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but people often tell me it's "immature" or "unrealistic" to expect anything more. Are we really at the point where women with no self control are trying to normalize obesity, and the rest of us have to lower our bar or else we're "immature"? I make a point to maintain a level of activity and monitor what I put in my mouth. Why are women not able to do the same?

>tldr dont like fat girls but everyone tells me i dont have a choice, should i ignore them?
The reason women don't like you has nothing to do with your looks, your size or general physique. You're missing the forest for a massive amount of red pill propaganda trees.
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subject is "dont want to date fat girls", forgot to add it.
The very fact you even made this thread is proof people don't like that other people are overweight. Which aren't "allowed" to do it either. That's the entire reason they're getting so fjcking aggressive about it. They wouldn't have to be that way if they weren't stigmatized and ridiculed and passed over because of it. It's a massive cope.
And plenty of women live that fit lifestyle for the same reasons. It is generally culturally expected you maintain good health, and generally ridiculed and frowned upon if you don't.
There wouldn't be a "big is beautiful" trend at all if they didn't have to pat themselves on the back because of all the bullshit they get about it.

And yes, you're allowed to have expectations.
Do whatever you want it's your life man
I almost bit the bullet on dating a chick similar to this but she would tell me spitroasting stories and how reckless she was in her youth before her habits caught up to her. Stuff like blacking out on Xanax at a festival and sucking cocks in the porto-potty. What the fuck man.
Can you pull fit women? You wouldn’t have made this thread if you could. My advice would be to invest in yourself, and I don’t just mean your appearance. You might have too much manosphere brainrot to understand this, but the way you talk and evidently process information per this thread is immediately visible to women. They can sense it when they see you walking down the sidewalk, when they see your profile on a dating app, when they see you sitting by yourself at a bar.

I’m saying the pit of despair you’ve found yourself in where you have to externalize “no, I will NOT settle for fats” is probably not solvable by gaining another ten pounds of muscle or shaving your 5k time down to 18 minutes. Your probably is located squarely in your personality. Deal with that. Grow and develop as an individual. Become emotionally intelligent enough to get the kind of woman you want. Or don’t, and continue being just another moderately fit gorilla that only attracts fats. Up to you, OP.
Personality has nothing to do with it because guys like this weren't popular before their personalities turned sour either.

I used to be one of the nicest people around, and people still hated me and treated me like garbage simply because I wasn't "attractive". So fuck them.
Equal rights means that if women don't have to improve themselves to get the men they want, the opposite is also true.
>tldr dont like fat girls but everyone tells me i dont have a choice, should i ignore them?
If you are not fat why are people telling you that you need to aim for someone who is? Do you have other things working against you?
>You might have too much manosphere brainrot to understand this, but the way you talk and evidently process information per this thread is immediately visible to women.
>Your probably is located squarely in your personality. Deal with that.
Complete bullshit. The reason I'm jaded is because I can't get women, not the other way around. That's yet another cope invented by women who would rather place the blame for their shitty behavior on men than admit to themselves that they're in the wrong. Guys with shitty personalities but good looks get women all the time. In fact that's the ideal type of man for them, a good-looking bad boy who they can try to "fix". Even guys with good personalities are only decent to be around because women actually like them and respond to their advances, because again they're most likely good looking. I don't understand why men will go online and defend women tooth and nail when they have no chance of being rewarded for it or even taken seriously by other men. Anyone with a brain knows it's complete horseshit and to get girls you either need to be good looking or comedian-level funny and charming.
>Do you have other things working against you?
Being 5'10" with a 6/10 face
I accept your trannycession.
Guys with shitty personalities get women all the time. It's why there's so many single moms.
A "good personality" comes from positive reinforcement. If a person gets shit on no matter what they do, no shit their personality is going to worsen.

If you want a person's personality to improve, you have to treat them well. If you don't, it's your fault they became like that in the first place.
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Nobody cares that you can’t get anybody to fuck you, man. If you could be reasoned with, you wouldn’t be so terminally unfuckable in the first place. Kill yourself.
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>Being 5'10" with a 6/10 face
If you are average looking by all standards you should realistically date an other average looking person. This might be someone with a gorgeous face but unfortunate body. Someone with a great body but unfortunate face. Or someone average in all regards (most likely scenario). So unless you other expectations are too high she doesn't need to be overweight.
Go fuck yourself, you narcissistic piece of shit.

I have been treated horribly ever since childhood. I went out of my way to be kind and helpful to people, but people still didn't want to be friends with me simply because I was "ugly". They told me this to my face. It had nothing to with my personality, I wasn't able to make friends simply because of my looks, something completely out of my control. Meanwhile shitty people like the ones who mistreated me had no problem making friends simply because they were "attractive". That destroyed my self esteem before I even hit puberty.
Lowering your expectations is never good advice. People who "lower their expectations" (read: settle) always, without fail, end up hating or resenting their partner later in life.
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>Or someone average in all regards (most likely scenario)
I didn’t read this
>Lowering your expectations is never good advice.
Eh maybe. Ultimately, you can only realistically date someone you fall in love with. But not being delusional is a good start. If you under a false assumption that a supermodel is going to ring your bell it's going to be hard for you to find your one. If on the other hand you know how you're perceived and which people show genuine interest you might start to like the genuine interest. And not bother running after some insta ready model who doesn't give you a second glance.
Tldr I hate normies because they're narcissists with a severe case of main character syndrome. They think life is a TV show or movie where they're the main character, everything revolves around them, and other people only exist to stroke their egos by telling them how awesome they are. Anyone who threatens this delusional worldview of theirs is considered "the bad guy".

That's why I hate normies.
None of the people who have ever showed interest in me have been compatible with me. The people I have things in common with have no interest in me.
What's the age range, and what age is OP? People often get more out of shape the older they get. At a younger age, the average will be somewhat lower, but yeah most people aren't shaped like a supermodel. He might get someone a bit more athleticly build if they share an interest in sport or if he compromises on something else.

Either way that BMI is not like pic
If that's the case you need to keep looking.
>If you want a person's personality to improve, you have to treat them well.
Can you explain why anyone would want to invest their time and energy into treating people with shit personalities well?
Do you treat people with shit personalities well?

I treat strangers well regardless because everyone has bad days and maybe they're just having a bad moment. But if someone I see regularly who is constantly unpleasant and awful to be around, I am not invested in treating them well. I will engage as little as possible and avoid them.
A shitty personality is like bad body odor. Maybe it's the person's fault or maybe they literally can't help it. But either way I don't enjoy being near them and I won't if I don't have to be.
You only don't have a choice if you're entirely surrounded by fat women and can't leave. Otherwise you simply need to be appealing enough to attract women. And "appealing" does not necessarily mean "physically attractive".
>And "appealing" does not necessarily mean "physically attractive".
it does doe.
Literally every "appealing person" is like that through positive reinforcement. Looks determine how a person's personality is perceived.

An attractive person who talks a lot is considered "confident" and "outgoing". An unattractive person who talks a lot is considered "annoying".

I used to be a very talkative and outgoing person, but I stopped because people did nothing but mock or throw verbal abuse at me. So I started talking less. But then the opposite problem occurred, people stopped acknowledging my existence at all. But people who talked more than I did never had that problem, simply because they were "attractive".
>it does doe.
Not necessarily, no.

>Looks determine how a person's personality is perceived.
No. Great looks whitewash annoying habits and ugly looks draw greater attention to them but no.

>An attractive person who talks a lot is considered "confident" and "outgoing". An unattractive person who talks a lot is considered "annoying".
No. Saying a lot of annoying things is annoying. Saying interesting and appealing things is interesting and appealing.
Your argument is reducing all of human speech and all nuance of human communication and interaction into "Pretty person good. Not pretty person bad."
It's a pretty indefensible idea you're slinging. If you are trying to doompost troll, you're not great at it.
>No. [Agrees with what he said] but no.
Do you even read your own posts before making them?
>Do you even read your own posts before making them?
Yes, moron. There's a world of difference between the prettiest people getting forgiven for being annoying and looks determining how a personality is perceived.
Most people are closer to average and the personality of average people, that's YOU chucklefuck, is judged by itself.
If you're an average looking guy with an annoying personality, you aren't average. You're annoying.
If you're an average looking guy with a great personality, you aren't average. You're great.

Personality matters. And if your personality is defined by you constantly doomposting on 4chan, chances are that you're more annoying to deal with than the average person, no matter what you look like.
You're the dumbest and most annoying poster on this board by far. Thankfully you use a trip so I can start filtering your terrible posts.
>I used to be a very talkative and outgoing person, but I stopped because people did nothing but mock or throw verbal abuse at me.

damn, anon. sorry to hear that
>You're the dumbest and most annoying poster on this board by far.
But anon! How can I POSSIBLY be annoying to you when you don't know what I look like?

After all,
>Looks determine how a person's personality is perceived.
My personality can't be determined without my looks, right?
I bet if I saw your face I would find you even more annoying
At least the boys on the bottle hide it.
Looks are not everything but they’re something. You need to be attracted to the person you’re with. This doesn’t mean on the level of a model.

Fat people are gross and ugly. They’re unhealthy regardless if they live into their 80s. I can almost guarantee you they will suffer many health issues throughout their life. I work with these people. I see it every day. Obese epidemic is a real thing. The rates of obesity were not this high 30 years ago. So the excuse of this is normal and you should accept it is invalid. Of course there are outliers but the average person will not be fat or obese.

People with obesity are addicted to food and refuse to put in the effort to change their lives. We have it too easy now. Our life styles are really sedentary. Ultra processed foods are cheap and plentiful. They light up our dopamine receptors. Those foods are engineered to be addicting.

Don’t feel bad for not finding fat/obese people unattractive. It’s normal to be repulsed by them. Don’t listen to any fat acceptance shit. Don’t discuss this with women. They’re sensitive about anything to do with looks.

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