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File: GB_X1zkWYAA8qdk.jpg (87 KB, 902x894)
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I have been applying to jobs seriously for a year now, July 2023. i am currently employed full time but I want a higher salary and better work environment. I am in finance as a senior, almost a decade of experience. I'm getting no luck.

>been at current company for a year, got lied to in interview about nature of the job so started looking last summer
>I got this job after only 3 months of applications
>interviewed with 34 companies since Jan 2024
>many I had multiple rounds for and got ghosted
>applying to staff, senior, and manager positions (been applying to manager positions in the last month only).
>in a large metro area applying for roles located here as well as remote
>I have a very unique name I google myself consistently and the only hits are for a current college athlete with my name who obviously is not me
Any advice?
You're doing something right to get that many interviews but honestly you're probably going to have to wait it out. Hiring has slowed way down if not stopped entirely for most industries. If companies are hiring at all they are being extremely picky and cautious. This is true across most industries at the moment

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