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Been without any friends for 5 years. I live with my father and sister so it’s not like I haven’t spoken to anyone in 5 years but it’s not the same. I don’t even know how to start, I figured I could try discord since I hear a lot about it. Has anyone here made friend/s on discord which they’ve met up with? Thanks
Go outside for a walk, and let passerby's know that you are infact re-entering society. They will proceed to clap at such momentous news and pat you on the back. Well done!
Thank you
well, I'll say the obvious: get a job.
Everything else will come automatically.
I didn't mean to be so rude about that I just thought it was funny.
As >>31584004 said, get a job, if you don't already have one. You can support yourself and learn to socially adjust with your co workers after some time.
No, do not "try discord". Get a job and start regularly going somewhere that you will be seeing the same people over and over again; volunteering, some sort of sport, anything that interests you really. Does your sister have a social life? One thing that can really help with both your self-image and others' perception of you is making a Facebook profile if you don't already have one.
Already have a job it’s work from home though. I guess I could try volunteering if there’s any opportunities near me
i suppose you could try discord? join servers which involve hobbies or interest which require you to go outside that will give you the best chance of making friends on there.
Good luck
"Society" mostly happens on the Internet these days via social media but I suppose you could start with talking with your neighbors. A lot of people underestimate how important they are.
get a job
nothing else will work or put you around people in a daily context as much as a job will put you next to coworkers
>Already have a job it’s work from home though.
Get a different job.
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What sane person would want to re-enter society?
What happens when your neighbors already dislike you because they've heard you yelling at Elden Ring?
Whatever you do, do not use discord. Maybe if you are like gen alpha or something but discord is like a well-greased pipeline for social alienation. You'll end up shooting up a grocery store or cutting your dick off or something.

I had good luck with getting a service industry job after being NEET. Obviously there are things that suck about it, but it plugs you into a social group and also makes you feel like a part of society because you're interacting with the public and practicing getting better and better at social skills. I made a ton of friends and fucked a bunch of women doing this.
Potentially, you could try some volunteer thing that's also like this, but keep in mind that a lot of places have scrapped their volunteer programs after COVID; it's not to say they won't take you, but they won't necessarily have job listings open. Try looking at organizations that interest you and actually emailing the volunteer coordinator. I kept running into places that had no openings and figured out that this was the way to do it.
Forgot to add, from someone who went from ex-NEET with no friends to normie. Another helpful thing was signing up for classes. I took a couple drawing classes and got in with a social group that way. Make sure to get ones that are in the evening or on the weekend, so that it's not all old people. It's a good setting because you have repeated interactions where you can just show up and do the thing and eventually people get to know you (vs. the 'will you be my friend' pressure of a meetup).

Remember to treat it all like an experiment. Even if one thing you try doesn't work out, it could tangentially open up a door to something that does. Even having people see you and know your name as an acquaintance or regular somewhere is a huge leap from zero.

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