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>be me
>be an artist, growing a decent following
>"caught" drawing lolis
>everything i worked for is instantly down the drain because now im a pedophile
>kys kys kys
>get this pedo trash off the internet

for clarification im a girl, dont draw lolis for any sexual gratification but because i was raped as a kid and the innocence sort of makes me feel better. what is the course of action here, do i just abandon ship? do i make a suck up thread apologizing? sharing my art makes me happy but i feel thats not going to be an option anymore.
but was your art even good? probably not if people stop following you after a small incident like that

Did you draw them sexually or just had kids fucking around playing shit?
share it somewhere you aren't gonna get witch hunted
You can't just block the trolls hassling you? There are plenty of artists who draw loli and do fine, even explicit stuff. Granted they're mostly japs but it proves that it can be done. I guarantee the vast majority of your actual fans don't care.
>do i make a suck up thread apologizing?
I would do this and bare everything about your experiences in the past, similar to what you told us. Since you have a public image people need to be reassured and explained to or they will continue making up stories in their head that become more foreign to who you really are.

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