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How do I tell my girlfriend that I fucked a femboy once?
i fucked trans when i was drunk wasted but i will never ever going to tell anyone especially my gf
Don’t. Just don’t.
Just do it, it'll come out eventually. If she'd leave you over it, the only thing keeping your relationship safe is her not knowing. You don't really want to be with someone, who wouldn't want to be with you if they just had more information about you. Especially if the relationship is already in the advanced stages
your gf doesn't have to know but you need to do penance
It's a pivotal coin flip. Some girls find men who did gay things insanely hot, it's also an opportunity for them to open up more because of the taboo. Others are very judgmental, even if they're outspoken allies. You can't really put what you want to say in nicer terms. I mean, if you present this as a fuck of desperation, that wouldn't be a good look. "I was horny and wanted to experiment" is the way to go.
>how do I ruin my trust with my girlfriend?
You don't
Why do you have to tell her?
How was it? Whenever I see who calls themselves a femboy it's an underage B& or some ugly bottom
Go up to her and tell her you're actually a faggot
even having a compulsion to admit this on an anonymous imageboard is a fucking gay-assed thing to do.
Hey anon, don't know if you need to hear this or not but thats rape.

You were raped, and I feel bad for that happening to you.
there isnt a woman alive who would stay with a man whos fucked a femboy
its an ick that will ed things no matter what. accepting this retards advice would be akin to never having a successful relationship again.
What do you mean?

Because I want sincerity from the other person, so I also need to be sincere.
If your relationship is so shallow that it's going to end over whether or not you were human and experimented before y'all got together, then it's probably going to end over something else superficial anyway.
You better tell her right away otherwise the fairy fucking godmother will reveal it to her in a dream and it will be over for you
Yeah you're probably right, but I'm still scared.
no it isn't retard
how did you do it? I'm trying but can't find one where I live
It's EZ they're 37yo fat hairy men who call themselves femboya
this is the right way to see it. wouldn't you want to know if she had done something you consider a dealbreaker? withholding something that she'd leave you over forever is not a good base for a lasting relationship and it'll always be nagging at the back of your head.

also most women wouldn't stay with someone who has had sex with men. likewise for a guy who's fucked prostitutes.
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Here's you femboy
I've done a femboy so personally I have no problem if they don't have a problem with me.
It was disappointing thou, probably more fun from the other side.
>>likewise for a guy who's fucked prostitutes
Kek, that one is way too common for women to care
no it's not, I know exactly two people who have fucked prostitutes and it's put them on a shitlist with 90% of the women in my small town

I know two more who have done sex tourism overseas, and that seems like poison when it gets out as well.
Why only women are allowed to have a "hoe phase"? I thought sex-positivity and identity-searching was encouraged.
as you can see from this very board, dear anon, women are "allowed" to have a 403 phase insomuch as men are "allowed" to fuck prossies

but really, people who do either are disgusting and disreputable, and secretly most people agree - it's just a vocal minority of radical 4th wave feminists who actually support a woman being slutty
why the FUCK would you tell her that
Why would you?
Is she asking?
Do you think she tells you everything? Unless you specifically ask her she wont, if you ask if she is friends with her exes she will say no, then 2 years later you fund she fucked her male friend but they never technically dated so she wasnt lying :3 Or no of course we never had sex, fast foward 2 years, well yes I sucked his dick but thats is not real sex I didnt lie :3
>Because I want sincerity from the other person, so I also need to be sincere.
Why can't you faggots keep your mouth shut? There's literally no reason for her to know that.
Women dont do sincerity, it will be one sided, they always do this "you didnt ask me that" type bullshit that is when they dont just lie which is common in itself already
> It's a pivotal coin flip. Some girls find men who did gay things insanely hot

I wouldn't count on that, personally. My bitch ex (who was bisexual, and very slutty) kept asking me if I was interested in experimenting with a man. Iwas not, and am not, but she kept going with it, kept telling me that she'd be down to give me a pass to experience that if I wanted. I did not, but eventually, I brought up getting pegged. We did it a bunch, and then she started implying that getting pegged (by a chick) somehow made me gay?
She was so fucked up in the head anyways.
Was it while you were dating her? Because that would be a whole different issue.

If it was before, maybe ask her if she is interested in hearing about past sexual experiences and ease her into listening to what you feel you need to tell her.
She would prob be more accepting than you think.
She probably wanted to watch you fuck another man, not get fucked, let alone be the one doing the fucking.

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