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Oh they are selective alright
When you get rejected just move on because you can't change a girl's mind
But when the girl gets rejected the logic goes out the window because she still won't change her mind and move on
She will act so hostile towards you because you rejected her
She will get her friends act so fucking hostile towards you for rejecting her
I remember being in group of who I thought were my friends only to then get hit with the "anon, x likes you do why don't you get with x?"
The audacity I am not attracted to her at all
Told them no not interested
And what happens?
I get ostracized from the group, never to speak them again and practically spent my last year of college alone with no friends.

They didn't respect my boundaries, what the fuck is wrong with the "selective gender"?
Women are just retarded children in adult bodies. They were never supposed to have agency over their own lives
Thats a shitty, superficial friend group. A lot of people get excited about shipping people in a friend group together, which is cringe, but retaliating for not accepting who they ship you with is super manipulative and fucked up.
You have shitty friends. My friend group used to ship me with some girl too. I just told em that I wasn't interested and that was it. Never seen the girl in our group again. This also >>31583761
A woman's ego is extremely fragile in that sense. For how much men are afraid of rejection, it's 10x worse for women for some reason. That's why men are supposed to approach, they can handle the fallout of a rejection without flipping their shit
Rules for thee but not for me.
women are animals, always act like they want equal rights but in reality they only do when it's convenient
I won't read whining threads.

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