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>go to asian massage parlor
>not an addict or anything, i go every couple of months, never had any issues
>girl offers sex for reasonable $$$
>say yes, hear her shuffling around the room, i assume she is getting changed or something (this will be important later)
>finish, get up and go take a shower
>come back
>notice there's a pole thingy in the corner of the room where you can put your phone to record, that wasn't there when i walked in
>oh shit did she record me?
>ask her whats up with that thing
>"oh i'm getting ready for a stream, we do live cams sometimes"
>go home
>couple days later i get a message with a screencap, its me fucking the whore from the same angle where the pole thingy was
>they want money or they'll send copies to everyone i know
>note: I have a gf and a good job
Sounds like it may be a certain county in France for you, my friend. You may even want to move there pre-emptively
>they'll send copies to everyone i know
How would they know them?
similar thing happened to me. when I was 17 I messaged some chick and she baited me into sending her nudes when I sent her one with my face she threatened to send it to everyone I know. I clocked her on everything and nothing happened afterwords. my point is that if you ignore them and block them on everything they'll have no reason to post it cause they can't get money from you. there's a few things you can do.

1. come to terms that the worst could happen. everyone might know, what then? believe that your life is already fucked, then you can't lose anything.

2. if you're close to 18 then you could bluff and say you're 17 and accuse them of having a video of you that's cp. kind of a power play. also if they checked your ID just say that it's a fake one.

3. just fucking ignore them and get a new phone number. they can't get anything from you if they can't contact you. just make sue they don't have your address. and if they have your phone # or email that you change those.

>note: I have a gf and a good job
you also cheated on your gf so you kinda deserve this, just sayin
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That’s the reason why you have a girlfriend, you fuck with her only. Why’d you go to the massage parlor?!
i transferred the money using a cash transfer app that shows your full name when you get money from someone (and the sender also gets the full name of the recipient) you can't use a fake name on there because they require you to scan your id when signing up. i assume she just googled the name and found my linkedin, facebook etc. I have her name but not much is coming up on google. maybe it wasnt actually her name, and she just used a friends account or something.
>That’s the reason why you have a girlfriend, you fuck with her only. Why’d you go to the massage parlor?!
>not an addict or anything, i go every couple of months, never had any issues

It is because OP is a sex addict in denial. If you resort to using prostitution while in a relationship, you are are sex addict.
My general advice is you should go to SA or SAA, if this is not a LARP your sex addiction has officially ruined your life and you're at rock bottom like I was when my massage parlor habit also became exposed to my ex (in my case after an STD false alarm).
For this specific situation, I'd say do nothing. If they're not bluffing they're just going to ask you for money over and over until you can't pay and they'll release them anyway
This doesn’t explain it still. If you have a girlfriend, why not just focus on your her only for all your sexual needs? Why go outside and cheat? Break up with the poor girl and go fuck hoes!
>Just do heroin once a week, that should satisfy your addiction!
It didn't explain anything because you don't understand how addiction works
>If you have a girlfriend, why not just focus on your her only for all your sexual needs? Why go outside and cheat? Break up with the poor girl and go fuck hoes!
Without even getting into how sex addiction works I want to say this is a very female line of thinking, making sex into a "product" that you're fine stocking up on at regular intervals like you're buying fucking bread or something. I don't care what your gender actually is, it's just a straight-up feminine attitude towards sex.
You still never explained thoroughly. I’d like to hear it. He could have multiple rounds of sex with a girlfriend. If he wants to have sex outside, why even have a girlfriend? Just settle for hoes! Leave the good girl alone!
You're pretty dumb if you can't understand
>sex is drug
>want more drug
>being in relationship + fucking around outside means more drug than just fucking around alone
There are reasons people want sex outside of just "I love my partner and want to orgasm with them." A lot of times insecurity, need for validation, and stunted mental and spiritual development play roles in acting out.
one of my friend did that, she got sued by the guy and had to pay him 20k
I won't read prostitution threads.
あなたは遅刻者です。彼らがあなたを放っておかないなら、そこに入って全員を殺すと脅迫します。精神異常を装う。 私の友人のS君はそうし、今では地元のパーラーで無料セックスを受けています。円は支払わないでください。
Wouldnt their whole bussiness be closed up if you show the evidence to police?
You can blackmail them too
Just tell on them, or dare them to do it. They just want money so tell them to fuck off.

Your gf will probably be pissed but that's the price you pay for going to hookers, my friend.

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