dangling in front of her face. She can't stop looking at it. She leans forward, slipping the head into her mouth. Then along her tongue. Then down her throat. It fills her mouth. She sucks her lips and fondles hes cock with her tongue. She's drooling. She looks up past his shirtless chest and into his eyes; he's so vulnerable. Each pulse get its harder in her mouth and further down her throat. His panting gets louder. She starts playing with his head, licking the warm precum from his tip and tonguing his frenulum - he lets out and small moan, but quickly stops himself. Fuck, that was hot. "Oh, did you not like that?" she teases. "If you want, I could stop...", and never losing contact with his eyes, she sticks out her tongue and licks the underside of his hard cock from the base to the head. "No no no, don't stop", he frantically pleads. "Well", she says, "if you want me to keep going, you're gonna have to tell me how much you like it." She stands up and pushes him. He falls backward onto the bed

I normal summon snake-eyes ash and special summon snake-eyes poplar
>She climbs over his legs, wraps her fingers around his cock and begins to caress it. "Do you like it?" she asks. "Y-yes", he stutters. "Louder", she says sternly, and jacks him off even harder; he responds with a very audible moan. "Yes!" he exclaims. "It feels so good!" She smiles and moves herself forward, placing her pussy on top of his frenulum. Leaning over him, she slowly grinds her clit along his dick, her wet juices acting as a lubricant. He moans even louder. "Do you like that?" she asks. "How much do you want to fuck me?" "God, I want to fuck you. I need," he pants. "God, I need your pussy! Fuck!"
>Suddenly he grabs her waist, and holding her close to him, he rolls both of them over on the bed, pressing her body underneath his. He closes his eyes as he leans in, placing his lips over hers. His breathe is heavy as he kisses her, as if he was desperate for her, and his tongue dances with hers as if to know her better. He then pulls himself up, and looking into her eyes, he tells her "I want you, now. Your pussy is mine." She giggles, then she spreads her legs and wraps them around his torso. "Then fuck me", she retorts back. "Hard". He smiles back, and slides his cock inside her.

*plap *plap *plap
>im just answering
yeah sure you are lol
Kashtira. Feel free to insult me, but I got to master 1 with it. I’m undefeated going through gold rn.
I also play TG.
I jumped, grabbed my pistols and I shot him with both barrels

There's whiskey in the jar-o
women like attention, men like giving women attention, and thus the unseen forces of self-interest create a positive outcome for the attention economy.
Nigga you wrote all that to say “I love cocks”
I droll you.
Who's that about
i’m a man who likes to not give attention and who also likes to get it. is that why i’ve been with a lot of girls?
becamsuse everyoene deserves to have friends
Disgusting but good luck on the grind
*bleeds out on the flor*
What do you play?
>good luck on the grind
Not much of a grind rn I’ll hit d3 or so before it actually becomes hard. Crazy how many returning players in silver, gold is the actual noob zone.
Shoulda had Called By bro.
why is this the best femanon ever?
hold on now, we haven't even seen her nipples yet
Me and Pepe frog sitting on my bed looking happy and playing a videgame together (the POV would be from the TV I guess, just to make it easier).
thank you i love you
If she loves another dude more than me, a part of me would die
>What do you play
I dont anymore but I might try out edison format just so I can play blackwings again
>Should had called by
bad draw
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>No zuko and mai are meant for each other
Heresy. Mai was a cunt and her cut was whack.

>Zutara > Kataang
No printer. Only fax.

>this is why men and women cant be friends
Aang was a cringe kid that felt entitled to Katara's time and affection because he got some igloo fever. Zuko respected Katara, even when they were enemies. They had actual chemistry and a feasible enemies to lovers story arc.

>Love black girls, why can't they be real.
I'm real as a donut, motherfucker.

>nobody actually likes ghetto bitches, right?
Scrawny, socially awkward white boys like Harold from Total Drama do.

>Only reason Zutara didn't happen is because avatar is a fantasy show
Wish fulfillment by the writers. They tried to make up for it with Mako and Korra but fumbled even harder because they had no chemistry while Korra and Bolin did.

>I don't think she realized what it was but I chuckled to myself
Brother in Christ, do you understand how cookies work?
drawanon is making it the best?
most erotic novels 4 women depct guys with giant dicks because "le fantasy, not gonna fantasauze about an average dick lol"
ok thanks for telling me that girls
>I'm real as a donut, motherfucker.
Oh, so it's personal then, I see I see.
Stand by Me? Pokemon?
Women how would you feel/react if your bf said "thank you for being my girlfriend"?
I'm actually decent looking and a good talker but I don't know how to seal the deal with girls
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Do you actually like them?
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Women, How would you feel if this was your husband?

I don't really think much of it. Neither positive nor negative but if he's my partner, he's in for a fun date at the hospital for a small test
>Do you actually like them?
is it cringe?
No dude it's not about the running. And you know what I'm talking about scene/montage/sequence/whatever.
You know when Bojack sees the horses in the desert? Idk forget it I think I'm just sad.
Girls: Have you ever had a bad experience with an Indian guy? Seems like so many girls I meet have some story of at least one ultra creepy Indian encounter.

yeah, like, several. it's not the genetics, it's the culture. indian culture is subhuman and narcissistic.
I already saw her ass >>31548111
I'm in love, would 100% fuck,date, and marry (no kill).
Is it ok to make a dating profile and say that I'm not looking for anything serious, I just want to practice dating? I want marriage and kids but I feel too fucked up right now to seriously pursue that and don't want to unload my baggage on anyone
Honestly no. I've been approached for polycules a lot and it was suspicious everytime
Do you think the night belongs to god?
I'd think it was really cute and thank him for being my bf
a nice horny girl and a nice horny guy
that drawing isnt of me but LOL
Yes. How the fuck are you people getting approached for this?
That's better than I can do so I am impressed
draw me in her arms
What a loser
I would prefer to have a giant dick and not being able to fuck some women instead of having an average dick and having sex with every women i click with

why? because it's much more memorable for the women and they wont forget the dude they couldnt take. Imagine your gf telling you her past bf couldnt fit in her. Ego destroyed.
Oh woops, conflated it with >>31547784. Still cute tho. I would get contacts for myself for you so we don't have our glasses hit each other.
>JH likes zutara because its a brown girl with a pale boy
Should've asked her to draw em for you
>Imagine your gf telling you her past bf couldnt fit in her. Ego destroyed.
I'm the marathon mustang stallion, so whatever
Black wings are cool but the only synchros I enjoyed was TG. Also my flawless gold run just failed, 11 in a row into me taking a maxx c challenge against a nice and awesome Labrynth deck :D
Sure glad I came back!
>manlet became his own gf
Many such cases.
I feel like I'm going to like it, thank you!
>beef girl
Good call but I am begging you to never call me that again lmao
F. Do you even tuck bro? His form is shit.
Stand by me is one of my favorites too
Look bemused pat him on the hand and say "you too bud" but playfully not like an asshole.
I guess I should've specified this question was for men
No because it ain’t me. Drawing is a super overrated skill. The simplest drawing gets normies going “omg wow” when it’s literally just doodles. Whereas you got the shit tier sex writer who put in more effort than all the drawings combined and got two (You)s.
That's called 'friends with benefits'
This will attract flies
Fs who are over 26

say you meet a guy online and he's checking off all the right boxes for you and you even think they're cute but find out later they're 18. Would you sill consider trying or not, why
Women im hungry. What should i do? What would you do if you were in my shoes?
god no, 18-22 is so immature in guys. i dont want to relive that.
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looking EVIL because u guys are COMPETITIVE
>What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Get blisters prolly
I kinda thought I should for a lot of my childhood, but the idea of wearing thick performance make up makes me gag. One of my hs classmates styled my hair the way she does for cheer for fun at lunch once and I hated it so much. It was so tight and only looked good on thinner hair. Their practices ran pretty long too and often left little time for homework. Some of the routines looked fun, but losing time for my other activities, wearing centimeter thick make up, and getting tension alopecia didn't appeal to me.
I want us to look happy though, it'd just be a fun game where we are playing cooperatively
But I don't want anything sexual. I just want to practice going on dates and talking without spilling spaghetti
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I guess its not the same question vs a girl being 18 but usually they'll just call the guy a creep in that scenario.
Just go on dates and don't put out. That's it.
Not a man but if you're looking to get less fucked up and not aquire more baggage maybe stay off the dating apps.
That really isn't going to happen, it's a waste of time to most people.
I still don't get it
>I feel like I'm going to like it, thank you!
Nice, that put a smile on my face
>Good call but I am begging you to never call me that again lmao
No promises
Women thoughts on this?
Idk, man, she drew em pretty quick, did every request, and has a cute personal style too. Prob took a long time for her to do this. Art takes many forms, and I really like hers, legit one of the most interesting thing I've seen from atoga (tho i aint a vet here). First time I've ever see it, at least. Nothing against ya if you don't like it, but I do.
Yeah, but thankfully they were all online.
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u deserve all the hugs
Nooooo. I'm 32 you could almost be my kid if I had made really terrible decisions.
Just set your profile to "not looking for anything long term" or "just looking to have fun". You'll still catch a decent amount of fish. Nothing wrong with being honest, really
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aw you even made her taller than me, how did you know
ur mad u dont have my great doodling master skills
You sound mega simply. It’s not a “personal style” it’s literally just 5 minute doodles, my ex could do the same thing and is the one who redpilled me. Artists who draw like this are hacks. Good for you if you like it, majority of normies do because they think it’s difficult and requires effort but it doesn’t and isn’t. You know what takes actual skill? Painting, like my ex did as well. Her paintings were amazing. Drawing basic lines is not skillful. Just admit you’re simping and it’s all good.
i love u
Have fun being invalidated by AI.
I'm 26 and hell no. If I have to worry about you being a subhuman menace to society when you're in a group of same age, same sex peers, you're too young.
guy, you got like, issues lol
Would you feed your son a diet that lets him cummaxx? Its best to set your child up for success isnt it? Spike his food with Zinc, Lecithin and Maca.
>No promises
I'm in danger : )
Thumbs up. It's why we take your clothes.
im not whipping out my canvases and oil paints for 4chan requests, if you want to see my full drawings then commission me.
Men how do i think of/handle this?

so we talked on video for almost an hour and it felt like only a few minutes. he just got home from work and seemed pretty quiet and he was eating a snack throughout it.

I asked him what changed his mind about wanting to see me and he said "I don't know" after he asked to pay for my trip to see/meet him. previously when i found out his idea he wanted to "give me what i deserve" since he has been lackluster and hot/cold and said it in a message. then I asked him about why he unfollowed me etc on a social app and he said that was ages ago when he blocked and unblocked me on the app we normally talk on.

all he really did during the conversation was talk about this other asian girl he used to date when I brought up my heritage stuff(diff asian) and I know he dated a third diff asian before as well.

I feel like I probably don't seem like a real person to him. he seems tired and uninspired, and he went on to mentioned his childhood trauma which made the conversation worse/abysmal. his dad took advantage of him...

he says he wants cuddles but he doesn't seem like he likes me at all but when he messages me he seems more excited but over video it's just depressing. I feel like an annoying person now and we haven't videocalled in a month and he is the one who asked to recently.
have fun thinking abt ur ex
No, he needs to get his ass back to violin practice
>oil paints
What size do you usually work at?
What subject matter or is it all over the place?
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>tfw no short chubby gf like in pic related who bends over for me to fuck her hard
why even live ;_;
I was considering it, actually. But then you said
So you can keep doodling along.
Hi girls
Should I try my hand at acrylic or watercolor? What's easier?
You both seem like immature idiots, just saying. This is just reminding me of my own dumbass dating experiences when I was a teenager.
oh idk i dont paint that often i just brought it up cuz lil bro was talking abt his ex's painting skils
>skater skirt
Wait another 10 years they'll come back around in fashion.
I get what you mean as I do intricate realistic portraits and don't feel as seen but then again, I don't put myself out there much. sometimes simple art makes us relive that childhood magic though and I miss making cute art too.

I wish I wasn't so depressed.
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whats something weird you do that you never want tell anyone close to you
for me its going on a walk and thinking of this penguin
Personally I found watercolor easier
Am i stupid or would shorter women have shallower vaginas? like wouldn't a smaller torso = smaller vaginal canal?
in 10 years anon will be 40
Why doesn’t he tell me how much he wants to fuck me anymore
tfw look like me kinda
sorry I have been celibate and need to lose weight
I pee in the sink at work instead of the toilet
Pretty sure it's like dicks and it doesn't work that way but short femanons what do you think?
That’s fair. I just get annoyed easily. But I’d love to see your art. You should contribute to this thread sometime, take requests. I’m sure you’re a wonderful artist. I’d commission a piece from you.
Well, no, but this question is very similar to the general question I've had on my mind lately: wtf would I ever feed to my children? I cook for myself very well. With another adult partner, it aint too different, other than that we coordinate more, but we're still cooking for each other. But with kids? More than 1 kid? Am I gonna subject them to the same "health" restrictions? Of course not. But, how far do I go? My parents didn't exactly set a good model, so it's all on me to decide. Im guessing, I do my best to do a wide variety of stuff, but near puberty, they get old enough to maybe understand restrictions. Like, i'm not gonna let them eat a large bag of chips a day even if I was allowed to when I was a kid. But I ain't gonna stop em. So maybe, just buy em less? Near puberty, maybe I do more protein. Maybe I move carbs away from sugar-bread and maybe better breads (sourdough?).
Sex having women, do you notice when your bf's loads are smaller than usual? If yes, what goes through your mind?
Nice samefag.
omfg, holy curbstomp
What kinds of porn do you watch
Isn't this just regular seduction?
hey man you do not have to bring down other artists when you are insecure of your own success. i am doing free doodles, i am not making money off of this. i do this to make people happy, and if you want to do the same, go ahead! i am not the doodle police, but please do not let envy overpower your ideas of your own success
Ay keep samefagging.
What do you want your art to look like? Soft shading with texture or bold opaque color that's kinda hard to blend so it looks better if you have crisp edges to your shapes imo.
Is it really that controversial to pee in the shower?
I shit in the shower when I have liquid diarrhea and just let it slide down the drain.
I've only ever noticed it because we had sex 3+ times that day. "Well we did have sex 3+ times today"
He could be better
Good question, probably not a bad idea to get them into smoothies and spike them with greens and supplements. Thats about as far as I can take that train of thought.
Me and a teddy bear taking a selfie with Mount Fuji in the distance please
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You probably shouldn’t be such a cunt when you dropped your discord ITT, just saying.
Damn it’s real hard to open two browsers, yup.
If you share it with other people yes.
Okay now THIS is gross. But somehow i feel you are just playing a bit pf tomfoolery
I prefer the look of watercolor, but inkwash was much more difficult than I anticipated, so I have doubts
Anyone practicing foreskin restoration?
1. its an alt
2. i dont care
3. let me have fun
>waaah leave me alone after I said some fucked up shit and got my samefag bros to hype me up.
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>two browsers
it really is summer already isn't it
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it just takes a lot of time. this face is about 2 inches in size but i do larger scale as well.
I don't envy you I enjoy your work actually. Read the part about stirring up childhood joy! I am too sad to make art right now. Maybe I should try again. Have fun doodling.
i really do not understand why ur upset lil bro
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Yeah I'm playing, just felt the need to make up some gross shit to one up the pissing in the shower.
Dunno what ur relationship is like. On the simple side, a relationship where the interaction ain't great and either one of yall dont wanna see each other is very weird. On the complex side, what if his job has got him down? What if his future prospects are dying and he's breaking? Or what if he fell out of love? Or what if he started crushing on someone else?
How could any of us possibly know, when we know barely anything about the relationship? Fear-mongering about speculation only isn't worth much.

You want to solve the issue? Talk to him. Tell him how you feel about him, then tell him how you feel about the relationship issues rn, and see what his side is.
can you be more constructive with your advice please
>ur upset lil bro
i'll be fine big sis, lets just push the beds together again tonight and forget about all this
nta but surprisingly civil
Damn that’s really good. Makes me want to commission you for some of my characters. If you want to use them, I’m thinking of the one: she’s a woman, about 20, long blonde hair and bangs, eyepatch over her right eye. Do it how you like, if you want.
Dude, I said that your art is overrated. You went after my love life. I get that zoomer morality is “I can say whatever I want after someone insults me” but do you not see how that’s fucked?
Forget about him because he has the emotional maturity of a Fortnite player and take some time to work on yourself.
nta, good lord don't change
Do women have an equivalent to "nice cock bro"?
welcome to 4chan
Anon, they be sucking on each other's titties.
i post on 4chan
Fill me in, why's the penguin going that way? What's he doing?
That’s your excuse? I’ve been here longer than you’ve been alive. But okay. Good job, you sure owned me! Thanks for making fun of my dead fiancé!
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this one was so cute
the things I'd do to you girl...
Should I get on birth control even though I’m a virgin? I’m worried I’m expelling all my good eggs
I sorta fucking hate smoothies now. My mom legit forced me to drink shitty greens to fix my acne. No, it did not fix it.
idk, no idea how birth control works sorry
>I’ve been here longer than you’ve been alive
cool i dont care
>Thanks for making fun of my dead fiancé!
sorry about your fiance but u are quite literally a grown man throwing ur anger at lil ole me, i wish u the best in ur healing
>Fill me in, why's the penguin going that way? What's he doing?
because its there
That's perfect, thank you!
I don't believe in myself. I don't have enough confidence.
You say lil ole me like you’re not 18+. Whatever man, you win.
>personal style
NTA every bitch on Twitter / anime watcher draws like this
i am 18 so yes lil ole me
Not how it works, unfortunately. The best thing it will do for you is reduce frequency of periods.
Do girls hold their blood when they shower? If they don't, it's hard to criticize peeing in the shower cuz pee is in blood partly. Like, what else are the liver and kidneys doing? Idk, that was my reasoning
Will you please draw me a royal rat
but do they do them for free
Obviously you’re 18. Stop replying to me and just do your doodles, or do you really just enjoy twisting the knife because I got annoyed at not even you?
Oh dang. It’s over for me
Let's have sex!
NTA dont worry, that's just a shitposter larp trying to mess with you
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i think you shouldn't be upset about someone insulting you when you dedicated your entire reply to discrediting them. wear your thin skin on your sleeve all you want just don't do it here bc its literally 4chan

you haven't been here longer than she's been alive bc you didn't know that opening two browsers would still give you the same (You)s regardless. posters are based on IP dumbass, you've been here for two weeks man don't even try to lie.

and since when do you call your deceased fiancee your "ex?" if she really did die, i'm sorry for your loss but you definitely have an attitude problem brotha. seek help and get off this site for your own sake
Absolutely but sometimes they go viral and start charging $50 for a chibi
wish i had a nice camera like that, looks fun
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It shouldn't be. As the wise man George Costanza once said "It's all pipes"
It’s not a larp you fucking simp.
Look who doesn’t understand degrees of insults. Me saying that her doodles are easy farming for attention Vs writing is somehow comparable to saying I should have fun missing my dead ex? No I’ve been here for 13 years, but you got me. I just don’t deserve 4chan!
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I have no stake in this but you guys are massive simps btw
I unfortunately am starting to feel this way.
I've posted in previous thread but I know not everyone recognizes me or in the loop being a new person could join threads.

he has had a tough time at work lately, it was busy today. his future prospects are gone like his dream stuff due to his health. he does talk to me about his exes and i listened to him and I chimed in with my own experiences with exes to relate.. he might of crushed on others, but it sucks because I feel what I feel.

I guess I am asking for how to word my issues to communicate with him as I don't want to hurt his feelings because he is depressed and I have depression too, but he mentioned dying early due to his health. he seemed sad today.
I have long hair and pecs but my vision is quite good
a trex on a pogo stick dunking a basketball, and a stegasaurus nearby is going crazy
Women, Leafyishere or Pyrocynical?
lots of girls take it for the no-period benefits. Be wary of side affects tho
Both are insufferable cringelords. I'm surprised you didn't throw ImAllexx in there.
Maybe. Surely simping in a controlled low stakes messageboard environment is safer than letting that simp energy out on the streets or some hoes onlyfans.
How does the body pick which eggs to get rid of? Or to send out during ovulation? Did I lose all my good ones by 21? Oh Christ I’m going to die alone and infertile
thanks, too sad to art now but I know what it feels like to be used for art and feel like I have to make money at least now. kind of tired of drawing friends/exes/family for free and giving art advice to people who don't really like me. I appreciate it though.

I don't get why the other art anon bothers so much to continue replying though. maybe more fit for the art or oekaki board but atoga is like a chameleon
how would anyone know your "ex" is dead in your OP?? when your partner dies they do not become your ex

you didn't mention once that she was dead nor that you missed her in your OP so of course everyone's just gonna think you're being a simp for your ex
if you're been here for 13 years then it must have been sparse because damn you don't know how replies work or its culture? maybe 13 years of browsing greentexts on
I can fix that
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im not good at dinos
I'll knock you up tight quick
>i didn't date for 2 years
any suggestions for dealing with massive fucking whores?
how do I support a guy who is fucked up because of his dad

he is so depressed :(
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He's newgen garbage though. He's nowhere near as influential as leafy and pyro in the og commentary scene
big fat penis
She likes the attention, simply put. I do hope you find it in you to keep creating. I may have bagged on the zoomer who does twitter doodles but it is a valid form of expression, as is yours.
Yeah bro nice morality. “Simp for my ex” the fuck? Sure next time I’ll be like “oh my DEAD ex who is DEAD told me about how artists overrate themselves for attention, she’s DEAD by the way so be nice!” My fault there for not pre-empting that the zoomer artist girl would use that against me because I vaguely insulted her.
Is “have fun thinking about your ex” such a massive insult that it warranted a spergout? Seriously?
What happened to this place?
Just date mid girls who aren’t whores
You don't have some massive sack of eggs, your body produces and disposes of them as time goes on. You'll still have good ones for the next decade or so, but it does also depend on your overall health. Shitty health will mean shitty eggs, and that is regardless of age.
Not on its own, no. But when I’m getting 5 (You)s from simps who just want to be seen by some zoomer girl then yeah it’s a little irritating.
I thought I was born with all my eggs. Is that a myth?
ex != dead fiancee

you're mad you didn't provide enough context? im really sorry for your loss but don't take it out on her or anybody else
State gender, Blue Eyes White Dragon or Charizard?
LOL oops
>don’t take it out on her
Okay dude. Sorry. You can spare me the fake pity though.
Women have eggs? wtf
He wasn’t really taking anything out on her… take to sensitive ass back to Twitter if you can’t handle an anon saying something vaguely rude to a girl who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire
it's not fake pity - losing someone that close to you is extremely hard. i hope you can find peace anon, have a great rest of your night <3
Women do you enjoy having your arsehole licked? yes or no
eggs are developed when you are in your mothers womb! its so cool
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You’re being a fucking drama queen.
supposedly they can cook an egg in the vagina too
anon all women ar whores
also she is mid, except for the fact she is kind of rich
im more just trying to help him understand that calling your deceased fiancee your ex is not really accurate. i think the whole exchange was pretty funny
4chan is full of mentally ill retards. /adv/ is even more full of them.
Anything could set off a spergout with the right mentally ill retard. “have fun thinking about your ex” was apparently the trigger word of the day.
So are you…. Lmfao. You guys are shutting your pants white knighting this girl
ladies settle down
Thanks, you too.
thanks, I feel if I forced myself to make art, even a doodle my outlook might nudge in a brighter direction. Also, upon further reading, I am sorry for your loss. Hope it gets easier with time, I have also lost loved ones.
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I've stayed up for twitter art anon for too long, so I gotta sleep after this. You guys can't really fix other peoples problems of this type. Only they can fix it, which means all you can do is be there for them. The professionals can't directly help em, but to give them to tools to fix it. We can't fix someone's depression. There aint much we normal people can say other than to listen and be there for them, or help get them to a professional.

Also, if a guy you like keeps talking about his ex's, you REALLY need to reconsider if you want to be with him or not.

Don't be an emotional sponge too cause you'll get burnout
Yep. Thats what I just said
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>can you draw this
>yes, here it is
>thank you
The bar for simp behavior is pretty fucking low these days I guess.
Make a doodle of a knight in white armour shitting himself and an angry guy is pointing at him and scowling
would it be too much of a bomb to drop if i say i have a boyfriend
I cope with it by calling her an ex and pretending she just went away. Happy?
I do hope you feel better. Thank you, I’m sorry to hear about your loss as well.
They aren't 5 (You)'s, there's only one girl who's on 5 different browsers
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No because nobody is trying to get into your pants by asking you to make a doodle
Right just leave out all the mindless attacking of the widower dude. If his comment is so stupid why even warrant it with a reply. Or is it because she gave you a command and you followed like good little doggies
i kinda dont want to add fuel to the flame But ill draw u something else
caved in and drew it anyways, nice
Nta. No you don't hold it.
If I was completely stationary in a bathtub it would stay in but if I squeezed my abs to sit up or cough or laugh some might come out.
Take your meds
Funny guy.
Do what you want, I’m done.
Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid bitch LMFAO
There's 0% chance that any of us would ever meet IRL anyway, so it's whatever. I come here to just shitpost with anons and have fun.
yeah so idk why some ppl r referrig to them as simps
i dont even know anyone here mane i just wanted to do art requests
Technically not a widower
You're a noongar
yeah me too but god forbid a woman shitpost online
that actually makes me very sad, anon. i really am sorry for your loss and while that's probably not the healthiest way to cope (nor the clearest when talking in conversation) i do hope you can find some relief after what has understandably been the hardest thing ever for you. all in time, anon. seriously, have a good night and thank you for being a good sport. love ya
Was I talking to you?
Draw a space alien with flowing luscious hair telepathically commanding 5 anons to follow her like good doggies
Get a real gf
Idgaf 2bh
That's the internet. My advice is to just take it in stride and not give a shit, just have a good time.
nah desu the girl doesnt even matter he just put a target on his back the way his reply was phrased unfortunately.
definitely not cool to be attacking him after reading all of the replies but i understand how it got to where it did
In retrospect I think one day you’ll come to realise that raging on 4chan was not the most healthy way to cope with grief. Anyhow, I hope you heal. Best of luck
Fat white girl using AAVE ! the vomit that just spewed out of my asshole is unreal
A good sport? Did we partake in the same thread? Thanks though, you too.
i dont . think i want to make anyone angry
draw a happy little cup of coffee teetering around but trying not to spill the coffee inside
The only target on his back was her lukewarm reply lol
Since when am I grieving anything Mr enlightened therapist
we did, you got mad but held your ground and i understand everything now. things will get better, i promise
desu i was already typing my reply before i saw hers but then i replied that she got him
Would you fuck a clone of yourself?
Why tell on yourself like this
Only if its a chick version of me
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hes nervous
To be fair before you explained to everyone that your girl is dead, it just looked like you were h getting upset over a very light bit of banter, which will always make you a target on 4chan. Unfortunate how this transpired. I hope you feel better soon
bc her reply was funny also nice dubs
no I’m not a lesbian
Thats just masturbation
Like I said I don’t care, do what you want.
Thanks. Eventually, maybe.
my thoughts exactly
Im not him genius
draw a mushroom growing between 2 round rocks
so u asked me to draw something but u donr care
I am burnt out. I finally caved in and told him I'm sorry he had a bad day and hoped tomorrow is better. I also caved further and told him how I feel unimportant and hurt he keeps bringing up his exes, especially the other asian ones because I feel like he brings them up when I talk about my kind of asian heritage. I am already heartbroken due to his story about his dad and how he treats me.
hey..... what are you askig me to draw......
Still instigating. It’s just all so funny isn’t it
I’m dead ex guy. I don’t care if you farm it for content. You don’t need to act like you care about upsetting me.
Draw a smol teapot crying while an angry watering can smoking a cigarette yells “you’re short and stout! You’ll never make it in Hollywood”
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dubs and trips back to back? you're on fire anon
F. Yes. Extreme cuddling too.
I hope I have a dream of being loving and intimate and seen by another me without freaking out.
It’s because I’m Gods favorite and I’m always right. Jesus was prosecuted for his message too
thank you :D
Amen brother
So true
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F. Yes?
You should all repent while you still can
Praise the lord!
Out, out, Jew!! Christ is King, He is Risen.
Aww poor teapot ):
Okay now draw her looking confident on a movie poster
Knowing you, you would have called Jesus a simp if you met him because he saved an adulterer from being stoned to death and was nice to a prostitute
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also i wanted to ask anons

Do all men who are one race or differently mixed than me do this if the girl is of a different or mixed race? I feel like I don't matter. Like why was I even born now.
He doesnt appreciate your efforts, choose someone else
What does race have to do with it?
Women when was the last time you looked at a man?
Kek. That Jew definitely takes it up the ass. When Christ comes back, he will be sorry!
Sounds like the guy she's talking to has a race fetish, considering his Asian ex's and she has Asian hertiage. It's likely he doesn't see her as a person considering her story about him so far is just treating her as some toy to bitch at with his pity stories and disregard her own feelings.
Oh yeah that makes sense. Sorry I’m kinda out of it.
When I mention personal heritage stuff I was excited or noting about something, he brings up his other asian exes and I feel like I don't matter with my specific heritage and that he isn't really interested in me. I don't know how to talk about his exes with him and like it isn't good or healthy for me. I am hurt and feel overshadowed by women in his past
Well that’s fucked up. You shouldn’t be compared to anyone, you’re better than that.
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You're just a thing to him, anon. Literally his emotional tampon.
No, it wouldn't have a peen
LOOL THE ">:3" how cute
Can you draw a pov of a woman sitting in the passenger seat looking at me with a smile please. She had long hair and chubby cheeks
Saw my brother eating a sandwich a few hours ago
I blame lilypichu for this meme
It's summer it's hot what are you wearing to bed

Panties but it's so hot here I'm considering removing those as well as my skin
naked and silk bed covers because everything else is too hot
fucking hate summer
Thanks! Have a great day
it is literally her fault isnt it?
Aint a girl, but uh, if I were in your shoes (and im not saying you should do what I would do) I wouldn't stay with a guy who
>uses me an an emotional sponge
>talks about his ex's a lot
>has lots of mental issues (depression)
Your feelings are validated, and he's prob gonna keep bringing them up in the future.

ok gnight
>I'm considering removing those
snail trail on the bed sheets
I should’ve taken more pictures of her.
Just shorts, might evolve into a boxers only type fella
I fucked my identical twin, so yes.
I wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one seeing it...
I have already cried about this in private. I sent him a selfie the other day and all he did was heart it, called me pretty a lot and sent me a meme about his big private part because he said he felt flirty that day.
The thread pic makes me really sad.
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Dead fiancee. Just started crying in my car because I only have the one photo with her. Also saw some onion rings she made with smiley faces.
You should kick him in the balls for being an evil man!
God silk sounds so nice. I'm letting the fan and ac do it's thing but it's kicking in so slow I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die sweaty
There's gonna a lot more than a snail trail to worry about once i deflesh
Highly recommend.
F boy shorts
It looks just like her
Sure hope no one can see me right now.
Nah my boy earned that sandwich
we're here for you, bro. <3
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I'm kinda jealous lol i could never get comfy in boyshorts. Always riding up my butt and not looking like shorts
The one on the right looks like that screaming cat meme
hot... hungry butt
I wish we could’ve finished our anime show together. We always talked about going through all of dragon ball.
Sorry for my tantrum, thank you for your drawing of her, it made me sob
Plenty of girls paying premium to achieve that look with gym shorts

Other day im sitting on bench between sets, this busty chick doing some exercise in front of me, she reaches out with her hand to her butt, and slides her fingers between asscheeks like a debit card to make the material go between

Girls are funny
being a fetish makes me really sad
silk is like sleeping on ice. there's no friction, like at all
I really recommend it
what fetish are you
i am truly sorry for sparking your grief again, may she be remembered
*fetishizes you*
I mentioned it here and looking for support. i am partially asian. >>31548643
it's okay, anon. it was all a misunderstanding. we all love you, and she will live on forever in your memories. hold those memories near and dear.
At least you had the good moments anon
Be happy about those

Some people never had that
ah, as an asian male being a fetish is a benefit for me
It is very hot. I'm sweaty
I guess I just never liked how the short pant leg parts get taken up by my butt and then constantly role up. Maybe its a sensory thing, maybe it's butts
I can’t not look at it without crying
Thank you, so much
Is he lying when he says I’m beautiful?
>It is very hot. I'm sweaty
Please stop, I can only get so hard
well im glad i was able to capture her magic <3 :(
Sometimes i wish i wasnt an unlikeable gymcel
But i also am reminded that my life is pretty comfy right now and i have zero worries, like none at all and theoretically i could move to another side of the world next month.
So guess i am fortunate after all.

I just need to figure out a way to make some more money.
Could tell this from a mile away. Only asian women complain about this
I am now 26 and life feels over, I am unfulfilled. What are my next steps.
Idk how you knew but you did. The light hair and everything.
Sweaty femanon butt eating up her shorts is my fetish!
ibwas wondering if any asian guys were actually here, as no one can really tell
there aren't many in my area
I keep getting adds for asian dating but since I am mixed it feels awkward if I joined
do you know why?
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Picnic with atoga
Yeah I'd eat off of her
Me as a plushie..
>do you know why?
everyone wants a "thing" to feel victimized about
>i was wondering if any asian guys were actually here
yeah theres a couple im pretty sure, theres just not much reason for us to bring up our race usually
>there aren't many in my area
>asian dating ads
wild, i would never
It is hurtful to bring up exes especially if some of them are asian when I am trying to share my own asian heritage. His heart isn't in it.
want, need, i must feed
shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan
Women is listening to AJR a red flag?
I had a parent tell me to keep one last name over the other due to the asian hate that started happening around covid, but honestly the other last name isn't any better in terms of bullying or being weirdish...

I feel like the asian apps being skilled to me probably aren't worth it and full of bots

sorry my dating history is filled with guys like this :/ the white guy I am talking to may have native genes because of his eyes but I know all races have it but still... I wish there were more asian guys near me

the guy inam talking to mentioned a Japanese ex and so I quipped in how I used to talk to a Japanese guy and said he didn't watch anime and he called him a normal but anime is normie interest it's literally cartoons
What flavor Asian are you
Do you enjoy big teeth?
all the better to bite me with dear
Women, i'm sorry for being stupid
>anime is normie interest it's literally cartoons
>I had a parent tell me to keep one last name over the other due to the asian hate that started happening around covid, but honestly the other last name isn't any better in terms of bullying or being weirdish...
Do you pass as not asian? What descent is your other last name from?
>I feel like the asian apps being skilled to me probably aren't worth it and full of bots
100% thats how it is, dont even need to see the app
>sorry my dating history is filled with guys like this :/
It is what it is. I have a hard time trusting whites dating asians just cause my mother hasnt had good experience with it and I've had to witness it.
>I wish there were more asians near me
Me too, I have had to develop a taste for latinas

Take this with a grain of salt but I think you're gonna be better off finding someone else who will appreciate you cause your current fella seems no bueno
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its ok we forgive u
If a girls main ex bf was a petty criminal type. Is it over and to not bother?

Will she always be drawn to that sort of chaos and thrill seeking and be texting him back whenever he is in his "good period".

Afaik the main thing he is on bail for was some house burglary. And I think the company he keeps are those typical youth gang types
I am only a quarter asian but I am also latina and other kinds of white, mostly Scottish and German. I have been called "exotic" before and people try to guess my background I noticed growing up. My hair is curly/wavy and I have light colored eyes with golden olive tannish skin.
>I have a hard time trusting whites dating asians just cause my mother hasnt had good experience with it and I've had to witness it.
I am so sorry and feel for your mom, anon. It's rough out here.
Old 90s comfy tank top, cotton bra, cotton underwear and pajama pants
If you get tight ones it doesn’t, but I don’t mind it getting into my ass
Hey, anon! Wanna play a game?
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>I am only a quarter asian but I am also latina and other kinds of white, mostly Scottish and German
Holy American
Okay! Are you sure? It takes a while!
If you are, I want you to imagine a cube in the desert. Tell me about the cube. Where is it? What is it made of? Any remarkable features? Where is it in proximity to you? What’s the desert like? Barren or lush? Heavy heat or cool? Empty and fast or compressed?
>I am also latina
ayo? << jk
>I have been called "exotic" before and people try to guess my background I noticed growing up
How does that make you feel cause Im also SEA and the white folks here try to guess what I am all the time
>It's rough out here.
It is what it is
The great melting pot
NTA what's the hand with the finger pose?
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whats the point of this game
The point is a thought experiment. I’ll give you a summary after you’re done. If you’re uncomfortable, just say so!
Now imagine a ladder. Where is it? What’s it made of? Is it on the cube or off? How tall is it? Is it far away from you or close?
its a korean thing, they do finger hearts for pictures and stuff sometimes
It's stands for small dicks and $$$CASH$$$ $$$MONEY$$$
just play along its pretty good, it wont take too long
Oh okay
Anon are you still taking requests?
oh was i supposed to think of a ladder in-scene Cuz i just thought of a new wall. Anyway its propped againsy the cube
yes! throw them at me
should i start crying again to get it out
an unfortunate salute
>How does that make you feel cause Im also SEA and the white folks here try to guess what I am all the time
I almost always expect it when I meet a new person but if they know my last name they just go with it but the latina is nearly as much as my asian %. but generally feels like I am not real sometimes
>It is what it is
how is she now?
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A man with a a cowboy hat and a big iron on his hip
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Kirby in a pepe costume
Sort of like this
>an unfortunate salute
California or Washington?
you know what sucks
being short and beingvery into tall girls
>generally feels like I am not real sometimes
the human experience at its finest
>how is she now?
Shes okay, shes out of that relationship. I hope she finds someone she can really settle down with though
Neat lol. Now think of a horse. Far away, close? Saddled or free? How’s it health? Does it seem tired or energetic? And yes, everything is in the same scene, generally the more details the better but I already have a good clue.
Would you date a muscular guy with long hair?
If she was in washington she wouldn't have a hard time finding fellow asians
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big iron on his hiip
>should i start crying again to get it out
maybe, if you think that'd help. dont want to make you cry though
healthy brown horse in the distance withoit a rider, but has gear, front legs are up
>If she was in washington she wouldn't have a hard time finding fellow asians
Maybe Nebraska?
it sucks more being tall and being into taller women. you have a chance of achieving your dreams. its only by freak accident that mine could happen
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>generally feels like I am not real sometimes
Is she literally you?
Pretty good
Thank you
Good. Now, think of a storm. Is it on top of you or in the distance? How strong is it? Anything unusual about it? How do you feel about it?
Are you the Saul Goodman anon?
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hell yeah
>>31548843right in the distance, dark dense clouds
none of those. maybe I need to move to cali or washington
I hope she does too <3 give her a nod or hug from me in secret
it might flow in later when I start getting really down about it. just watery eyes now.
I wish my hair was straight so I'd look more asian
draw yourself drawing
Okay, now think of flowers. Are they around the cube or interspersed throughout the desert? Are they varied or just one type? How vivid are they? How healthy are they? After this I can write up your summary.
Draw the Undertaker and me getting married <3
i have black hair and glasses
>none of those. maybe I need to move to cali or washington
you move to cali we could link uo :)
>none of those. maybe I need to move to cali or washington
As a Californian I promise you it's not worth it
Stay far away from this wasteland
purple desert bush flours surroinfing me
>I hope she does too <3 give her a nod or hug from me in secret
Will do, anon
>I wish my hair was straight so I'd look more asian
Me too, I know the pain
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like the idea of creampies?
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i am on my bed
0 i fear pregnancy
Only flaw is that it doesn't just get absorbed/dissolve/otherwise cleanly disappear inside like I used to think it did
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Wait sperm has to leak out?
Interesting. Here’s my summary.
The cube is you. The fact you made it a picture shows you view yourself in extremely visual terms, you aren’t one for abstraction and words, much more imagery focus. The cube being partially buried in the sand leads me to think you generally let yourself go with the flow and don’t really exert much influence over the events in your life. It being labeled as metal implies that you want people to think you’re hard, whether you are or not. The cactus and the backdrop of the desert represents how you see beauty in your life, even if it can feel somewhat empty.
The ladder is your goals. You gave me very little info for this, which leads me to think you don’t really have strong overarching objectives, but the ladder is against the cube and goes up it, so whatever goals you do have, you’re confident in your ability to accomplish them.
The horse is your lover. Him being healthy means you feel you want someone who is strong and stable, with a bit of excitement/fear/anxiety due to his legs being up. You want him to be controlled enough that he is stable, hence the saddle. No rider means you want him to be capable of this by himself.
The storm is your fears. The fact it’s in the distance means it’s not overpowering you, but your description of dark dense clouds leads me to think that you’re quite afraid of them, and that you may think they’re quite powerful and could one day overwhelm you.
The flowers are your loved ones. The fact they surround your POV and not the cube leads me to think that you view your loved ones as extensions of yourself, and not so much autonomous beings. But they’re hardy, as they’re specifically desert flowers that can bloom in a life you see as a bit harsh and empty, and the purple means they seem quite strong and steady.
Overall, you’ve suffered somewhat, but your nature is one of extreme imagery based sensations. You’re not one for words at all. Let me know what you think!
Even with a guy you’re committed to?
You don’t like the drip out?
o shit thats very neat THX for this fun game anon!! :3
You’re welcome, least I could do after you drew my ex for me.
well Yeah im only 18 and kids arent something that i want to go through Pregnancy for LOL but i do have a list of names i want :]
aaahh thank you thank you

Now draw our baby with a plushie of daddy please <3
I think it does
No, I would prefer it didn't
Fuck it, draw me getting married to Makima
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lots of love for you and your healing journey
no because i don't like women that are taller than me, i just like tall women, like 5'7'' or 5'8''. I'm 5'8'' myself
i don't have an amazon fetish or anything like that i just think tall girls look slender and elegant and all that jazz. as a tall guy you have an easy time because they're still short for you, for me though it's pretty over
Thanks anon. You have a gift, good for you for making a lot of people happy.
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Lol! cute
Thank you so much anon, you've made my night
I am worried how he will react to me confessing how hurt I am about him comparing always bringing up his other asian exes.

but are you a secret killa
maybe I just need to die or something idk
aw. I didn't know, *virtual hug?*
Girls check this out


Its a little plague doctor if you turn the screen sideways
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>I am worried how he will react to me confessing how hurt I am about him comparing always bringing up his other asian exes.
Tell him that you aren't a copy paste of his ex and that you will not stand for being disrespected in a relationship
>me in a bridal gown
I'm not QT!
Coworker just broke up with her bf today. Just told me she can't come in tomorrow and said she still hasn't left work carpark

Should I go back and check on her? Or not get involved
nag but new favorite emote unlocked
makima always wears the suit sorry
What porn star you think is cutest?
*virtual hug*
Things will get better and we will love ourselves as we are
women would you kiss a man?
>but are you a secret killa
No, not yet
Hell Yeah
Cute isn’t a word you can really use for that. But I guess Lily Sincere.
>implying I’d remember their names
I only use R34 because I feel bad for real life pornstars. Thats some guys daughter
Amber Stark
Coco Lovelock, she’s tiny and has a funny face
hell yeah artist support
I just sent him a message after he went to bed saying I didn't know how to relate or help him about his asian exes, and that I felt unimportant when bringing up my own stories and felt hurt. he wanted to be bf/gf early on so he was lovebombing me most likely.
ily purest of ways
wanna make me a lucky girl?
>wanna make me a lucky girl?
I would much rather make you a mother
There's a reddit girl that looks like aubrey plaza with big tiddies. She's pretty
Athena Rayne
early career
>ily purest of ways
Same anon, if I had a little sister I imagine this is what it would be like
Either Chloe temple or Katie kush
Women, can you name male pornstars?
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Well, women? How would you respond?
your dad
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Why do we make dating such an insanely difficult ordeal when at the end of the day almost everyone wants to have someone to share moments and have sex with?
Theres a firefly under my bead rn. Idk its kinda cute
awe whats his name
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>JH talks about how she wants to fuck dogs, horses and underage students at her lab
>/atoga/: I sleep
>I say one joke about JH and her uncle

Pretty sure the student isn’t underage and we constantly give her shit for the dogs and horses
I fell for the bait woops
need a girl to take to renaissance fairs
Still hurts but this was cathartic.
welp the requests have slowed down and it is very late in the night, i think ima have a close with these requests for now, but i may come back tmrw or something. if u'd like to add my discord its supervsilly! thank u guys for the fun :3
Goodnight anon, you made the thread pretty chill. Good new addition
thank you, and goodnight!
Thanks anon. I feel lighter.
Not a woman but Owen Gray seems to have some women in a stranglehold. For me he’s a great mix of rough and loving, you can tell the actresses like him
>the obsessed pedo is still confused why he should be put down for jerking off to sexual abuse of minor
Would you rather date a 6’4 man with an 9” dick or a 5’10 man with a 6” dick?
The latter.
State gender
Do you feel like you have someone you could call at any time for any emergency? Who is it?
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>having a chat in online videogame
>the conversation is engaging
>save chatlog
>read it back later
>do this repeatedly with significant convos

does anyone else do this? I'm clearing ones that are really old/don't want to hold onto anymore.
I hate that stupid bitch he's always fawning over. Why can't he be like that with me?
F, yes. My best friend.
How about a 5'9" man with 5" dick vs 5'8" man with 4inch dick?
F. Sort of. It's hard to empathize with what you do if you don't explain exactly what you get out of it.
bro has friends
That’s good.
Assuming everything else about them is still exactly the same besides height and dick size? The former.
I don't have a lot of conversations (shut-in) so whenever something really engages me I might save the chatlog and simply re-read it later.
That’s a little weird.
yeah I know but I really don't get out a lot so these are the highlights of social interaction for me at times.
Why don’t you go out more?
Now finally:
5'9" man with 5" dick vs 5'10" with 6" dick
That's a tough one. Both heights are good to me, and 5.5"ish would be the ideal dick length. Can't decide between the two without some sort of decisive factor. Which one would be happier eating my butt.
Because you can’t ever give me what she does
Kill yourself friendless incel
Can’t believe some women enjoy sucking dick. Bless them
I can't empathize with that reason at all. If you said you jerked off to the old messages or something, that'd at least make sense.
>overheard a middle aged HR karen at work complaining that her family might be forced to eat beans on toast again due to cost of living inflation
>Which one would be happier eating my butt
They both took a lie detecting test that proves they both love eating ass equally lol
Would you rather hook up with (not date) a 6’4 man with an 9” dick or a 5’10 man with a 6” dick?
I really can't decide. If they're genuinely equal in every single other measure and I was forced to make an immediate decision, I'd just pick the one who happened to show he liked me most in the moment.
Do I have to have sex with who I hook up with? Or can I just have him escort me home when I take night walks? Because if that's fine, I pick the giant.
Him acting as a bodyguard can be one of the benefits. However, consider that sometimes when you take night walks you might be ovulating.
I'm 5'8.8". I can claim to be 5'9" right?
I don't see what that has to do with night walks.
Of course. Rounding is normal. I say I'm 5'2", too.
Is it okay to accept and be proud of my average sized peen? women wont laugh at me for being cocky?
Be proud that your dick makes me so happy, don't be proud of how it compares to other dicks. The idea that a guy is busy thinking about other men's cocks while I'm appreciating his makes me upset.
No, both of our lives improve when you love and appreciate yourself. I would rather be with someone who was proud of their average penis than someone that was miserable with their big one.
Be honest ladies, my girth is 4.5 inches, how bad is it?
men, i realise many of you would never actually go through with it, but how many of you have considered raping someone? even if it was a passing fancy
Thanks guys!
>I don't see what that has to do with night walks.
A mutually satisfying physical interaction before sleep enhances mood, feelings of well-being, releases stress, and makes it easier to switch off the busy mind to go to sleep and stay asleep.
Assuming it can get and stay hard for me during sex, sounds good to me.
That's sad but beans on toast is pretty lit tbf
If he loves night walks, too, then I totally see what you're saying. Still not sure about the ovulation comment, though.
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Only when my best friend pisses me off and I need to teach him a lesson with his gf
Never ever. Fantasize about normal sex? ofc. There's literally zero fun in sex if the partner doesn't enjoy it. Even worse if shes crying. Its not a fun thing to think about
>say one joke about JH and her uncle
Bro you're literally posting about it 24/7
Kali Roses is pretty cute
Once in my life, and it was another man, and it’s because he raped a girl we all knew in our friend group.
That’s a bit bigger than my favorite dildo. I’m usually more turned on with a partner, so that’d probably be my ideal size.
Not a guy, but does fantasizing about accidental sex count as a rape fantasy?
>The idea that a guy is busy thinking about other men's cocks while I'm appreciating his makes me upset.
nta but to be fair, its not so much thinking about another guys dicks. Its more like wishing his was bigger so that you enjoy it more
Pursue things that may fulfil you, set meaningful goals
I actually love your drawing style lol, do you do comics?
Give him the PINGAS
If a guy wants me to enjoy sex more, he should be thinking about tangible shit we can try or discuss, not daydream about stealing other men's dicks.
Blue Eyes White Dragon because screw the rules, I have money
no, i dont do comics LOL but i am a freelancer until college..! i do commisons sometimes but not specifically in this silly cartoon style. its quick enough for me to just do requests and its a good exercise for speed & creativity!
Women do you think balls would look more attractive if the sack wasn't wrinkly? what if it actually just looked like boobs?
Post-grieving speed.
Does The Rescuers count lol
Do you read csm or just know about Makima?
i just know of her and her charcater, i dont bother much these days with anime or manga....
No, 1 waifu for laifu
>Imagine hating yourself so much that you need to drink alcohol throughout the day to deal with yourself
Yeah imagine haha could never be me
>Yeah imagine haha could never be me
Responding to a over 6 hour reply?
Single and ready to pringle
Gas mark 6, 200 degrees celcius
Very cool, keep it up anon, you're very talented
Better late than never cocksucker
I have never noticed balls other than when they’re really big. I couldn’t care less about their appearance. I think you are considering their attractiveness from your perspective. You have to understand that you will never understand the people that love you completely. Your balls are none of your business
Any lonely, single femanons in this thread right now?
>i just know of her and her charcater
Ah ok
Tomorrow I'll have a new request for you involving Power
Still no reply on this lol: >>31543709 Maybe I weirded him out, though maybe he just hasn't seen my messages (including the previous one where I said I paid him 20 bucks)
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>Your balls are none of your business
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thank you :3

ooohh! ive gotten hella makima requests LOL and a power would be sick! ive only ever drawn makima and that one anxious chick i forgot her name
yeah but it's not like you'll do anything about it.
>it's not like you'll do anything about it.
As a non-amerilard, do people unironically eat beans and toast?
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>one anxious chick i forgot her name
>hella makima requests
Isn't beans on toast a stereotypical british thing?
KOBENI YEAH i drew her a couple months ago on procreate.. but it wouldnt be appropriate to send But i do have the "sfw" vers
As long as it doesn't show nips or vag it's fine
Send plz
Br*tish here, can confirm we have beans on toast a lot, at least working class. With some melted cheese and poss an eg, or jacket potato if you're pushing the boat out, it's pretty peng. Sunday night dinz sorted innit
No, at most I fantasized about CNC and even then my mind kept drifting to the aftercare part.
The thing is that sex is only appealing to me if the woman is enjoying herself, both physically and emotionally, and if she genuinely wants to be with me. Any other scenario seems gross.
Yes but Americans are just Britain's deformed non-aborted fetuses.
Are ya still taking requests tonight anon?
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here u go anon (vault was my alias when i posted these types of artworks)
absolutely disgusting. I'm glad I live in a country with actual good dishes.
nope, sorry! its 3 am and i would rather focus on the cool night air than feel pressured to complete doodles... but ill get back to them tmrw if i procrastinate more on my commissions LOL
Is that mat NSFW and it was blurred out?
I ask because the thumb is under it
no she was just crouchign silly and i thought itd be funnt for her to be on a yoga mat LOL
>its 3 am
You're in my timezone, nice
When’s the next episode of the qt podcast?
well.. she does have a toy but its not as big as the yoga mat LOL but im not here to send my old hentai its very cringe to look back on now ..
hell yeah
Imagine conquering the entire world for spices and different foods and then you come back home and eat canned beans on a piece of bread.
Even the French at least have French onion soup
>a toy
...How big is the toy...
No. The crazy weirdness of cock is made better by the equally crazy weird balls right under it. Makes it seem so foreign and alien. It's cool.
i searched "bad dragon" for references .. :3 LOLOLOOOOL okay ima stop talking abt it now fr
I only really do this with my late mom's texts.
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Here's some "inspiration" for next time
NTA, but BD isn't a good metric to judge actual toys by, just so you don't get disillusioned.
That wouldn't really play a role in me deciding to date someone. As long as they're taller than me (5'1) anything goes. 6'' is already what I consider quite big for a cock anyway.
LOL my hentai days are far gone idk if there will be a next time.. thought id make more money off it than i actually did ($30)

ya i guess but thats why theyre so comical
>LOL my hentai days are far gone idk if there will be a next time.. thought id make more money off it than i actually did ($30)
Hey, still made more money than a janny ever will
>ive only ever drawn makima
Could you indulge me?
I could not care any less.
I only care if I'm considering dating the guy. I'll be apprehensive because potential STDs and because I'll be wondering if he'll be capable of being monogamous. It's not a determining factor though.
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and one in the other thread but idk how to link it so imma just post it here
Is it okay for a 19 year old girl to fall in love with an old man? He is 47 years old but my friends don't approve of him, especially the guys, just because he's old. I can't relate with the opposite sex similar to my age. Maybe I just love mature men, I don't know. We've been together for almost three years now and the longer I stay with him the stronger my feelings of love of him becomes.
Why did you flip the larp around?
Oh I thought you meant you did Makima like you did Kobeni
Those request were all mine :)
oh i did but. it looks so bad . it was when i was 17 and i was so ass at drawing ass
>is it okay for me to do a perfectly legal thing
yes, next
I'll take what I can get
I mean it's more of a snacc than a "dish",
when you don't actually want to cook
That's totally cool lol, enjoy your night! Also slep
>then you come back home and eat canned beans on a piece of bread
Can't beat the classics brother
Lmao I love this
>We've been together for almost three years now
So you were 16 and he was mid-40s?? I'm sorry anon but that is noncey. If you're happy with him then godspeed but you can't blame people for raising an eyebrow
Does this count as WMAF?
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excuse the dark bg Also toe warning
I'm the OP
IDK, I just like blond guys with dark haired girls
>Would you rather hook up with
What ever follows the answer is no. I'm not a hoe.
when a woman says she's fine but is visibly upset what should you do?
As a blonde guy me too.
>I just like blond guys with dark haired girls
Are there any more examples of fictional couples like that?
Man, I wonder what his fetish was
Did they ask for the peace sign or was that you?
State gender
Thoughts on BBLs?
i actually dont remember, i just remembered "ass ass ass" LOL but i think peace sign was me

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