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my bf has a weak immune system and gets sick quite easily and always exhausted because of long work hours
how can I make him feel better?
thats probably the aids. Homosexuality is a sin, trannie.
Sex, sandwich, silence.
You got your answer. Kidding. Make him broth soup. Massage his feet at night. And change the covers. He probably has a worm in his body frfr.
Wtf stupid incel bullshit is this. Literally touch grass, loser.
Make him cum constantly and deprive him of preccious micronutrients to further weaken his immune system so that I can continue laying eggs inside of his intestines.
make him a taco and give him a handjob
Try to convince him to get a less stressful job.
He's vaxxed, there's nothing to do about it.
Does he get a full night's sleep? Sleep-deprivation weakens people's health.
lol, he will die from zinc deficiency from more cum wringing
suck his dick
Disgusted but not surprised with all of the degenerate coomer responses.
dust carries a lot of bacteria and heavy metals, get a roomba
untreated caries, ingrown nails, allergens also overhelm immune system
for the hidden deficiencies, run blood tests
blackout curtains help with better sleep
quality sleep should start before 00:00
it also could be fenols from the flooring
My girlfriend’s boyfriend always is sick.

He’s a little bitch.
Most men like ops bf do.
Cuckolds many such cases

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