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Why is young love and first loves so special compared to dating in your 30s and on?
because you are in pain to meet someone, see someone, talk someone.

you actually make effort to impress her in youth.

only poor people understand value of SAVING MONEY.
similarly it's your first love, so you do understand value of that cuz you don't have her.
it's not. Every subsequent woman I loved, I loved even more
It's not. Whatever gave you that dumb idea?
Because people get smarter as they get older.
Because it's new
Skill/incel issue
It's not.
Every time I see someone repeating "le young love" meme here it's always some self-flagellating incel, who had neither young love nor current love to compare it to.
because the bible was right. You are supposed to marry young, only have sex with one person forever and be happy

>um actually the bible is dumb, ive had sex with 8 people, have hpv, two baby mommies and am trying to still figure things out at 34

yeah good luck
the exact opposite is true
I had young love and I didn't think it was special then and I don't think it was any special now. Sure, some people overromanticize the past for whatever reason, but it's not a given to do that and I suspect it betrays some weakness of mind or character. Real love requires some degree of maturity because it shows in action not in feelings or words.
Two reasons:
>All the feelings and experiences are new
>It's based on only actual attraction and desire, not just settling in order for a le stable life
Romantism fades as we age
sex feels better when you're young and full of cum
>Why is young love and first loves so special compared to dating in your 30s and on?

They’re not more special. They’re special sure, but more special than the woman you actually marry? Hell nah. In the big picture when you look back your first love seems insignificant and immature, even cringe.

Young love is just two teens playing house. They’re not even really in love, they are just infatuated with the idea of being in love.
seriously are people here stupid? did they forget what teen love is?

it's like 3 months of holding hands and going to her stupid track meet and then one day you say something mean about Taylor Swift and she doesn't talk to you for 2 years and instantly she has a new boyfriend

it's not special at all its the least treating other people like human beings relationships you'll ever have in your life
Everyone's experience is different
I'm still not over my highschool sweetheart and it's been 4 years, really hope to find someone as smart as her and that shares my interests.
looking grim...

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