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I have been applying to jobs seriously for a year now, since July 2023. i am currently employed full time but I want a higher salary and better work environment. I am in finance as a senior, almost a decade of experience. I'm getting no luck.

>been at current company for a year, got lied to in interview about nature of the job so started looking last summer
>I got this job after only 3 months of applications
>interviewed with 34 companies since Jan 2024
>many I had multiple rounds for and got ghosted
>applying to staff, senior, and manager positions (been applying to manager positions in the last month only).
>in a large metro area applying for roles located here as well as remote
>I have a very unique name I google myself consistently and the only hits are for a current college student with my name who obviously is not me
Any advice?
shameless self bump

Why do you want more? You have a stable job. Save money, start businesses, your never gonna make it wagecuckin it
I am looking to buy a home in the next year or two max. I have saved up enough but I just want extra cushion. And my role is underpaid to what I would be getting at another company.
Business ownership is something I am not interested in at all I am fine living until retirement as an employee.
sorry, OP here. also as I said they greatly misrepresented the job duties and environment to me in the interview. i was told I would be doing finance duties when im doing accounting stuff only. I was also lied to about the work hours and expectations
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Excellent book for job-hunters. Find a niche - invent your own job.

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