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why the fuck is every girl cluster b? "just find a church girl" is an absolute meme.
go outside
i do that
Its a numbers game. First you need to be able to get girls, then you need to be able to distinguish between a good girl and a hoe, then you need to actually find said good girl and not fuck it up.
I personally agree with the "red pill guru" advice where you just need to date and bang a bunch of girls from all different sources and eventually youll end up with a good one
Try hinge, alternative dating apps, ask your mom to ask her friends to set you up with their friends daughters etc.
Where are you looking? The sane girls aren't going to sketchy bars, co-ed gyms (narcissism), or nightclubs. They're working their 9-5 jobs and coming home to relax and do some chores, and might partake in a nice hobby like gardening or book club on their days off. Meet people in hobby circles, not in "social" spots.
>Go to hobby group
>Its filled with single men all looking to date

Lol lmao
You shouldn't ever go anywhere looking to date and expect to end up with good results. That's cluster B behavior in itself. People can tell when you're doing that, it's always obvious. Just meet people you get along with (hobbies, etc) and eventually you'll find someone you get along with well enough to want to get closer to
what if all my hobbies are male dominated (95%+)
Depends. Name an example?
martial arts, surfing, gym ... all major sausage fests
Aren't most women now also into surfing, mma etc? I guess it depends on your area location etc.
Do you even go to church, anon? I doubt this.
yes, attending multiple young adults groups too (london)
What church, and what has been your experience there meeting your peers and similarly-aged single women and their families?
is this pic real
dude you are FUCKED get out of that shithole
enlighten me bro, ive been thinking of getting out. are you telling me its not me then?
london oratory, lots of people are up themselves and standoffish (especially the women).
I don’t want to interact with hoes.
>"just find a church girl" is an absolute meme.
Unironically my friend did this and it somehow worked for him. Although they met through bumble and live in the midwest.
Honestly if you're obsessed and just feel stressed from lack of pussy just get an escort and then use whatever money you'd waste on some trash gf to get a hobby that's fulfilling. Stop wasting time on pleasing some hole.
>Aren't most women now also into surfing, mma etc?
I would pay extra to train martial arts without women. It’s always terrible when you get paired with one of them. Legitimately ruins the training.
They don't exist anymore
This. And avoid apps.
Hmm tricky, I'm not sure I can offer advice given how strong the class divide is in London, I would imagine that's especially so at a city catholic church. Standoffish makes sense.
Perhaps the 'church girl' advice makes more sense somewhere less dense than a city, where church is going to be more briefly transactional and people are less likely to want to know each other. London, I know, is generally especially bad for that. Avoiding contact with other people is a basic survival trait there.
>"just find a church girl" is an absolute meme.
No, it's not. But people usually forget to add that she must be from a non-meme religion, protestants are a big "no".
>most NPC straight white dude hobbies imaginable
>expects to find anything other than a NPC straight white woman (bop)
i laugh @ u, lol
I need a bf
I am a slightly manic, mentally villanous female who has been betrayed by every male. i want someone to prove to me that men are not all disgusting and that male virtue can exist in this world. i cannot open my heart to another male and have this happen to me
>where do i find an actual decent girl?
We don't exist.
>am a slightly manic, mentally villanous female
damn I wonder why you have so many bad experiences
You will find them in a religious context. Every girl you see who don't cover their body is a promiscuous whore. There are only two viable options. The first is a girl who practices orthodox evangelism. The second option is a muslima (hijabi). Every other girl in this universe is bound to be a sperm bucket (whore of satan)
depends, do you enjoy stomping on snail and other insects?
Because other clusters don't go outside much
find a a woman who loves you a lot and move in with her
fuck younger/hotter/crazier(not too crazy, careful) bitches on the side
They don't really exist anymore social media has effectively ruined pretty much all of them. Its like asking where can I find a pet T-Rex to ride around on. Your best bet would be to go to some 3rd world country with little to no internet access and marry some illiterate farmer's daughter. Anything else and your basically just foraging for damaged scraps.
decent girls have no reason to be single for long
yeah, decent girls are all taken and are not on dating apps and clubs
More likely you've betrayed every man you've ever been with.

We know your game, females will always (and unprompted) tell random people "and then for no reason at all, ____ happened to me"

What that means

"I've done _____ to other people, but I want to deflect from my shitty behavioral patterns, so you're blindsided when I do it to you"

T. Just a dude who's fucked a lot of women, and realized that they all read from the same playbook
Everyday someone asks this question, the answer is simple you either date early like 16. if you missed the train you have to move on
>every girl is cluster b

You're telling on yourself here. Most likely you either have low self-esteem or some narcissistic qualities. Guys who feel like "BPD magnets" are almost always falling for the idealization phase; to most people this actually feels corny or unhinged, like they're coming on too strong, but if you need someone to really put you on a pedestal to feel good about yourself then you're gonna tune out people who aren't insane because a part of you is chasing that idealization. Look inward, and examine your sense of self. Do women who don't need you to rescue them scare you? Do you need to feel useful to a partner to feel good about yourself? Can you tolerate being with someone who doesn't immediately think you're hot shit right off the bat?

Really chew on these questions. You might discover subtle ways you're shooting yourself in the foot with girls that might be more right for you.

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