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Is there any actual cure to depression? My life is good and i touch grass but i still want to die
Find the source of your pain and make efforts to fix it.
The source of my pain is my insecurities
for the cure you would need to reach really deep down into your subconscious and the way you do that is up to you to be honest. the sooner you get there, the faster you can stop digging. but nobody says you won't search and roam the borderlines of new age pseudopsychology until you are fully immersed into a pretty rainbow gate that just keeps you stuck there and makes you look like a dummy
(cont.) therefore - COPE and MANAGE as long as you can and attempt at an actual cure when you feel inspired to. take it easy. we are extraordinarily complicated machines, which is why no one should let that be a blockage to their day-to-day potential. there's the thrill of being such "big beings" but there's also the boring stuff like routines and such that is important for you to stick to
ALSO- take the cosmic joke in it all, existence and "the spark of consciousness living in us" might be just a chemical imbalance, just as much as depression. when you think about the mistery of consciousness, and how we haven't solved it, it's easier to look at yourself while not being able to solve your depression. every attempt to do so makes you very very remarkable
Or you can live a proper good life, instead of a socially good life.
You can try managing it with meds but I don't think it ever goes away. I could fulfill all my dreams and fantasies and I'm almost certain I'd still suffer from deep depression regardless; something is broken in our brains.
Ok what are you insecure about. 99% of depression can be remedied by reframing our thinking.
Take care of the body: abstain from drugs and alcohol; nutrition; exercise; sleep.

Take care of the mind: meditate; let toxic thoughts and toxic people go.

Have an efficient life: Do work that you love AND love the work; drop escapist pastimes and only have recreations that enhance you.
>my life is good but I want to die
incel cope of the day. I hate you mongoloids so much it can't be anything but real.
why would you not try the first recommendations against depression?? like the things that everybody knows you do? exercise get sunlight seek social support see a therapist consider medication ????????

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