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Going out for coffee with someone and I didn’t really tell them or ask what I wanted. They didn’t ask either but I haven’t been on a date in a long time so I don’t really know the etiquette. I don’t want to disappoint them and lead them on but I don’t know what to do. We already have a time set but should I blurt out that I just want friendship or other stuff right now? Is there already an expectation what when you go out that your just friends to start off with anyways?
Be honest and let the guy down easily.
if you’re a girl: yes say this. because i can guarantee you the guy is only going on this date to try and fuck you. being honest is best to not lead him on

if you’re a guy: you have a chance they aren’t going this just for sex. you could tell them your boundaries. but usually you don’t need to because the normal boundary is no sex. or just stop being gay and low t and fuck
For context we are both trans women if that matters ;3
Just fucking tell them you want to be friends and aren't looking for a relationship.
I thought it might naturally come up when we walk around, we are just getting coffee
use your mouth and tell them explicitly. They aren't gonna read your mind or just bring it up when its convenient for you.

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