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Can men out there explain why he likes putting his finger in my mouth during foreplay and sex? What do you get out of it? Please explain. For me, I have an oral fixation so I love French kissing with him, giving him oral, and sucking on his finger. What’s in it for him? Also, why does he love sucking on my nipples?
The male brain is very simple.

As to finger in mouth:
1. He saw it watching porn or thinks you think its hot.

As to nips:
2. Tits good
Sucking on tits probably has some sort of subconscious relation to millions of years of breastfeeding. Finger thing kind of mimics dick sucking in that you're inserting a phallic object into the mouth.
I never thought of it before until I got with him. He introduced me to it. Why does it feel good or is it more of a visual thing?

Thanks anon. He has mommy issues so I can see why he likes “breastfeeding”. He might’ve been a formula baby.
Your thread got me hard. Gonna do it with gf next time I see her
It's an expression of submission and there's a strong implication that you are cool with his dick being in your mouth,
Also its really fucking hot.
Yay have fun with your girlfriend! We definitely have fun when we get it on.
That makes sense! He can switch between dominant and submissive. Dominant when he does the whole finger thing in my mouth, submissive when I order him around what positions we’ll do next. I wanna complete Kama Sutra with him.
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Its total bullshit that society is burning to the fucking ground and people can get on here and make jokes and post like life is cool and normal HAHAHAHAH well no one's fucking laughing. There's no fucking jobs, there's no fucking money,
no trust
no safety
no love
no forgiveness
no hope
no community
no morality
no thing
Technology fucking sucks and just makes things worse. The industrial revolution has destroyed day-to-day human life.

obliviousfags are worse than faggots, worse than trannies, worse than pedophiles, worse than libtards. Fuck you.
i love putting my fingers in my wife’s mouth. it’s so hot to feel her suck on my fingers. i can feel her toungue movements even more clearly on a finger than my dick. it’s hot knowing that she’s doing those moves to my dick and wants to suck on my body. i really like grabbing her face with fingers on both cheeks and shoving my fingers in her mouth while i fuck her. it’s so hot i can easily cum from it and she knows and offers to suck my fingers because she wants to make me cum

i really want to watch her suck on a dildo while i fuck her. it’s just insanely hot to see and feel your gf/wife use her mouth to get you off and in many positions fingers are easier to see/feel it and easier to combine with other acts

i want to suck my wifes nipples off but she has too sensitive of tits and usually can’t have me on them very much. it is super hot to get tits in your face. it’s just a natural action to start sucking on tits when they’re in your face. she can handle it better when she’s getting fucked so i like being underneath her with her tit in my mouth. i feel like i own her body and her tits belong to me and i can do whatever i want with them.

i really like asking her to play with her tits while i fuck her. i know she never has played with her own tits before me and i’m the only one she’s ever done this for. it doesn’t do much for her. so here she is doing something she doesn’t really want to do but wants to do it because she knows i like it. she wants to do something just for me to make herself more appealing to me and make me cum. it’s super hot to know she is basically being a slut for me and only me. when we’re fucking for a while and she knows i’m not that close then grabs both her tits with her hand and plays with her nips and starts flicking them i can cum so fast
continuing here i think a big part of the finger sucking is submission. i want her to do things for me just because i told her i want them. it’s control. wanting to suck a dick is so ingrained in humans. she didn’t ever think about that it just happens. but did she ever want to suck a finger? no. she didn’t until i told her i want it. and now she does it because she knows i want it

and i want her to do it like a slut. to make it sluttier i want her to suck on it loudly. i tell her to make sucking noises on it. i tell her i want her spit on it. her drool. i tell her i want her to moan while sucking my fingers. it’s so hot. i only got her to do this a couple years ago and now it’s a huge part of sex for us. she likes it now

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