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File: 300px-Issue4.jpg (73 KB, 300x391)
73 KB
how can i stop hating other men becuase i am jelous of their success, capabilites and popularity with women?

I am very concered about becoming jaded, misanthropic and becoming like chrischan
just to be clear

its not entirely in regards to their interactions with women (the post kinda reads like that on second viewing) but mostly their phsicial and mental, artistic and emotional.

every positive trait.
Just stop.. I guess.
Give more context. Tell us about yourself. I mean, what are you hiding?
physical inadequacy anxiety

want to be an artist

tried to make music

enjoy psychology and philosophy

have talked with girls (only online) but never got anywhere serious with them (always worried they were talking to other men and got jelous, friend zoned anyway)
Very relatable op, this reality is something everyone will have to go through in time with age and death, but maybe some get to remember the good times.
You will never be perfect in every way. Do what you can and be proud of that. I'm a fucking ugly retarded mess but I managed to get a good job and move out of my mom's house and that has made me feel 100x better than I ever have in the last 20 years.

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