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>Random girl approach me around my bday.
>We met a couple times, went on two dates then she dumped me.
>After a month I tried to make contact with her again.
>Since I didn't had her new number (her phone broke mid breakup). I tried to send a drawing with my number.
>The person that went to give her, said she was unnable to do. She passed to another person give her.
>That uncertainty made me anxious enough to try talking with her in person
>Only place I knew I could find her was at her work
>Try talk with her but she looks mad.
>I don't insist and go home
>A week after I receive a call saying she reported me to the police for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE???
>Apparently she exaggerated the whole story and want to take my ass on court
>After some days, she made her friends talk with me trying to make me say anything she can use agaisnt me.
>Deep down I still like her despite the possibility of ending up in jail for her lying ass
What can I do?
Well if you're going to jail anyway you might as well make it true
lawyer up buttercup
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Holy shit, fuck women. I think you’re gonna need a lawyer.
This is why I don’t want a girlfriend anymore. Women are literally insane.
The only thing stopping me from doing this is the respect I have for my mother.
She is one of the few people that believe I'm not an aggressor. I wouldn't bring such dishonor to her by making the rumor come true.
N-no don't actually do that anon....
I said I'm not doing. Chill lol.

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