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After Covid ended I was expecting life to go back to normal but that never happened, in fact everything got worse. I'm still stuck in my parents' house, no one ever contacts me, I basically do nothing at all besides play videogames and post on 4chan. Everyone in my family seems to both be in extreme debt AND their health is deteriorating. I can't focus on my hobbies anymore because I'm constantly in a state of paranoia. I don't know what to do and even though I'm feeling suicidal I'm pretty sure I'm too weak to even kill myself.
Please try going out
Ye gotta get a job. If the family is sick and in debt, they probably dont have life insurance and you'll inherent loads of debt when they die.
>no one ever contacts me
Do YOU contact THEM? If you never reach out to old friends, they will get the impression that YOU don't like THEM, and they'll respect what they think are your wishes and leave you alone.
same i'm a hikineet since 2021, i chat with friends over discord (that i used to talk/vc with daily) maybe every few months if im lucky, i tried making an online friend once and got ghosted after a few months so there's that

honestly dont know what to tell you, covid fucked a lot of people over, life feels empty and pointless now
>I was expecting life to go back to normal but that never happened, in fact everything got worse.
are you very young?

this is what adult life is, a whole series of figuring out things were contingent and are never going back to how they were
Touch grass.

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