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And why?
Boobs, giant tits in the face are great while fucking.

Any sort of anal play is for sodomites.
None of them.
I realized both are oversexualized body parts and made me a retard.
Butt. It feels good to hold it and slap it while fucking.
I don't think most dudes who like ass specifically like anal
Am I just using the word ass wrong? I'm usually referring to the cheeks and hips rather than the actual poop chute
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Boobies and because I'm jealous and wish mine were bigger
Belly all the way. I can't explain why it just is.
And you just… decided to stop being a retard? Wow
As a great man once said:
You touch boobs
you fuck ass
I'm an ass guy. Ass ass ass. Yeah I know it's degenerate but that's where everything enjoyable is. The anal cavity and the pussy.
My ex was like this. He always looks at my butt and slaps it outside and in bed, but he’s never given me anal. He’s only fingered my anus. Weird guy.
But also
Feet/Legs (I know)
I'm not a materialistic person but if I have to choose I will always choose boobs.
what is the advice you seek
Between the two I prefer boobs. My favorite thing is legs though. I love the way they're shaped and I want to kiss smooth yummy thighs
What advice do you want?
This is an 18+ board about asking for advice. What do you need advice with, kid
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butt > boobs
men who convince themselves they prefer boobs are coping. because they can only pull fatties.
young and fit butt > anything else
im a boobman but my gf hat the most 10/10 ass in the world unfortunately flat as a cutting board in the boobs department
but she was a virgin when we met and she loves me so I'll never leave her

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