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She always yells like crazy at them or just beats them and they always cry. At the moment she is scolding her child for bleeding (after getting beat up i assume).
This has been going on for over a year now, I don't know what to do. These children have no hope for a normal life.
Calling child services and having them being taken away from their home might make their lives even more harsh.
come on retard, call CPS. Letting the kids get beaten to fuck and back day after day isn't helping either. Gutless faggot
If they get taken away from home who knows where they'll end up. Parentless children are easy prey for every sick person out there, at the moment at least they have a "protector". It's really a very tough decision.
They are quiet now, I'm going to bed. If you have any advice, or dealt with a similar situation in the past please share it.
You need to think more like a normie, like "who cares about the children, out of view out of mind".
You're a real fucking pussy cunt, OP.
>These children have no hope for a normal life.
They do but you are choosing not to do your part to help them.

>Calling child services and having them being taken away from their home might make their lives even more harsh.
It will in the short-term. But in the long-term they'll have a better life, or rather, a less shit one.

Those kids will grow to be sociopaths, OP. They will become their parents. And the thing about sociopaths is the reason why they hurt or abuse or ruin others in their society is because when they were kids they were being tortured and society stood by and did nothing. So do something.
Retard, call fucking CPS. Anything is fucking better than being fucking beaten for the rest of their lives.
Call cps. The kids are given the choice whether they want to go back or not.
>Those kids will grow to be sociopaths, OP. They will become their parents
Last night i didn't mention their father seems to love them, and they love him. Sometimes I've heard them say they want to go to work with him instead of staying home with their mom.
CPS will figure this out instantly. They will allow dad part of their lives, they know that will be a good outcome

but if dad would rather stay together with mom, he's a worthless piece of shit. CPS will figure this out too
>who knows where they'll end up.
Not dead, for one. Second, a slim but present chance to end transgenerational trauma.

Use your brain, Anon
Just call child services to have silence. Who gives a fuck about the children?

>Parentless children are easy prey for every sick person out there, at the moment at least they have a "protector"
You are genuinely sick in the head. Call CPS, you dumb faggot.
>Calling child services and having them being taken away from their home might make their lives even more harsh.
Ultimately it's a choice between having the shit kicked out of them or getting raped in the foster system. Know which one I'd pick.
which one would you pick?
Throw a coin.
>She always yells like crazy at them or just beats them and they always cry.
Haha based
she's badass, i wish more women were brave and empowered like her

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