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Can I get rid of these armpit folds without plastic surgery? They're very ugly
What is that
There is no way to get rid of those. It's like trying to get rid of all your stomach folds and "pooch". Even the skinniest girls have all of that. It will always be there and that's perfectly healthy and normal.
Apparently they are called "Armpit vaginas"
2bh I don't see the problem. i think you're overthinking it
When I close my arms, I don’t want visible folds that bulge out.
And when I whip out my dick, I want it to be 7x6 inches. But we can't have everything we want now can we?
Go to a psychiatrist, he might help you.
Who said I want to be a woman? I don’t want people to think I’m fat.
I promise nobody else cares except the few girls who have been similarly brainwashed into the same insecurity. I used to nitpick other women's makeup so badly when I wore it regularly. Now that I've stopped wearing it for years, it doesn't even cross my mind to nitpick when I see other women wearing makeup. I remember thinking I was soooo fat as a teenager too but whenever I look at those same photos I used to tear apart, I can see now that I looked fine, on the skinny side if anything. It makes me sad that I spent so many of my teen years feeling bad about my body.
My best advice is to stop looking at whatever is giving you the idea that you need to "fix" X, Y, Z part of your body. Stop listening to and encouraging your friends to dissect your own bodies like this.
People, primarily men, profit from your insecurities and are highly invested in developing new insecurities in women and girls.
they are not ugly, the can actually be hot. It works like dimples around your mouth.
No dumb anon, you cannot remove your skin and adipose tissue without surgery or liposuction. Use your brain.
I don't think you need to get rid of them, just work on self acceptance.

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