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How does one actually pick up females? I have never seen the actual process of wooing and seducing a woman being performed in real life. I'm convinced chad was simply born with his arm already around a woman while I am doomed to be forever alone.
Why do you call women "females"?
...that's what they are?
>I have never seen the actual process of wooing and seducing a woman being performed in real life.
I did, it's real.
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you're my idol
You haven't seen it because it happens so smoothly that it winds up looking like the girl and the guy are already friends by the time they're talking. The girl sees the guy walking in the door and is happy to see him come up to her to begin with.
Because they're not male and 18-25 aren't women but girls
>I'm convinced chad was simply born with his arm already around a woman while I am doomed to be forever alone.
You're wrong (at least about the first part), but it's not anyone's job to convince you otherwise.
Not op but explain. Greentext it if you need to
>guy walks in
>girl pupils widen, body language pushes chest forward, attention obviously focuses
>guy talks to girl. says something funny or nice. she laughs or blushes
>initial rush wear off, settled into friendly talk about literally anything. episodes of Seinfeld, how Subway used to taste better, whatever
>someone indicates conversation should end, person asks person for number or commitment to continue interaction somewhere at some time

there's nothing out of the ordinary, you're not looking for hard to see things. it's all normal interacting you've seen in public
Then how does chad pick up girls and how come I've never seen it actually happen in real life?
I've never seen anyone approach a woman in public lol, every couple thst exists around me met in school or through friend circles
It's an incel/zoomer thing.
Because approaches happen mainly in social events like at a bar, club, party, concert etc. Trying to approach a woman outside of a social event is very hard. Last thing they want is some random guy taking their time while they're doing errands and shit.
i don't know what to tell you. I've seen it happen as recently as April, i wasn't trying to, just studying in the community college library, and another table started flirting. it happens literally everywhere. if you've genuinely never seen it you have a much bigger problem in that you've never been somewhere people felt comfortable socializing with each other in public
You have to be good at talking to just meet someone and form something.
Thing is I'm not in the US where I suppose this happens but it's not like I'm in the middle east or asia and I've been to the bars and clubs where people hang out and socialize, it's usually friend groups hanging with friend groups.
I've actually "approached" a group of dudes (didn't have an empty place and the bar had a vacant chair), we started talking about random shit and eventually became alright.
But this absolutely NEVER happens between men and women, and I can't be accused of being asocial or in muh basement, I go out to different events and hang out with others. The only possible way you get a girlfriend is if your buddy introduces her to you or your buddys girlfriend tells you her friend likes you, that's it
> Last thing they want is some random guy taking their time while they're doing errands and shit.
And the last thing they want is also some random guy taking their time while they're out with their friends in a club
NTA but I don't know what flirting looks like and how do people start it with complete strangers, there's no way to plug jokes or teases into a conversation when it's your first time looking at that person
>The only possible way you get a girlfriend is if your buddy introduces her to you or your buddys girlfriend tells you her friend likes you, that's it

It's the most prevalent way in just about every country even the U.S. Pick ups in general don't even become relationships most of them time, mainly just hook ups.
Woman want to get approached at clubs just not by guys who aren't their type lol.
How we solve jealousy? It goes back to Cain and Abel
I won't have an issue with it if it's them getting humiliated for rejecting someone that approached them.
I usually just autistically stare and smile.

Works for women, men and anyone in between.
Think I have turned down more women than anything, but that was more during my pre transition. A lot of white men race fetishist women out there. I am now pretty much sorted with those types of weirdos, though sadly a lot of guys now do that because the thought of some super pale goth tranny seems pretty plowable to most. Did get overwhelmed and pure pressured once by a MtF pre E who uhhhh. . . well she just fucking smothered me, covered my mouth and it was all a haze, not sure I would suggest doing that as it left me a little fucked up and I ain't going back ever. Best piece of advice I got it stop calling women females, and be genuine.
> stop calling women females
Or better yet, YWNBAF
>Then how does chad pick up girls
By actually talking to them, which is the opposite of being born with a woman on your arm.
>and how come I've never seen it actually happen in real life?
Because you never leave the house. And even if you do, normal people (chads and women) quite rightly don't want you anywhere near them.
This is all fine by me as it is true and not a denial. YWNBAF is accurate. The first is not. I am pretty happy with being a tranny, though I am not happy with my workout routine.
>source: my ass
0.01% of relationships happen through cold approaching strangers. It's hollywood nonsense.

We are not social animals. We are tribal animals that are evolutionarily hardwired to distrust other groups.
yeah and they all fail because cold approaching is retarded and for losers.
you'd be surprised, some women are bored
I've seen a boyfriend talking to a girlfriend and I've also seen a male customer talking to a female cashier or whatever. I've never seen the intermediary process wherein chad supposedly "picks up" or seduces a woman in real life. Think about it
Have you ever made a friend before?
It's like that. Except when you meet a good friend you just click off with immediately and it's like you've known each other forever? If you do that with a chick you end up fucking.
That's how it works. Really, that's it.
That's why no one can answer this for you in any clear terms. It's a random chaotic affair that involves a lot of random happenstance and impromptu flow that can't be scripted.
My buddy goes up to "the females" and says they have beautiful eyes or a beautiful smile, then goes from there
It works for him
>I have never seen the actual process of wooing and seducing a woman being performed in real life
That's because people usually don't do it. Normally the guy and the girl are both attracted to each-other, they communicate this, and then they go for it.
Turning someone from not very attracted to attracted isn't really a thing IRL, it's more a sitcom thing.

I'd argue one of incels problems is over imagining. There really isn't a whole lot to it. You just meet someone and the chemistry is right..
Unless you have autism, and he probably has.
>Thing is I'm not in the US where I suppose this happens but it's not like I'm in the middle east or asia
Ok well our heart goes out to you but this is an English language forum for American nerds

We have no meaningful advice for approaching devotchkas in Transvolychnia. I'm not sure what you were even expecting
Is this stalker guy again, hunting for couples to photograph in order to illustrate his whining on this board?
Except it still works like that.. it's a different crowd of girls, but, still the same. Meet someone who isn't out off by your brand of autism (probably another autist depending on severity) connect about trains or transformers or anime, bam. Match made. Probably easier even because two autists would probably do well with the whole "I am attracted to you, wouldst thou in turn be attracted to me?" "Verily" approach.
hello newfag
Human behaviour and attraction works the same all across the board
I agree with you, but at the same time I can't help but remember ive seen it written that when studying human behaviour, ideally it's best to get subjects outside of the US, because Americans are just an outrageously different breed.

I also remember a more specific study where 2 people are put in a room together. One is awarded $100. He has the option to share as much or as little with the other participant, and if the other participant rejects, no one gets anything. In most countries, the non winner is fucking stoked for the winner, and if you give them so much as a dollar they're extremely grateful but still mostly thrilled the other person won something.

In America, not giving more or less half caused a rejection. Others winning caused seethe and they're ready to fucking sink you if they don't feel they're getting a good deal.
Americans are weird.
>source: my ass
I'll have you know my ass is quite the credible source. It's been through a lot of shit, seen a lot of shit.
All women are irony poisoned in the West so the mere concept of being "courted" makes them laugh and get the ick, even though all their media gives them this fantasy. It's an internal contradiction which cannot be explained through logic or reason, it just *is.*
>How does one actually pick up females? I
Talk to many of them in an extended, friendly manner and, over the course of time, confirm that you are interested in dating them and when the time is appropriate you ask them out.
If they agree you then date in order to confirm your suspicions that it can be more.
Kek, nice one

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