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Went on a second date with a girl the other day, we had fun and but I ended up spending over 300 dollars on her as I paid for everything that day.
I suggested we split next time and suddenly she turned super dry until she sends me this.
Am I cooked anons
Why would you spend that much
Yes, you are, you hadn't figured it out on the first date. You test those things early. Meal riders reveal themselves early anyway.
What did you spend 300 on?
Whoops I meant 300 over both. Includes tickets to comedy show, cinema, 2x dinner and deserts. Also 50 each on arcade cards
dump her already lmao
So you created an expectation that you would pay for her on decent dates and then pulled the rug. Should have been splitting from the start.

She could be cold because she thinks you're asking to split now because she didn't put out yet.
Also gonna mention with movie tickets, I said that I’ll buy her tickets and she can pay me back later, she turned dry until I said fine I’ll pay for you and she started calling me pookie and shit again.
Maybe I told her too soon then? I told her a few hours after the second date ‘do u wanna split next time?’
But she was still sending me selfies and shit after and calling me cutie so I’m confused as to what to message from here.
is she white
No she’s Vietnamese but like Australian Viet
>spending that much on a second date
jesus christ anon at least wait until after you got your dick sucked, don't spend too much on initial interactions if you don't want to be taken for a ride
I’d rather remain Incel than do this shit
>that cringy texting
>needy responses
>thumbing up a comment when she so clearly doesn’t want you
My guy I’m literally shivering reading this post, but I don’t feel bad at all considering you probably dunk on manlets and incels. Jesus h Christ
So wtf should I message next??
I would let it go if she continues this dry shit for more than a day, you’ve done nothing wrong
lmao she's a user and you're a moron if you put up with it. Find a girl who offers rather than one that you have to ask and gets pissy when you do. She thinks she's a prize and that you are there to impress her. If you think that little of yourself, hey, all yours. This is a character test, and her character is shit, it's up to you to learn that or not.
>Nigga spent 300 without getting laid+kissed+hugged+entertained beyond all that
You know, funny thing is I seethe to this day on a failed date that cost me 50 bucks, and all she did was tell me other boy's outings and she drank since she was 11.

Oh, on top of that, I went in with a blazer and designer pants. She waltzed in here with a trash ass leather jacket and jeans. In retrospect, boy am I retarded.
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it cost like 160 to fuck and for some 200 for anal.
just gonna say gook chink definitely took you goofy af for a ride
Maybe because you sound like an asshole? It never occured to you that women are conflict-avoidant when they are in the getting-to-know-you phase?
Anyhow, you were rude. If you're socially inept enough not to realize that, you ain't too bright.
>Maybe because you sound like an asshole
Because being a nice guy gets you places, amirite my fellow heckin'' valid Chungus Doritos??? Uwu uwu?

>Insert eyeball mouth eyeball popcorn emojis here
It’s probably a cultural thing. I wouldn’t put up with it. It’s not worth it having to provide everything. Drop this spoiled bitch.
Don't spend so much money on women you aren't in a relationship with.
Let it be a lesson.
You spent $300 on a first date? Are you retarded?
invite her to your place for food and drinks and a movie. No more paying for her on dates. Quick way to find out if shes actually into your or looking to extort you for more money
You are being fucking autistic about splitting the bill, but youre probably dealing with a gold digger regardless. Apply the pressure and youll find out quick
some are pretty anal about the man having to provide for everything so she would let you fuck her, marry her and won't cheat on you as long as you provide for het until she dies. Pretty sure it's over for you.
>that needy text
>that emoji
Holy fucking kek, what an embarrassment you are.
should have paid 300 dollarino for an escort brotha LMAO retard
I bet my left nut it will be more fullfilling than your date
>he spent $300 on her
Sounds like a fun date atleast. Maybe would have saved it for the 3rd or 4th? I guess give her space for now man
She's likely looking for someone to subsidize her lifestyle. I'd break it off now, you clearly are aware of what She's after
I'm a chink and I agree, if you pay for Asian pussy you better fuck lol
She was using you, sorry
>Whoops I meant 300 over both. Includes tickets to comedy show, cinema, 2x dinner and deserts. Also 50 each on arcade cards
ok simp that isn't second date shit. hope you learned your lesson
i've been married for years and i would still consider this a little extravagant even for a married couple. this is insane for a 2nd date. you can't set the precedent that high right off the bat, because then the expectations get higher and higher afterwards. the first couple dates should way more casual. save the fancy shit for anniversaries.
>spending over 300 dollars
kek you idiot.
>Spent over $300 on a date
What the fuck is wrong with you, retard?

>Went immediately dry after suggesting split bills

lmao. bro just fucking move on. If she's truly interested, she won't turn dry from demanding equality
Ok but fr what should I message her today just in case
Its over dude
She took you for a ride
Oh come on can you please suggest something she’s actually really hot
Oh I forgot to add she’s also a micro-influencer online if that adds a bit more context? She has a lot of followers
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>spends 300 dollars on a women he's not even engaged to
Shut up :(
My gf is german viet and split everything when we first met. When I was broke as fuck and had no job she even gave me money every week to spend, now I make 7 figures and take care of her
Then again Australians are disgusting and this bitch sounds like one of those worthless abg whores
Pro tip since it's all makeup anyway and those thots are like 4/10 at most without it, what you can do is find a cute 6-7/10 and actually love her, then when she does whatever you want you can make her wear the same makeup/outfits
Shes clearly using you for free shit, the fact that her mood changed when you mention not covering for her proves it. Block and move on, man.
This drop the hoe, splitting the bill shouldn't be a big deal. On top of that your not in a relationship, just dating so no reason to care so much.
Pretty much confirms the gold digger part. If the second you back track splitting she becomes all cutie and lovey its pretty clear what she wants.
Well she works at the coffee shop under my office so this is gonna be awkward
Because your bank account is part of your attraction, just like your height, looks, and personality.
Well I texted her, she looked at my story but hasn’t responded.
It’s joever
oh no, where else can you find a women that wants you to pay for everything?
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My friend’s response
These days women are all watching the same "sprinkle sprinkle" gold digging content, she was just using you for food/experiences
It's retarded. I think in the US it's more expected than in germanic countries. Like might as well pay an escort. Only thing is maybe you could've asked to split after you fucked her, then it wouldn't be completely wasted on her.
Imagine living in a culture where you're expected to pay 300 bucks on a fucking date lmaoooo

Yeah, I don't know what you're on about when you say "oh hurr my money is part of the attraction" because I've been together with my soon to be husband for 10 years and our dates were either cooking at home or we'd go get nuggies.
It's also on you to choose someone who doesn't see you like a walking piggy bank. And if you pay once, these binches will expect you to pay forever. Your first date is a baseline.
Update - she said i wasn’t exciting enough for her
Real question anon, did you fuck or nah?
Just text her back this "thats fine, I was already getting bored of you"
nah only kiss
Bro really spent at least $300 for a kiss lmao
300 bucks? lmao you dodged a bullet.

If you actually believe this, you will only attract shallow gold diggers who will suck you dry and then throw you away and you will deserve 100% of what's gonna happen to you.
My boy. Take this as a lesson, if you're spending money in the hundreds, you shoukd be expecting them to fuck at the end of the night, assuming everything's going well. If she's playing hard to get, just cut it off right then and there, or just say some shit like "thats all good, I have a friend coming over tonight, thanks for the company"

Remember anon, women hate competition, especially when their attention ticket is involved.
>I ended up spending over 300 dollars on her
why would you spend that much bro.

as a man I think the man should always pay. so to ensure you don't waste your money. just go on cheap fucking dates. like go for a walk. or to a cheap ass Mexican place. if she's considerate she'll only order one meal and not a bunch of fucking appetizers.
Thats what u get for fucking around with chinks my bro. They are the highest of the highest class. U gotta shell out mad money to sleep with asian women and keep them around. They are all aware of yellow fever and take full advantage of it.
You really don't have to spend thst much money. It's much easier if you know how to talk to women and seduce them.
>lose all your money and girl leaves you
>become hideously disfigured and girl leaves you
>have sudden and stark personality change and girl leaves you
start asking for your money back since you aren't happy with the quality of the date and conversation. act like she owes you money now since she acts like you owe her money and dates
Not with chinks. Asians expect a premium because they know that anyone who dates them has yellow fever so they expect to be paid accordingly.
>$300 on the second date
I did the same thing but I was a dumbass 19 year old at the time. This is inexcusable OP. The ONLY time you should shelve out that much money to a chick is if you fucked her already. Simps are the exact reason why women expect so much from men when it comes to finances. First date? Take that bitch to the park. Second date? Netflix and hopeful you guys smash. Third date? Dinner and sex after.
What if I don't want to fuck afterwards? What if I just want to enjoy her company?
>What if I just want to enjoy her company?
You can do it without spending money then. If she enjoys your company a lot then she'll tell you yourself that you don't have to spend so much money just to have a good time.
well womp womp. I’m upset but I’ve blocked her and moved on with things I need to do today
I’ve learnt my lessons and hopefully will meet someone better soon!
you shouldn't text her anymore. if she likes you, she'll text you
Why the fuck are you spending $300 for a first date? My first dates never went over $10 and even then we might've gone dutch. Get a coffee or go for a walk, for Christ's sake.
Just curious, how much money are you earning a year? Where I am right now financially I would've shat the bed knowing I spent $300 for no pussy
Maybe around 23k Aud a yr? But I also have a really big finance grad offer for next yr
Men and women arent the same and shouldnt be treated as such. Either she'll become your physical and emotional fleshlight to use at your pleasure, in which case you should be paying for everything, or she's a friend with benefits at best or a meal shark hoe at worst.

The absolute worst fucking women on the planet are the ones who demand queen treatment but refuse to pay out physically and emotionally. Its a fucking shame that they encompass 90% of females in the USA and are rapidly spreading throughout the rest of the west.
You will. Just keep pushing anon. I believe in you.
>I ended up spending over 300 dollars on her as I paid for everything that day
300 dollars is wild for a second date, what in the fuck did you guys even buy?
Young faggot, don't spend money on a woman unless you are fucking her. If you spent 300 on a first date I'll bet you aren't even saved in her phone, or if you are, it's under "free dinner".
This. Literally all of fucking this. Christ op youre fucking young and dumb.
Blocking her is a sperg move that only a wierdo would do. You should have just nexted her
Now she'll tell all her friends you are a creep.

You played this very very poorly. Are you 15? Is this the first girl you've ever taken out?
Ok but tbf she unfollowed me and I don’t want to have her influencer shit appear on my feed
Also nah she’s not, I’ve never been in a relationship but I’ve had a few flings here and there and I’m not a virgin
whatever, it's done now. just move on from her and take this experience to heart.

we've all had to learn it in some form another throughout our dating lives.

when women like this present themselves, filter them out.

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