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File: what-is-cottagecore-1-jpg.jpg (177 KB, 1200x1200)
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I would love to live a life like that but I doubt I'll ever be able to afford it
It’s doable. You can even live like that outside of a cottage for the time being, try the interior decorating
Rural areas aren't expensive because there is nothing out there
I suppose it is but then it seem like a luxury of its own.
do you know how to cook, to clean, to fix stuff, can you be self sufficient?
if not then I guess it might be unrealistic for you.
you can't have cottage core lifestyle while being a chronically online.
And do you think I can change? Like if I decide to change my ways on focus on going in that direction?
live in Arkansas bro just don't get food sickness
being self sufficient comes with moving out on your own, this doesn't only apply to the country side. It would be hard getting used to only have 3 shops in your whole town and the nearest city is hours away
of course you can, but then you have to be realistic, how much online world affect your life? can you live with less internet?

Can you CHANGE your life style?

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